- JANUARY 1870
PAGE 458
This Indenture, Witnesseth, That Francis
Redford and Cornelia Redford his wife of Parke County in the State of Indiana,
convey and warrant to George Wilkins of Parke County, in the State of Indiana
for the sum One thousand and three hundred Dollars, the following Real Estate,
in Parke County in the State of Indiana, to-wit: It being 20 50/100 acres (twenty and fifty
one hundredths acres) off of the South end of the West half of the North West
Quarter of section (12) twelve Township 16 North Range 8 West, bounded as
follows, to-wit: Commencing at the South
East corner of said half Quarter, thence North on the East line thereof 31
poles and 21 links, thence West 34 poles and 8 links, thence North 15 poles and
3 links, thence West 47 poles four links to the section line; thence South on
said line 47 poles to the half mile stone; thence East 81 poles and 12 links to
the place of beginning.
In Witness Whereof the said Francis Redford
and Cornelia Redford have hereunto set their hands and seals
this 15th day of January 1870.
The State of
Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public
in and for said County, this 15th day of january 1870
Francis Redford and Cornelia Redford acknowledged the execution of the annexed
Witness my hand and Official seal.
I certify that the deed, of which the above
and foregoing is a true copy was duly stamped as
provided by Act of Congress and recorded on the 20th day of January 1870 at 9
o'clock, A.M.
Shared by Gary Wilkins