Bacon School About 1935
Located in Southeast Township, Section 20 in  the
crossroads named Bacon, near Harned's Chapel.

Courtesy of Bettye Kempel

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Front row l to r: Harold Judd, Leroy Harlow, Bobby Hawkins, Marilyn Lamon, and Eileen Piatt.

Second row: Bettye Mason, Maxine White, Jim Dollar, Doris Free, Bill Harlow, and Kenneth Hawkins.

Third row: Irvin Eickelberger, Billy Condra, Janus Murphy, Lawrence Wible, Donny Condra, and Otis Harlow.

Fourth row: Grace Trinkle, Maudie Harlow, Elzora Piatt, Henry Piatt, Nova Wells, and Wayne Stroud.

Last row: Wilma Judd, Marjorie Dollar, Pauline Pierson, Earlene Redden, Fern Trinkle and Mary White.