Orange County

Paoli Newspaper - 1906

Courtesy of  Judy Graven

William Weeks, who lives about five miles south of Paoli, is probably the oldest native born citizen now living in Orange county. He was born about 2 1/2 miles south of this city, May 31, 1813, was therefore 93 years old last Thursday. The occasion was fittingly celebrated at his home on that by by a large number of his relatives and friends who were present and partook of a bountiful dinner which had been prepared for the occasion. We have reason to know that it was a fine dinner, because of the large supply of most excellent cake which we received at the hands of Joseph Hall, who is one of the guests. "Uncle Billy" as he is familiarly called, has lived in one community all his life and is held in high esteem by all who know him. His health is reasonably good at his time, although he has been quite feeble for the last year or two. His father (Joseph Weeks,Sr) came to this county from Orange county, North Carolina in 1811, and settled on the farm south of Paoli, which for many years has been known as the Jonathan Farlow farm, and here eight children were born to him, "Uncle Billy" being the eldest. Besides himself there are now three of the eight children living. Joseph Weeks aged 78, and Mrs Edith Trimble aged 89, both of whom live in that neighborhood, and Nathan F Weeks aged 87 years, who for many years has lived in Iowa.

"Uncle Billy" now is the head of five living generations, having two great-great-great grandchildren living in Fountain County. He has been married three times and has three sets of children. His last wife died in 1884, since which time he has made his home with his youngest son, County Commissioner, John H Weeks. His brother, Nathan whose home is in Salem,Iowa, came in on a visit last week but did not arrive in time for the celebration. However, the three brothers and sister will have a family reunion at the home of Mrs Trimble next Sunday. This farm was for many years the home of their aged parents and is where the children grew up into manhood and womanhood. Here these old pioneers, whose combined ages make a total of 347 years, will meet their friends, all of whom are cordially invited to be present. Relatives and friends in large numbers will be present and with their well filled baskets will spend the day and enjoy themselves to the fullest extent.

© 2010 by Charlie Tredway