Orange County
Will of Jonathan Lindley

Book 1 Page 41 - 46
Dated September 22, 1824
Proved April 22, 1828 

(I read and photographed this will on February 12, 2010.  I obtained an abstract of a section of property mentioned in this will, which contained a transcript of Jonathan Lindley’s Will.  I noted when there were differences in what they thought a word was then what I thought or could plainly see that it was from the original will.  I will mention that, every time the name Lindley, is spelled in this will, it looks like Lindly, with no e, and even in the transcript from the abstract it says Lindly, all other spelling I left as it was in the will -Paula Lindley-Butler)

           In the name of God Amen

I Jonathan Lindley of Orange County and State of Indiana being of sound mind and memory thanks be given to the divine giver of all good and calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men to die

          Do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following to wit

It is my will that I be decently buried in a plain manner and all my just debts be paid by my Executors hereafter named

          Then I will and bequeath unto my beloved wife Martha Lindley the North half of the North West quarter of Section Nineteen in township thirteen North of Range Eight West and the North half of the North East Quarter of Section Twenty four in the same Township and Range Nine West to her heirs and assigns forever and all my household and kitchen furniture my silver watch two horses her choice and two sets of geers

my wagon plows (transcript says planes, but I think it says plows – Paula) and harrow and all my farming tools of Every kind all my stock of cows hogs and sheep and my farme and five hundred dollars in cash all to be at her disposal except one bed and furniture

          It is my will that my Daughter Guli Elma Lindley shall have when she arrives to Lawfull age or marriage which may first happen and farrage and provisions for ____ for that ____

And the plantation wherein I now live and the west half of the South East quarter of Section Eighteen Range One East and town One North and the North half of the North West quarter of Section Seventeen in the same Township and Range and my clock during her natural life and the use of the North West Quarter of Section Eight in Town 1 N R 1 East and my houses & Lots in Paoli numbered Eighty Five and one hundred  and Twelve and the North half of the SE and southwest quarter of thirteen in Town 2 N Range 1 West and East Fraction fourteen containing one hundred acres and Eighty Eight acres of west Fraction Fourteen in the same town and Range until my Daughter Gule Elma arrives to Lawfull age or marriage which may first happen and my Big Bible during life then to Guli Elma Lindley

          Item I will and bequeath unto my son Jonathan Lindley Fraction Three Town One North Range and West containing four hundred and One acres of Land and west Fraction thirty two Five north Range  one West containing Two hundred and fifty seven acres of Land and the said Quarter of Section thirty one in the same town and Range containing one hundred and sixty acres and the north west Quarter of Section Ten in Township four north Range one west containing one hundred and Sixty acres where Simon Rubottom lives to him his heirs and assigns for ever and my clock after my wife’s deceased and one third of Fraction three and thirty four at the mouth Leatherwood containing 566 75/100 to him his heirs and assigns forever

Item I will and bequeath unto my Daughter Catharine McVey the South East quarter of section Six in Town One North Range One East and Fraction Twelve in Town four North Range Two West containing four hundred and Eighty two acres and the N. E. quarter of Section Thirteen in same Town and Range to her heirs and assigns forever and one third part of

Fraction One T.4.NR 2W containing three hundred and fifty nine acres of land forever

Item I will and bequeath unto my son Thomas Lindley the south part of the NE  and NWst Quarter of Section Two in Range one west and town one north containing one hundred and Eighty acres and the South half of the N. Est Quarter of Section Thirteen in Township Thirteen North of Range nine west and the South half of the N. Wst quarter of Seven in Same Town and Range Eight (transcript says Range 2, but I can plainly see the will actually says Eight- Paula) west to him and his heirs and assigns forever

Item I will and bequeath unto my son William Lindley my one half of an undivided claim of Two hundred and twenty eight acres of Land Ole River’ Falls in Fraction Thirty One and Thirty Six in Town twelve north of Range three and four West to him and his heirs and assigns for ever

          Item I will and Bequeath unto my Daughter Sarah Hadley the  North Half of Section nineteen N W quarter of Nineteen Range  Eight West and Township thirteen north and the N half of the N East quarter of Section twenty four in Range nine west and same Township and the north west quarter of Nineteen Town Eighteen North Range nine West and the N Wst Quarter of Twenty Same Town & Range and the N W quarter of Seventeen Township Seventeen North of Range Nine West to her heirs and assigns forever

          Item I will and Bequeath unto my Daughter Deborah Jones the North half of the north East Quarter of thirteen in Township Thirteen North of Range Nine West and the north half of the N. West of Seven in Range Eight (the will plainly says Eight, but transcript says 9 – Paula) west and Same Township to her heirs and assigns forever

          Item I will and bequeath unto my Daughter Hannah Braxtan the North East quarter of Twenty four Town Four North of Range of Range Two west to her heirs and assigns forever  (there is a big space here, and then one word which I can’t read, this is the last word on this page.  The transcript doesn’t note this – Paula)

