Emma, Springs Valley Herald (January 13, 1921) Death Notice
Emma Leffler, widow of the late Frank Leffler, died at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Radie Grigsby in West Baden last Friday morning (January
7, 1921) and was buried at Mt. Lebanon Saturday afternoon. The funeral
services were held at the Baptist Church in West Baden, She was about
83 years old and had been sick only a short time before her death.
Springs Valley Herald (January 27, 1921) Obituary
Emeline Wininegar was born in Washington, Tenn., Jan. 9, 1839, died
Jan. 7, 1921 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Rae Grigsby of West
Baden, aged 81 years, 11 months and 28 days.
was united in marriage to Franklin Leffler, May 24, 1855 to this union
were born thirteen children, namely: Alonzo, Joseph, John, Jim, Weeks,
Charley, Rettie, Mae Bell, Melissa, Dora, Hettie and Rae.
Her husband
and five children have preceded her in death.
came to Indiana with her parents in the early fifties and settled near
French Lick and spent the greater part of her life within that
At an early
age she
united with the Methodist Church at Mt. Lebanon and remained an honored
christian, a true and worthy member until the summons came from God to
come unto Him. The home in which she has lived for so many years will
miss her, each one of her children, each friend, each neighbor will
miss her in their own way, but let us think of her as being at last
free from the pain and cares of this life, as she lays her hand in that
of her Savior and walks out from among us to join her loved ones who
have been waiting on the other side these many years. Thus she passes
to her grand reward from a beautiful and useful life on this earth to
live a higher and purer life in that land of ever blooming flowers and
sing praises to Him thru out Eternity.
those who are left to mourn their loss, will you not lift up your eyes
to the Lord from whence cometh all help, and ask him to help you say,
"Thy will Lord, not mine, be done."
wish to extend our sincere thanks to all those who assisted us in any
way during the sickness and death of our mother and grandmother, also
to those who sent the beautiful floral offering and to those who gave
the use of their cars. Rae Grigsby and Friends. Submitted by Tom Agan.
Ernest, Springs Valley Herald (January 20, 1921) Death Notice
Wininger was laid to rest at Moores Ridge cemetery Wednesday.Rev. Jake
Walls and Rev. McKinney conducted the funeral services. Thirty-four
soldier boys were present in uniform to take part in the funeral
services. Ernest leaves a mother, three brothers and four sisters and a
host of friends and relatives to mourn his departure, but they do not
mourn as those who have ho hope for Ernest expressed his desire to go
Home to his heavenly Father and he said all is well. (October 27, 1890
- January 10, 1921) Submitted byTom Agan.
Levi, Springs Valley Herald (January 20, 1921) Death Notice
Levi Shively (March 7, 1859 - January 15 1921) departed this life Jan.
15th. He has been a sufferer of cancer for something near two years. He
was laid to rest Monday at Moores Ridge cemetery. Funeral services were
conducted by Rev. McKinney, Jake Walls and Volney Trimble. Mr. Shively
is survived by a wife, a mother, four daughters, one son and a host of
friends. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved family. Submitted byTom
Carrie M. Eastridge, Springs Valley Herald (January 20, 1921) Death
on the night of the 9th of Jan. at her home 2 miles east of Newton
Stewart, Mrs. Omer Osborn, after a lingering illness.She was the
daughter of Extrustee Wm. R. Eastridge. Submitted byTom Agan.
Virginia Ruth, Springs Valley Herald (January 27, 1921) Obituary
Ruth Seals, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seals was born Jan. 11, 1921
, died Jan. 20, 1921, aged 9 days. she was greatly loved by all her
family and we know that Jesus also loved her, and for some reason
unknown to us he has taken her to himself. While our hearts are
breaking, may we look up through our tears and see him "who doeth all
things well", and some day be able to say, "Thy will be done."
She leaves a
father, mother, two sisters and two brothers to mourn her going.
wish to thank the kind friends and relatives for their kindness during
the sickness and death of our darling baby, Virginia Seals. Thanks to
Dr. Hoggart for his kindness also. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seals and
children. Submitted byTom Agan.
Samuel, Springs Valley Herald (January 27, 1921) Death Notice
Sam" Ervin, an old veteran of the Civil War, aged 85 years, died at his
home about a mile west of this city Sunday (January 23, 1921) and was
buried at Mt. Lebanon Monday. He had been feeble all fall and winter,
but had always been a man of remarkable powers of endurance and good
physical health. He had always been a hard worker and in his younger
days cleared many acres of primitive forest in this locality to make
fields and farms. He was a type of first settlers of the country and
lived the simple life up to the time of his death.
Springs Valley Herald (February 10, 1921) Obituary
Ervin was born June 20, 1835 in Martin County. Departed this life at
his home, Jan. 23, 1921. Age 85 years, 7 months and 3 days. He was
married to Nancy Jane Decker in 1856 to this union were born six
children, four boys and two girls. One boy and two girls preceded him
to the spirit world. She [his wife] preceded them to the spirit world
May 4, 1897. He again married to Elizabeth Patton whom is still living.
