Orange County Obituaries


FARRELL, Cynthia, Springs Valley Herald (January 3, 1918) Obituary
Cynthia Ann Farrell, daughter of Andrew J. and Rebecca Abel was born June 1, 1850, died December 21, 1917, age 67 years, 6 months and 20 days.
On March 3rd, 1877 she was married to John Farrell; to this union was born one child, Susie A. now the wife of George Gerkin of West Baden, Ind. She leaves also three grandchildren, Helen, Vivian and George Harold Gerkin, and the following brothers and sisters: John, George, Taylor and Frank Abel, Mrs. Francis McCracken and Mrs. Jasper Mahan.
Mrs. Farrell united with the Church of Christ at Prospect in 1905, bringing her membership from a like organization at Miller School house. In April 1911, under Rev. Breeden's pastorate she united with the West Baden M. E. church in order to have her church home with that of her child.
Mrs. Farrell represented the mother-type of womanhood. She delighted to help everybody. Was interested in community life, social and religious. Her home was ever with the daughter and grandchildren were he special joy, and their varied interests were hers also.
Upon the day of her death she had set aside other duties to give the time to preparation of the children for the school entertainment of the evening and was just leaving the house with them, when came the summons to the Heavenly home, and she went to be with Christ.
She was a lovable woman whom it was a delight to know, and she liked to talk of Heaven and its relatives. During a recent visit with father and mother Gerkin, she expressed an assurance of salvation, saying "I know I an at peace with my Lord."
After all this is the key to the life we loved. The Christ within shone out, though hearts are saddened, it is but the yearning of the child heart in us all for the touch of the mother hand and she had but gone on the beautiful close of a beautiful life, sound , serene, womanly and sweet, ripen into the fullness of the sheaf fruitage all about her manifest.
Not dead, but gone on a while; as from one room into another. Death closes the door of vision, but upon the other side she awaits our coming.
Funeral services were held at Ames Chapel, Dec. 23, conducted by Rev. A. Jean, pastor of M. E. Church and Rev. G. W. Eadie.


To all who during our sad accident and death of our mother and grandmother proved such true friends by words of sympathy and deeds of kindness, the singers who furnished the music and all who contributed flowers. We extend our sincere thanks. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Gerkin and Children. Submitted by Tom Agan.

EASTRIDGE, Amanda, Springs Valley Herald (January 3, 1918) Death Notice
With sadness we chronicle the death of Mrs. W. R. Eastridge of Newton Stewart. She and her husband took their beds from an attack of pneumonia the same say, and it was thought that he was the more dangerous of the two, till a short time before her death, which occurred last Saturday morning. The interment took place last Monday. Mr. Eastridge remains seriously ill and fears are entertained that his case may prove fatal. Submitted byTom Agan.

WOODS, May, Springs Valley Herald (February 7, 1918) Obituary
The body of May Woods as she was known here, was shipped here from Chicago Friday where she had been murdered on the street, some days ago. It is said that she was waiting tables in a restaurant and it was after she had finished her work and left the restaurant that she was killed by being struck on the back of the head by some heavy instrument. The remains were interred at Mt. Lebanon cemetery Saturday. Submitted byTom Agan.

BEATTY, August, Springs Valley Herald (February 7, 1918) Death Notice
August Beatty (commonly called Gus or Happy around town) died at his room in the Indiana Hotel last Friday morning. He had been hurt in an explosion in an ammunition factory in Michigan according to his statement, but his mind seemed to be so badly unbalanced that no one knows what had happened to him. He was a son of George Beatty and was about twenty-three years old. Interment at Mt. Lebanon cemetery Saturday. Submitted byTom Agan.

RUSSELL, William Henry, Springs Valley Herald (February 28, 1918) Obituary
Henry Russell, and old resident of this vicinity died at his home at Greenwood, a suburb of Indianapolis, Monday and the body was shipped here for burial at the Old Baptist cemetery east of this place. He founded the suburb of West Baden known as Russellville and was engaged in hotel business for many years. He moved to Indianapolis several years ago where he operated a restaurant business.

