Gentry Brothers Famous Shows

Sometimes running away with the circus isn't all its cracked up to be. Bob Flick gave it a try as we can see from the articles that ran after the circus came to town.

Springs Valley Herald (May 6, 1915)

 Bob Flick, who had been the Herald devil for nearly two years got afflicted by the wander lust last week and left with Gentry's show as a roustabout. Bob had been thinking seriously of joining the Navy, but decided that show life was more attractive and easier to quit in case it got monotonous. He will probably arrive in French Lick before many moons.

Springs Valley Herald (May 20, 1915)

Bob Flick arrived home yesterday evening after a two weeks sojourn with Gentry's show. Bob was with them at Louisville and Indianapolis, where they played a week's stand at either place, but grew tired of the tinsel and gaudy equipage, the white lights, the glamour and especially the long hours of work and the catch-as-catch-can style of sleeping. So when the show got ready to put out of Indianapolis Bob tendered his resignation, thinking to draw his accumulation of salary and return to his mother, but the show people gave him to understand that he had forfeited his wages by having the presumption to ask for it without giving at least two weeks notice. Bob says he thought the position he was filling was not so important as all that, and he had to bid farewell to the ponies, the tented field and brilliant arena, Dr. Dooley, Mr. and Mrs. Snyler and the whole push as well as his two week's accumulation of hard earned salary and pensively return to "Old French Lick". He is open for engagement for the first legitimate job that turns up, but don't care for any more circus