At the time of his death he said he was right with God and was ready to
go and said there was nothing in his way.
had been in failing health for some time. He leaves a wife, three sons:
John and Sherman of French Lick and Hillard of Colo., sixteen
grandchildren and a host of friends to mourn his departure.
The funeral
services were conducted by Rev. Porter Walls. He was laid to rest in
Mt. Lebanon cemetery. Submitted by Tom Agan.
Earl, Springs Valley Herald (February 3, 1921) Death Notice
of consumption, of the 30th instance (January 30, 1921) at West Baden,
Earl, the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Beatty, after a lingering
illness of one year. The remains were interred at South Liberty on 31st
inst. (Jan.) where the funeral was preached by Elder. Wm. Crowder.
Springs Valley Herald (February 3, 1921) Article
Beatty, son of John Beatty, aged 20 years, who had been in Colorado
quite a while for his health returned about two weeks ago. He took sick
at once and died Sunday morning of Tuberculosis. Burial was at South
Liberty Monday. The funeral procession experienced a great deal of
trouble in getting to the church on account of muddy roads. The hearse
broke down and the tongue broke out of the carriage. Submitted byTom
George Ann, Springs Valley Herald (April 7, 1921) Obituary
Ann was the daughter of Huston and Mary Abel. Was born Oct. 23, 1841.
Departed this life March 27, 1921, age 79 years, 5 months and 3 days.
she was united in marriage to Jacob Link, Sept 6, 1860. To this union
were born three daughters, two having preceded her to the glory land.
She was again
married to John F. Abel. To this union was born one daughter.
She leaves to
mourn two daughters, three sisters, two brothers, 11 grandchildren and
7 great grandchildren.
was a kind and affectionate mother to all. She was converted and
received into the church of Christ at Prospect during the pastorage of
Brother Shively. Aunt Ann was sick but a short time but bore her
suffering patiently, saying she was ready and willing to go any time.
As the sun came up on Easter morning her weary spirit took its flight.
feel that a christ like spirit has been taken from us, and we know that
Christ conquers sickness and death not by banishing them from the earth
but by giving them a meaning which robs the deep valleys and dark
shadows of their fearfulness.
services were conducted by Brother henry Wilson, March 28, 1921 at
Miller cemetery.
desire to thank the many friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted
us in the sickness and death of my dear mother. Mary J. Link. Submitted
byTom Agan.
William Sampson, Springs Valley Herald (April 14, 1921) Article
remains of Sampson Bolling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kerr Bolling, who gave
his life while serving his county at the battle front in France arrived
here Sunday morning (April 10, 1921). The funeral service was conducted
by Rev. John Marshall at the Cane Creek Church, then the soldiers took
charge and he was buried with military honors. The family has our
sympathy in this sad bereavement.
Springs Valley Herald (April 14, 1921) Article
and Mrs. Charley Beatty and Miss Blanche Adams attended the funeral of
Sampson Bolling at Cane Creek Monday. He was brought from overseas. A
large crowd was present to pay the last tribute of respect. The
American Legion had charge of the funeral and buried him with military
[William Sampson Bolling was killed in action - October
17, 1918, in France during WWI. It took 3 years for his body to make
it's way home to Cane Creek] Submitted byTom Agan.
Elwood, Springs Valley Herald (April 14, 1921) Death Notice
Bledsoe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eldo Bledsoe, died at the base hospital at
Quanico, Va. last Saturday (April 9, 1921). The body arrived here
Wednesday and the funeral was held at the Christian Church thursday,
followed by interment at Ames Chapel cemetery. He was buried with
military homors by the American Legion post of this city. He was a
Springs Valley Herald (April 21, 1921) Obituary
Elwood Bledsoe, son of Eldo and Mary F. Bledsoe, was born Sept. 5, 1902
near West Baden, Ind. and departed this life April 9, 1921. Aged 18
years, 7 months and 4 days.
always had a fervent desire to be a soldier and as a boy joined the boy
scouts. During the time of his membership in the Scouts he was always
winning honors and special mention for his service and devotion to his
At an early
age he
made it known that he expected to join the army. His mother explained
to him that he was too young and he waited several months but the call
to his country was so great that he prevailed upon and received consent
of his parents to join the Marines. On July 2nd, 1920 he was sworn into
the service. Unlike many young men he never showed any tendency towards
regrets, but always expressed his pleasure and satisfaction with the
stationed at Paris
island he joined the Christian Church. His letters to his mother were
expressive of his devotion to Christ and his church. They were filled
with inquiries not only of his home and relatives but of his chums as
success as a soldier
was partially due to his being dutiful to the orders of his superiors.
This he found to be easy as his obedience to his home was always forth
He leaves to
mourn his loss
mother, father, 2 grandfathers, 2 grandmothers, 2 brothers and 2
sisters. He also has one sister who preceded him to the world beyond.
He has many other relatives and friends who mourn with us today, the
loss of such an excellent and hopeful life.
May the God
of peace sustain us until we can meet where parting is no more.
Submitted by Tom Agan.
