Sandy Hook School 1930
Courtesy of Linda Lockhart

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1st row (left to right): Lawrence "Tuffy" Love, Bobby Lane, Billy Thruston, Bob Schrieber, Howard Giles, Lyle "Jimmy" Dunn, Earl Scott, Harold Lane, Harold Giles, Herbert Babcock, ? Alvey, Ralph Roach, Leonard Alvey, Bill Dunn.
2nd Row (left to right):Mary Lane, Mary Jane Acres, Jack Wells, Lydia Wells, Angie Alvey, Catherine Hickman, Florence Thruston, Evelyn Schrieber, Ruth Lane, Margie Lane.
3rd Row (left to right):Mabel Padgett---Teacher, Lee Wells, Charles Dunn, Sherman Giles, Luther Dunn, Jesse Lane, Helen Giles