Springs Valley Herald (March 7, 1918) Obituary
William Henry Russell was born in Hardin County, Ky., July 3, 1842 and departed this life at his home in Greenwood, Ind., Feb.25, 1918. Age 76 years, 7 months and 22 days. He was the second son of ten children corn to Reuben and Nancy Russell. His parents, three brothers and three sisters have preceded him, leaving one brother and two sisters to mourn the loss of a loving brother. They are namely Elias Russell, of Elizabethtown, Ky., Mrs. Martha Preston and Mrs. Nancy Meadows, of Custer, Ky. He was married to Miss Sarah Lambden, Nov. 30, 1863. To them were born two daughters, Mrs. Alice Russell of Greenwood, Ind., and Mrs. Anna Wilson of Indianapolis. He was bereft of his companion early in life, she having been called away Jan. 8, 1879, leaving him the care of the two small daughters, of which mission as a father he faithfully fulfilled. Uncle Henry as he was familiarly known in his home town will be greatly missed by those who knew him. He was an honest upright citizen, loved and respected by all. He will be sadly missed in the home, as he was ever thoughtful of those around him. He leaves the two daughters and a host of friends to mourn their loss.


We wish to thank the people of West Baden for their kindness and sympathy shown us in our recent sad bereavement. Especially do we thank Mrs. Doyle and the Rev. Team. Miss Alice Russell, Mrs. Anna Wilson. Submitted byTom Agan.

DENBO, Roy Russell, Springs Valley Herald (February 28, 1918) Obituary
Roy Russell Denbo departed this life February 8, 1918. He was 18 years of age. He was a dutiful son, a loving brother and a faithful companion. During his long affliction, he bore his suffering and murmured not. He honored his parents, was kind to his brothers and sisters and loved his neighbors.
He leave a father, a mother, six brothers: Orris, Orville, Jesse, James, Joe and Paul; also three sisters, Hazel, Marie and Ruth and a host of friends and relatives to mourn his decease. Hallie, a sister, preceded him to the bright beyond more than two years ago. The family wishes to extend thanks to the host of friends who gave untiring assistance through the long suffering of their beloved son and brother. We thank the young men who so faithfully visited our home regardless of the inclemency of the weather.


We thank Dr. Gobble for medical aid skillfully rendered, also we thank those ladies of French Lick and West Baden for beautiful floral offerings. To Elder C. E. Cogswell, we wish to tender our sincerest gratitude for the many words of consolation in his funeral discourse. Also Bros. Wm. A. Crowder and John Carroll for their kindly assistance. Charles H. Denbo and Family.

Springs Valley Herald (February 28, 1918) Newton Stewart
Roy Denbo, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Denbo died suddenly Feb. 8, 1918, after vacillating between life and death for more than 70 days. The funeral discourse was preached by Elder C. E. Cogswell of Paoli, on Sunday 10 inst. at Newton Stewart, after which the remains were laid to rest at Fair View cemetery. Submitted byTom Agan.

PIERCE, Nancy Ann, Springs Valley Herald (February 28, 1918) Death Notice
Mrs. Napoleon Pierce died early Wednesday morning at her home near West Baden. She was past 72 years of age. Her husband preceded her several years ago. Interment at Ames Chapel today.


We desire to sincerely than those friends who so kindly assisted us during the illness and death of our mother, Mrs. N. B. Pierce. Also for th beautiful floral tributes. May God in his own good way be gracious to you all. The Children. Submitted byTom Agan.

BYERS, John W. Sr., Springs Valley Herald (February 28, 1918) Death Notice
Having passed his 83 mile stone in life, John W. Byers, Sr. died February 13, 1918, after an illness of a few days of apoplexy. In accordance with his previous request W. L. Condra was called to conduct funeral services at the home, after which the remains were laid to rest in the cemetery at Elon, Feb. 15. Mr. Byers was a peaceable, industrious citizen and a Mason in good standing. Submitted byTom Agan.

PARKS, Sarah, Springs Valley Herald (February 28, 1918) Death Notice
Mrs. William Parks, one of the most highly respected christian ladies of her community, past the ordeal of death on Tuesday Feb. 19, 1918. She had been a patient sufferer of a complication of diseases a long while, and had given up the desire to regain health, but expressed her hopes of redemption of her should, and gladly awaited the transition from death into life. Wm. A. Crowder conducted the burial services at the residence on the 21 inst., after which the mortal remains were returned to earth, at the Panther Creek cemetery, where floral offerings indicated the high esteem in which Sister Parks was held by her numerous friends and relatives. She was a beloved member of the Church of Christ. Submitted byTom Agan.