George W., Springs Valley Herald (April 21, 1921) Obituary
W. Pruett, son of William and Nancy E. Pruett, was born in Northwest
Township, March 11th, 1846 and died in French Lick, Indiana April 13th,
1921, age 75 years, 1 month and 2 days. As a boy he worked on his
father's farm and attended school during the school months thereby
acquiring a common school education.
the age of sixteen years he enlisted as a soldier in the Civil War in
defense of his country and served as such until the close of the war.
On his return home he entered high school at Orleans, Indiana, and
after some time there took up teaching which line of work he followed
for some years.
On March
31st, 1870
he was united in marriage to Mildred J. Faucett, daughter of the late
Eli Faucett and to this union were born four children, Wilber Pruett,
Mrs. Harry A. Carnes, Orville Pruett and Harry Pruett - all surviving
their father as is his wife, Mildred J. Pruett.
Pruett became a member of the M. E. Church at an early age and during
the ministry of the Rev. S. W. Shively, who was holding an old
fashioned revival at Bonds Chapel he was born into the kingdom of God,
and for more than a half a century has been a faithful and consistent
member and worker in the church. He served as class leader at Faucett's
Chapel for more than thirty years and during that time filled many
places of duty in church and Sabbath school. He was always ready and
willing to serve his church in any capacity for the betterment of
christian conditions and for the advancement of the cause which he so
much loved.
While serving
his long
term as classleader he was often called upon to visit the various
churches of his locality and conduct the old time class meetings. He
was known as a church worker through out the county and the adjoining
counties, and none who knew him doubted his faith and trust in God or
questioned his loyalty to the cause of Christ.
years ago he moved from his farm in Northwest Township to French Lick
Township where he resided at time of his death. For some years he has
been in failing health, and he who answered the roll call of life and
has been mustered out, and had adjoined the church triumphant and his
name is transferred from the Grand Army of the Republic, and is
recorded with the names of the Heroes, who have gone on before him, and
it Can be said of George W. Pruett, "that a good man has died." Funeral
services were held at the French Lick M. E. Church - conducted by Rev.
Frank Denny of Shoals and the Rev. Doctor Hyde, Pastor in charge at
this place. The burial was at Ames Cemetery.
the death of George W. Pruett, the community has lost a good citizen,
his friends have lost a good faithful man, and his family has lost a
patient and considerate husband and father.
our neighbors and friends who overwhelmed us with kindness and sympathy
during the sickness and death of our dear husband and father. To our
many friends for their deep affection and beautiful floral offerings.
To the ministers for their words of comfort, also W. O. Ritter
& W.
V. Ritter for their very efficient services. We extend our most sincere
gratitude and may the Lord bless you one and all is our prayer. Mrs.
Mildred J. Pruett, Wilber L. Pruett, Mrs. Harry A. Carnes, W. O.
Pruett, G. H. Pruett.
Springs Valley Herald (April 21, 1921)
it has pleased the Almighty to remove from our midst, by death, our
esteemed friend and co-worker, George W. Pruett, who for some time has
been a member of the financial board of French Lick Township,
maintaining under all circumstances a character untarnished and a
reputation above reproach.
resolved, that in the death of Mr. Pruett we have sustained the loss of
a co-worker and a friend whose fellowship it was an honor and a
pleasure to enjoy; that we bear willing testimony of his many virtues,
to his unquestioned character and stainless life; that we offer to his
bereaved family and mourning friends, over whom sorrow has hung her
sable mantle, our heartfelt condolence, and pray that Infinite Goodness
may bring speedy relief to their burdened hearts and inspire them with
the consolation that HOPE in futurity and Faith in God give even light
in the Shadow of the Tomb.
That a copy of those resolutions, be recorded in the Advisory records
of French Lick Township and that one be presented to the family of our
deceased friend, and that one be Published in the Paoli Republican and
one in the Springs Valley Herald. H. C. Burton, Trustee of French Lick
Township, G. G. Campbell, H. Kerby, Sec., members of Advisory Board.
Submitted byTom Agan.
Christopher, Springs Valley Herald (March 3, 1921) Death Notice
Grim Reaper entered the home of Christie Flick and claimed him Saturday
night, Feb. 26th. His last sickness only lasted but a few days. The
remains were laid to rest in the Cane Creek Cemetery Feb. 28th with
Rev. B. F. Nicholson conducting the funeral services. He leaves to
mourn his loss the wife [Sophia Gass], four children [Paul Dale, Noble,
Russel and Cleatus], father and mother [Mr. and Mrs. John F. and Mary
Ellen Mahan Flick], three sisters, one brother, relatives and a number
of friends. They have our deepest sympathy. Submitted byTom Agan.
William, Springs Valley Herald (March 17, 1921) Death Notice
William McIver departed this life last Thursday, March 10th at the age
of 76 years. He was an old civil war veteran and served his country
during the Civil War. Only two of his company are left. He leaves a
wife and twelve children to mourn his loss. [Interment in the Cuzco
cemetery] Submitted byTom Agan.
Amos, Springs Valley Herald (April 21, 1921) Death Notice
Bledsoe, trustee of Columbia Township, Dubois County, died at his home
in Cuzco, Wednesday night of last week (April 13. 1921) after a short
illness of pneumonia. His wife died a year ago in January and the death
of Mr. Bledsoe leaves five children orphaned.
was the brother of John and Eldo Bledsoe of this city, and conducted a
blacksmith shop and repair shop at Cuzco. [Interred in the Cane Creek
Cemetery.] Submitted byTom Agan.