          Item I will and bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Dixon one third of an undivided Right of Five hundred and Sixty Six acres of Land 75/100 in Fraction Three and thirty four Town 4 & 5 North of Range One west to her heirs and assigns forever

          Item I will and bequeath unto my Daughter Queen Esther Clark one third of an undivided right of Fraction Three and Thirty four Town 4 & 5 North of Range One west containing 566 75/100 to her heirs & assigns forever

          Item I will and bequeath unto my Daughter Ruth Farlow  ( the transcript shows last name as possibly Parlan, but is plainly Farlow in the will – Paula) one third part of an undivided right of Three of Three hundred and fifty nine acres of Land in Fraction one in Township Four North of Range Two west to her heirs and assigns for ever

          Item I will and Bequeath unto my Daughter Elenor Chambers one third part of an undivided right of three hundred and fifty nine acres of Land in Fraction One in Township Four North of Range Two west to her heirs and assigns for ever

          Item I will and Bequeath to my Daughter Guli Elma Lindley the NW quarter of Eight Town one north of Range one East and the north half of the South East and south west quarters of Thirteen Town Two north Range one West East fraction Fourteen supposed to contain one hundred acres of Land be the same more or less and part of the South East corner of the west Fraction fourteen beginning at the South East Corner of a mulberry to run along the boundary line north to ash James Lindley Corner then west as    fare as will make Eighty eight acres of Land   thence South to old line then East to the beginning and my houses(transcript puts any houses here, I think it says my houses – Paula) and Lots in Paoli Number Eighty five and one hundred and Twelve as soon as she arrives to Lawful age or marriage which may first happen and one hundred and forty acres of Land being part of the SE Quarter of Eight Town One north of Range one East and the east half of the South East quarter of Eighteen and the north half of the N.W. Quarter of Seventeen both in the above Town and range after the death of her mother to her heirs and assigns forever

          Item I will and bequeath unto Rebecca Henly Eighty acres of Land Beginning on the South West Corner of West Fraction fourteen Running North William Marises Corner Stake then East for complement then South to old line thus to the beginning to her heirs and assigns forever

          I will and Bequeath unto William and Jonathan Dix the South East quarter of thirty three in Township five north of Range Two West to be Equally divided between both as to Quantity and sail to them their heirs and assigns forever

          Item I will and Bequeath unto my son Zacharias Lindley Five dollars having deeded his proportion to him some time ago

          My will that the remainder of my Estate be sold and my debts collected and Equally divided between my children namely Zacharias Lindley Hannah Braxton Ruth Farlow Thomas Lindley Elenor Chambers William Lindley Deborah Jones Mary Dixon Catherine Mcvey Queen Esther Clark Sarah Hadly Jonathan Lindley and Guli Elma Lindley share and share alike

          It is my will if I should sell or dispose of any of the property herein bequeathed that the person that it is willed to shall the amount of what it sold for and also it is my will that if I should deed any of the property deeded to any of them it shall bear as their claim unto then that it was bequeathed to 

          It is further my will that my Executors hereafter named shall have full power to Execute and make deeds to all person Lawfully claiming them where it appears that they made payment for the same.

          I Ordain my Two Sons Thomas and William Lindley my whole and Sole Executors in the State of Indiana and all this Western country and John Newlin my sole Executor in the State of North Carolina ( in the transcript it adds this line that is not in the will - Paula “his proportion to him some time ago”) to Execute and make deeds for all held by me in that State among to any agreement Entered unto by himself or myself and I further give and bequeath unto each of my Executors Fifty dollars for this Services

          I will one hundred dollars to my sister Deborah Newlin  If should outlive myself

          It is my will that my warring apparel (I could tell it looked like warring, but I couldn’t tell what the second word was, apparel is what they had in the transcript –Paula) be divided between my sons and that my Books be divided between all my children

          I do hereby utterly disallow revoak and disannul all and every other testament wills legatees bequeathed and Executors in any wise by me named ratifying this and no other to be my last will and testament

          In witness where of I have set my hand and seal this twenty second day of the ninth month in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and twenty four in the presents of

Owen Lindley

Thomas Maris                                                         Jonathan Lindley Seal

Tran Maris


The State of Indiana

Orange County

          Be it Remembered that on the 22 day of April in the year 1828 the last Will and Testament of Jonathan Lindley deceased was produced to me Henry ? ? deputy for William ? Clerk of Orange County Circuit Court and ? by the affirmation of Thomas Maris and Tran Maris Two of the subscribing witnesses __________________?

          In Testimony whence of I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day _________?  Henry ? ?

                              William ?

(The last section above was not in the land abstract.  It just stated that it was proven by Thomas Maris and Tran Maris  on Apr 22, 1828 and listed William Lindley, Executors of Jonathan Lindley- Paula)

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