Nancy A., Orleans Progress (January 5, 1899) Obituary
Nancy A. Littell, wife of R. T. Littell, died last Saturday (December
31, 1898) at her home southwest of Orleans of typhoid-pneumonia, after
a short illness, aged 62 years. She leaves three daughters, Miss
Kittie, Mrs. H. E. Oches and Mrs. Ida Goss.
was a member of the Christian church and was greatly esteemed by all
who knew her. The funeral took place Monday morning at the residence
and the remains were interred in the I.O.O.F. cemetery, Rev. Scully and
Denny conducting the services.
Littel buried his mother, aged 91 years, just seven days before his
wife and his son, Charley, last January. The family have the sympathy
of a large circle of friends in their bereavement. Submitted byTom
Sallie, Orleans Progress (January 12, 1899) Obituary
Sallie Pickens, wife of Lewis Pickens, died at her home near Mt.
Pleasant church, on Wednesday of last week (January 4, 1899) and was
buried in the beautiful and well kept cemetery of the church on
Thursday. Mrs. Pickens was highly respected by all who knew her. Her
loss to her husband and children is irreparable. The neighbors and
friends mourn for her, her she was kind and considerate and well
beloved by them. The family and friends have our deepest sympathy.
Submitted byTom Agan.
Jacob H., Orleans Progress (January 19, 1899) Obituary
H. Stephens died very suddenly last Tuesday (January 17, 1899) aged 65
years. He had not been feeling well for several days, but continued at
his work until Monday afternoon, when he was compelled to quit work and
go home. He had symptoms of pneumonia which was followed by hemorrhage.
About Tuesday noon he was seized with a violent coughing spell and
expired in a few moments. Mr. Stephens has been a resident of Orleans
about forty years and was always a well respected, quiet, industrious,
unassuming citizen. He leaves a wife and one daughter who have the
sympathy of the entire community. The interment took place in Green
Hill cemetery yesterday afternoon. Submitted byTom Agan.
Stephen J., Orleans Progress (February 2, 1899) Obituary
J. Glover, after a long and painful illness, died at his home in this
city last night (February 1, 1899) at 10 o'clock of consumption, aged
54 years. The deceased was not only well known all over the county, but
throughout the State. At the age of 17 he entered the service of his
country in the War of the rebellion in the 66th Indiana Volunteers, and
remained until the close of the war. The deceased leaves a sorrowing
wife and four children, besides a host of relatives and friends to
mourn his loss, who have the sympathy of the entire community. The
funeral will be held at the family residence tomorrow at 11:30 o'clock
a.m., conducted by Eld. T. J. Scully and the interment will take place
in the Liberty cemetery at 1 o'clock p.m. Submitted byTom Agan.
John F., Orleans Progress (February 2, 1899) Obituary
F. Moore, died at his home in Conington, Ky., last Saturday (January
29, 1899) of Brights disease, and his remains were brought here
Tuesday. He was 53 years old, and was well and favorably known by many
of our people, having resided in Orleans until about twelve years ago,
when he removed to Covington, where he died. He was a member of Co. G,
24th Indiana Volunteers, having entered the service at 17 years of age.
Funeral services were conducted by Rev. T. J. Scully at the home of his
foster mother, Mrs. John Hardman, Sr., yesterday morning and the
remains were interred in the Liberty cemetery about 12:30 p.m. Besides
the widow he leaves several children to mourn his loss, who have the
sympathy of a large circle of friends in their bereavement. Submitted
byTom Agan.
Thomas, Orleans Progress (February 16, 1899) Obituary
Hunt, one of the most respected and best known citizens of Orange
County, died at his home in Paoli last Thursday (February 9, 1899),
aged 78 years. Mr. Hunt served two terms as County Treasurer from 1859
to 1864, and was elected Representative in the General Assembly. He was
also a member of the Orange County Bar. The funeral took place Friday
afternoon and the interment was in charge of Paoli Lodge, No. 119, F.
& A. M., which Lodge he was a member for thirty-six years.
Quite a
number of our people attended the funeral. Submitted byTom Agan.
Donald, Springs Valley Herald - (July 27, 1944) News Article
Paratrooper is Killed in D-Day Drop
local fatality of D-Day was Donald Wininger, 20, paratrooper, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wininger. Official notification from the War
Department that Pfc. Wininger killed in action June 6 arrived in Paoli
Thursday noon.
PFC Wininger
graduated from Paoli High School in 1942 and entered service the
following fall. For several months he was stationed at Camp Mackall, N.
C., serving as company clerk. His last visit home was in November. He
had been in England for several months and his last message home was
dated June 3rd.
with the
parents are eight brothers and sisters. Darrel of the U. S. Navy,
stationed at Washing, D. C., Pvt. Gene Wininger of the Army Air Force,
Sioux Falls, S. D., Mrs. Chester Harrington, New York, Mrs. Dale
Conrad, French Lick, Mrs. Wilma Harris, Austin, and Francis, Melvin and
Patsy at home. Submitted byTom Agan.
Sarah Wininger, Springs Valley Herald (January 8, 1914) Obituary
Wininger Cassidy, daughter of Peter and Martha Wininger was born in
Crawford County, Indiana, November 23, 1853, departed this life
December 22, 1913. Age 60 years and 29 days.
united with the M. E. Church at Bethel, Dubois County, Indiana at the
age of sixteen years. She was married to Isaiah Cassidy, march 14,
1881, in Orange County, to this union were born ten children, seven
girls and three boys of with which three of these, one girl and two
boys have preceded her to the spirit world. Ths she leaves a husband,
seven children, mother, one sister and three brothers, besides a host
of relatives and friends to mourn her untimely death.
Springs Valley Herald (January 1, 1914)
wish to take this method of thanking the many neighbors and friends for
their kindness and sympathy shown during our sad bereavement in the
death of our wife and mother, Mrs. Sarah F. Cassidy, and especially the
Odd Fellows and Rebekah Lodges and Mrs. Lizzie Pitcher, Mrs. Bessie
Case and Miss Myrtle Denny for the Floral tributes given, also Rev.
Toole for his services at the funeral. Isaiah Cassidy and Children.
Submitted byTom Agan.
Jesse E., Springs Valley Herald (January 29, 1914) Obituary
Jesse E.
Crecelius was born Nov. 28, 1818, died Jan. 24, 1914, aged 95 years, 1
month and 26 days.
was married three times and to these unions nine children were born,
four of whom survive him. They are: Thomas S. Crecelius, French Lick,
Mrs. George Gilliett and Mrs. Will Woods of Washington, Ind. and
Philipp C. Crecelius of French Lick, Ind.
was united with the Methodist Church at the age of 21 and lived a
devout christian until death. He was patient and loving all through his
last days and while on his bed of sickness continually thanked the Lord
that he had been spared to serve his Master so long. The Family.
Springs Valley Herald (January 29, 1914) News Article (Reprinted from
the Louisville Courier Journal)
E. Crecelius, 96 years old, a member of the Indiana Legislature in the
40s, and an uncle of C. F. Crecelius, Kentucky's Secretary of State,
died at his home in French Lick, Ind., yesterday afternoon, according
to a message received in Louisville last night by another nephew, J. T.
Crecelius, of 923 South First Street.
of age caused his death, He became seriously ill several weeks ago and
was confined to his room, although prior to that time enjoying health.
The body was take to Eckerty, in Crawford County, Ind., where he spent
his youth and the greater portion of his life. Funeral services will be
held there this morning.
Crecelius was born in Crawford County and began the practice of Law at
an early age. He did not participate in the Civil War. Crawford county
boasted of sending more Federal volunteers per capita than any other
county in the State, and he was forced to remain in charge of the
county's business. He retired from the bar about fifteen years later
and removed with his family to French Lick.
was married twice. His wife died thirty years ago. He is survived by
his second wife, who formerly was Miss Ella Cummins, and five sons and
Springs Valley Herald (February 5, 1914) Second Obituary
E. Crecelius was born in Harrison County, Ind., Nov. 28, 1818, died in
French Lick, Ind., Jan. 24, 1914. Aged 95 years, 1 month and 27 days.
At the age of 22 he was married to Minerva C. Golden and settled on the
farm near Eckerty, Ind., where he lived till Dec. 1911, when he moved
with his family to French Lick. To this union were born seven children.
His wife and all of these have preceded him to the better land, except
Thomas S. Crecelius of French Lick. He was married the second time to
Rosanah Crooks, to this union were born two girls, Mrs. George Gilliatt
and Mrs. Will Wood, both of Washington, Ind. This wife died in 1187 and
in 1889 he was again married to Miss Ella Cummingham of English, Ind,.
to this union was born Phillip Crecelius, who lives with his mother at
French Lick. He was converted and joined the M. E. Church at the age of
21 and lived in the hope of eternal glory. He was noted all his life
for his benevolence and kindness. No unfortunate one was ever turned
from his door hungry. He was a kind husband and a loving father. The
high esteem in which he was held was shown by the large crowd gathered
at Eckerty to pay the last respect, where the funeral was preached by
Rev. Holmes of the M. E. Church at that place on Sunday, Jan. 25, and
he was laid to rest in the Eckerty cemetery. The Family. Submitted
byTom Agan.
Elizabeth, Springs Valley Herald (February 5, 1914) Obituary
Elizabeth Gillum, born 1848, died Jan. 28th, 1914. She leaves to mourn
her loss four children, three daughters and one son.
there were nine children, seven daughters and two sons. Her greatest
quality was that she was a mother to all and very well loved.
relatives express appreciation for the floral tributes, and the
sympathy given during this time of sorrow. The interment was at Ames
Cemetery. Submitted byTom Agan.
Naaman, Springs Valley Herald (February 5, 1914) Death Notice
Burt, the 13 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joab Burt died Tuesday of
last week and was buried at Mt. Lebanon, Thurday. This makes the second
death in the family of typhoid fever this winter. Another son, Bryan is
recovering slowly from the disease and is with his uncle, Sylvester
Mickler at this place. Mrs., the first member of the family to be
stricken is able to be up, but is not yet fully recovered. The family
has had a terrible experience with the dread disease and deserves the
sympathy and help of all. Submitted byTom Agan.
Harriet A., Springs Valley Herald (February 5, 1914) Death Notice
A. Pinnick, widow of John W. Pinnick died at her home south of town,
Wednesday morning. She is the mother of Sherman Pinnick of Bloomington
and Rec. Chas. Pinnick of Scottsburg who were both at her bedside when
the end came.
Springs Valley Herald (February 19, 1914) Obituary
A. Pinnick was born in Elizabeth Tower, Hardin County, Kentucky, July
2nd, 1831 and departed this life February 3rd, 1914. Age 82 years, 7
months and 1 day. Her parents were Seftimus and Lucy Tomlinson. She was
the oldest of a large family of which all have preceded her but two
namely; Minerva Pinnick near West Baden, and Alfred Tomlinson of
Orleans, Ind.
Her parents
moved from
their Kentucky home to New Albany, Ind., and from thence to Orange
County near the springs, while the subject of this writing was about 14
years of age. At an early age she was united in marriage to the late
John W. Pinnick, who was born in Warrick County, Indiana. To this union
eleven children were born, namely: Sarah E., Martha A., Charles H.,
Leroy A., William H., John T., Sherman S., Sheridan P., Grant S.,
Raymond T. and Porter A. Three of the children, William, John and Grant
having pasted away young and Raymond, who died recently at middle age,
and those who survived all are living near the Springs except Martha,
Sherman and Charles, who reside at Bloomington and Scottsburg, Indiana,
It is
befitting here
to say that the parents, John W. and Harriet A. Pinnick began life with
very little earthly goods, but had good health and willing hands, and
this set about life's struggles with the firm purpose of getting a
support for themselves and their children. After a few years of
marriage they together with the husband's father, Elijah, and Arthur
Atkinson and several other relative families got their wagons ready and
began the long and dangerous march through the new country and bad
roads and all of the Indian nations in their then wild state of society
to the state of Texas, just prior to the Civil War. But returning
shortly they settled in Martin County, Indiana.
mother took the wool that came from the sheep's back and spun, wove and
made it into clothing for the children putting in all of the day hours
closely and then at night sitting before the old chimney and knitting
faithfully until a late hour. Yet with all of the arduous labors she
would not neglect her house to set it in order. Old Mrs. Benjamin
Newlin having visited the home often could never find the house unkept.
However one morning she had it seems urgent business and came very
early and thinking as she came, that this time she might get in at
rather an unwelcome hour, but when she reached the door she found the
house set in order and the children washed and ready for the day. Well
she says, "I thought I would find the house and children unkept today,
but I see you are always on time with your work."
A. and John W. Pinnick united with the Methodist church in their early
married life, and strove all through the trying scenes of their lives
to be found faithful and steadfast, and on the right side of all
questions that came up for settlement, and to stand on Gods's sure
promises, as they saw them. Harriet A. Pinnick's funeral was preached
by Revs. Toole and Minter at Mt. Lebanon. Her remains being laid to
rest at that place.
She leaves
daughters and five sons together with relatives and friends to mourn
her departure. It is befitting here to state that Seftimus Tomlinson,
her father was born in Kentucky and being left an orphan quite young, a
neighbor and friend, Samuel Boone, a brother to Daniel Boone was moved
with compassion toward him and took him in his home and raised him to
manhood. The Remaining Family. Submitted byTom Agan.
Nancy J. Burton, Springs Valley Herald (February 12, 1914) Obituary
J. Burton, daughter of Younger Burton of Dubois Co. was born Sept. 16,
1839. Died at French Lick, Ind., Jan. 12, 1914. Age 74 years, 3 months
and 26 days. She was married Jan. 1, 1860, to William McCracken who had
one son, James E., by former marriage.
To this union
were born two children, Mary E. and Thomas E., who are left to mourn
the loss of a good mother.
loving husband died 40 years ago leaving her to struggle with the cares
of home and children. She lived in the same house for 54 years and was
very devoted to her old home and children, leaving to them an example
of virtue, faith and honor. She united with the Missionary Baptist
church at Spice Valley, Lawrence Co., Ind., when 16 years of age and
lived a quiet Christian life firmly believing in the old time religion
and is spiritual hymns. She was very patient and cheerful during her
last illness, when she realized the end was near, was perfectly
resigned to the will of God.
The funeral
services were held at Abydel, conducted by Rev. R. H. Toole of the M.
E. Church. Submitted by Tom Agan.
John Hamilton, Springs Valley Herald (February 12, 1914) Obituary
Hamilton Pinnick was born March 12th, 1838, and died February 6th,
1914, aged 75 years, 10 months and 26 days. He was married to Nervy
Woods in 1866. To this union were born 6 children, 4 having preceded
him and the two living being Mrs. W. M. Watts of West Baden and Mr.
Volney Harrison of Ohio.
His first
wife having died he was married again to Miss Mary Purkiser in 1879. To
this union were born 8 children. Two have preceded him and those living
being, Edward, Lee Roy and James Franklin, of West Baden, Charles Dover
Pinnick of California, Mrs. L. E. McCracken of Prospect, and Mrs. E. L.
Hobson of French Lick.
His last days
were days of very little suffering. He departed this life without a
struggle. His last words were, "I can see the ship, it has come to take
me home."
He leaves to
mourn his loss 5 sons, 3 daughters and a host of relatives and friends.
The services
were conducted at Highland Chapel by Pastor T. J. Carr, of French Lick.
take this means of thanking the good neighbors and friends for their
kindness shown us in the sickness and loss of our husbnad and father,
John H. Pinnick, and Rev. Carr for his words of comfort. The Family.
Submitted byTom Agan.
Jesse, Springs Valley Herald (February 19, 1914) Death Notice
Enlow died at his home Friday evening at 3 o'clock, after a long
illness of tuberculosis. Age 48 years. A few days before he died, he
called in some of his friends to pray for him. He then told them he was
ready for the Master to summons him home. The body was laid to rest
Sunday morning in the Sulpher Creek cemetery. Submitted byTom Agan.
Raymond T., Springs Valley Herald (February 19, 1914) Obituary
T. Pinnick, who lived a single life, was born September 1st, 1871. Died
September 14, 1913. Age 42 years and 13 days. The most marked and
prominent characteristic feature of his life, from his early life unto
his parting days was that he loved peace. He abhorred boisterous or
troublesome conditions, as such to be encountered with. He did not seek
notoriety but moved in the plain and unassuming way. Did not seek to
oppose any one in their pursuits of happiness in life. In his father's
declining years he was always very attentive to his needs in whatever
way he could render assistance. Then after his father's decease, he
seemed to realize that the responsibility rested still more heavily
upon him, then he assumed the entire management of the home. then in a
very marked and careful manner did he watch over his mother, who was
and is yet very feeble. And to this duty he proved himself to be
unflinching and steadfast, as all who know the surroundings can fully
attest. He bore his last sickness with exceeding patience and quietude
sufferings except when questioned by the attendants.
while never having united with any church by often contributed to the
support of the home church to which his mother is affiliated with. And
his mother states that for some days past he seemed to be changed and
resigned to the will of the Lord. He leaves his aged mother of
eighty-two years, and two sisters, Sarah and Martha, and five brothers,
Charles, Leroy, Sherman, Sheridan and Porter, together with neighbors
and acquaintances and others to mourn his loss. Submitted byTom Agan.
Flora Belle Witsman, Springs Valley Herald (March 5, 1914) News Article
gloom of sadness was thrown over our entire little city last week when
it was reported that Mrs. Clarence Ellis, was given up to die by
several of the skilled physicians of the Valley. Later when it was
announced that she was dead the new produced a shock although the
public was prepared to receive it.
Friday, February 20, Mrs. Ellis gave birth to a son. Mother and child
both seemed to be getting along nicely for a day or so when Mrs. Ellis
was stricken with fever and sank rapidly. She hovered between life and
death for two or three days and just before going to press last
Thursday we received the news that she had passed away.
funeral services were held Sunday at 12:30 at the M. E. Church here and
the large church could not contain the crowd which attended. The
services were conducted by Rev. J. M. Walker, Dist. Superintendent, and
her pastor Rev. R. H. Toole, of the city. At 2:00 p.m. the funeral
cortege moved to the Monon depot where a special train was waiting to
convey them to the cemetery at Abydel.
floral tributes were numerous and very beautiful. The many lodges and
societies of which she was a valued member sent their floral tributes
of love and respect.
In her death
the community looses one of its most valued members and she will be
sadly missed in church and fraternal circles.
The Herald
joins a host of other friends in extending our sympathy to the bereaved
family and relatives in their loss.
Springs Valley Herald (March 5, 1914) Obituary
Belle Witsman Ellis, daughter of S. W. and M. C. Witsman was born Dec.
20th, 1881 at Prospect, and departed this life Feb. 26th, 1914, at
French Lick, Ind., aged 32 years, 2 months and 6 days.
was united in marriage to W. C. Ellis, Sept. 20th, 1905. To this union
were born two children, Farwell Kisling, aged three and one half years
and the infant son, William Clarence Witsman.
She leaves to
mourn her loss, the husband, two sons, a father, mother, a sister,
Lenora, and a host of relatives and friends.
funeral of the departed was held at the Methodist church march 1st,
1914. The service was exceptionally impressive. The sermon was preached
by Rev. J. M. Walker, district Superintendent, assisted by Rev. R. H.
Toole, the resident pastor and local pastors were also present.
casket was profusely covered with flowers the tributes of relatives and
friends and fraternal organizations. The interment was at Ames
cemetery, where a large crowd witnessed the burial.
family desire to express their heartiest appreciation to all the
relatives and friends who so beautifully expressed their sympathy, both
by their assistance, and floral tributes during this time of sad
bereavement. W. C. Ellis, Lenora Schumacher, Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Ellis,
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gass. Submitted byTom
Emma Gromer, Springs Valley Herald (March 5, 1914) Obituary
Emma Gromer, daughter of Henry G. and MAry Gromer, was born Feb 14,
1867, and departed this life Feb. 25, 1914, aged 52 years and 11 days.
She was married to Theodore Wood, march 25, 1882. Her husband departed
this life Nov. 9, 1889. She remained a widow ever since and tried to
raise the four children right all of whom are living.
united with the Christian church when young and lived this life the
best she could. She leaves two sisters and four brothers, and a host of
friends to mourn their loss. The remains were laid to rest in Mt.
Lebanon cemetery.
A Mother!
winderful being is mother? Others can love you, but only a mother can
understand you. She works for you, looks after you and the only sad
thing she ever does is die and leaves you. The Children. Submitted
byTom Agan.
Lavica Abel, Springs Valley Herald (March 12, 1914) Obituary
Lavica Abel
McDonald was born Jan. 14th, 1840, and departed this life March 8th,
1914, aged 74 years, 1 month and 24 days.
was united in marriage to Abner McDonald, March 3rd, 1860 and to this
union were born 10 children, viz: Mary Barbara, David Jones, Rebecca
Jane, Eli Francis, Andrew Johnson, Kinzie Theophilus, James Huston,
William Alonzo, Susie Caroline and Nora Alice.
husband and three children preceded her by death, and she now leaves to
mourn her loss seven children, and many relatives and friends.
She united
with the Christian church at New Prospect about the age of twenty, and
ever since did good service for her Master.
suffered much during her long illness, but patiently awaited the call
from above, where all tears are wiped away and sorrow is unknown.
Submitted byTom Agan.
Gus, Springs Valley Herald (March 19, 1914) Death Notice
Jones, a prominent farmer, of near Abydel died Saturday morning of last
week at his home of pneumonia. Mr. Jones was sick only a few days and
was in this city only about a week previous to his death. He was about
59 years old and owned a fine farm and had a beautiful home in sight of
Ames Chapel and the cemetery where he was laid to rest Sunday
afternoon. the church could not contain half the people who attended
the funeral to show their respect to this splendid character. He was
not affiliated with any lodge or church, but was converted some years
ago and lived an exemplary life. Submitted byTom Agan.
James Marvin, Springs Valley Herald (April 9, 1914) Obituary
M. Ellis was born in Dubois County on the 30th day of June, 1842 and
departed this life in Lynn Haven, Florida on the 29th day of March,
1914, at the age of 71 years, 8 months and 29 days. He received his
education in the common schools of his native county, but before that
was finished, and when he was 18 years old, he heard the call to arms
in the defense of the union and volunteered in 1861, joining the 49th
Indiana regiment and remained in that regiment to the end of the war in
From the
effects of these four years of army life he was never able fully to
on his veteran furlough home in 1864 he married Mary A. Beaty and to
them were born four sons and three daughters, these daughters have
preceded him to the spirit land. the four sons are Ulysses M., and
Elsworth E. of Cuzco, Ind., Thomas G. and Joseph A. Ellis of Paoli,
Ind. These, with his ever faithful companion for almost 50 years, with
a host of relatives, neighbors and friends remain to mourn their loss.
joined the Methodist Episcopal church when but a boy and was converted
in 1868, and remained a faithful member to the end of his life.

desire to express our sincere thanks to our friends and neighbors for
their kindness and sympathy shown us in our sad bereavement, the loss
of husband and father. We wish especially to thank Mr. A. L. Baxter.
Mrs. James Ellis and Children.
Notice -
funeral services of James Ellis, who died in Florida last week were
held at the M. E. Church here last Saturday at 11:00 o'clock followed
by interment at Ames Chapel in the afternoon. The remains arrived here
Thursday evening. Submitted byTom Agan.
William Alonzo, Springs Valley Herald (April 9, 1914) Obituary
Alonzo McDonald was born May 4th, 1876. He departed his life April 5,
1914, aged 37 years, 11 months and 1 day. He was united in marriage to
Effie Tolbert, July 30, 1896. To this union was born one son, Paul
Tolbert. The wife and son preceded the deceased by death.
He was buried
at Miller cemetery. Submitted by Tom Agan.
Hazel, Springs Valley Herald (April 16, 1914) Obituary
Thursday morning, April 2, 1914 at 12:05 o'clock, the Death Angel
called away little Hazel, the youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. John W.
Harmon, aged 2 years and 19 days.
was such a bright and livable child and because of her pretty little
ways, she was loved by all who knew her. Her presence will be greatly
missed in the home circle where her sweet little voice is now forever
stilled. But God's will be done. this dear little one has gone to be
with the angels, for Christ has fitly said, "Suffer little Children to
come unto me, for of such is the Kingdom of God."
funeral services were held at Ames Chapel, conducted by Rev. George
Atkins, and the little body of Hazel was laid to rest in the Ames
cemetery, where it will await the great Resurrection Day. Mr. and Mrs.
John Harmon.
desire to thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness and
sympathy during the sickness and death of our beloved baby, Hazel. We
thank the friends for their floral offering also. John Harmon and wife.
Submitted byTom Agan.