CROWDER, Lydia, Springs Valley Herald (March 28, 1918) Death Notice
Mrs. Lydia Crowder departed this life about five o'clock a.m. Friday morning.
Mrs. Crowder went to church Thursday night and was very cheerful and happy, but on the following morning the Death Angel made its call. Mrs. Crowder was a kind and loving companion and mother. She was loved by all who knew her. She leaves to mourn her death a husband, eight children, an aged father, three sisters, three brothers and a host of relatives and friends. Eight children preceded her to the Glory Land. Funeral services were conducted at Mt.Lebanon Saturday at 11 a.m. by Rev. Flanigan where the body was peacefully laid to rest in the Mt. Lebanon cemetery. Submitted byTom Agan.

ANDERSON, Aaron R., Springs Valley Herald (April 18, 1918) Obituary
A. R. Anderson was born September 4, 1847. He has been in failing health for the last year, with no special disease, just a wearing out of the general system and at midnight April 9, 1918 he passed from this life to the great beyond at the beautiful ripe old age of 70 years, 7 months and 5 days. He passed out quietly and peacefully and conscious to the end.
He was a veteran of the Civil War and enlisted in Company G, 24th Infantry Volunteers. He served about three years in loyal defense of the flag he loved so well. He received an honorable discharge at the end of the was and returned home and soon after was united in marriage to Miss Lucinda Clark, to this union was born six children all of whom are living. The wife of his youth passed away some years ago and he was again united in marriage to Mrs. Amelia Tucker, she with the children survive him. He was much devoted to home life, and also took an active part in business and stood for anything pertaining to good citizenship.
He had long been a member of the Methodist Church and was a member of the Basil B, Decker Post No. 334 of West Baden.
He was unusually patient during his last days, and all that human hands could do was done for him. God had called, his life's work here was over, and he passed peacefully away.
He would say to the dear ones to look up to Jesus for he doeth all things well. He has said, "Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God also believe in me. In my father's house are many mansions; if it were not so I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also."


We desire to extend our heartfelt thanks to our friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy in the loss of our Dear Father, and to Rev. Holmes for his consoling words of sympathy. His Children. Submitted byTom Agan.

JONES, Annie, Springs Valley Herald (April 18, 1918) Death Notice
Annie Jones died at her home near Valeene Monday and was buried there Tuesday. She left an infant baby a week old, she will be remembered as Annie Walls, who formally resided near home. Submitted byTom Agan.

DEICH, Matilda Corbett, Springs Valley Herald (May 9, 1918) Obituary
Matilda, the third daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Smith was born June 4, 1840 in Scott County and died April 30, 1918 at French Lick, Indiana at the age of 77 years, 7 months and 26 days.
In 1857 she was united in marriage to Jacob Corbett, to this union was born eight children, four of whom with their father have preceded her in death. She was again married in 1892 to Valentine Deich. In a few short years after this marriage death also deprived her of this husband.
In 1853 she joined the Methodist church and has been a faithful follower until her death. She was an obedient child and a kind a loving mother who was always near in time of trouble. In her long illness she was a patient sufferer, always praying to and trusting in the Lord. She will be sadly missed by all her relatives and friends.
she leaves to mourn their loss one daughter, Mrs. Rose Jones, and three sons, Joe, John and Riley Corbett, and one sister, Mrs. Riley Underwood of Cadams, Nebr., and a number of other relatives and friends. Submitted byTom Agan.

MATHERSON, Caroline, Springs Valley Herald (May 9, 1918) Death Notice
Grandma Matherson died Saturday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. L. Purkhiser. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Authur Jean and interment at Bethel cemetery. Submitted byTom Agan.

NEWTON, Sarah Ellen, Springs Valley Herald (May 16, 1918) Death Notice
Mrs. George Newton, of near this city, was found dead at the spring this morning where she had gone for a bucket of water. She has been subject to heart trouble for some time and this is attributed to have been the cause of death. Submitted byTom Agan.

HAWKINS, Philip, Springs Valley Herald (May 16, 1918) Death Notice
Philip Hawkins, aged 93 years, was killed by the Monon freight going out of here at about noon Tuesday at the crossing near the Colonial Hotel, West Baden.
Mr. Hawkins, who has been making his home with his son, John Hawkins at West Baden for some time, had been over to the West Baden Springs park where he spent much of his time and had started home to dinner when strick by the out-going local freight. The train crew knew of nothing of the occurrence as it occurred on the fireman's side of the engine and he was no doubt busy shoveling coal at the time and Mr. Hawkins was not found for nearly an hour after. He was still living, but died shortly after being taken up town to his son's residence. He had been struck on the head and one of his arms was badly crushed and his side bruised. No one saw the accident, but Mr. Waddy, a colored man who runs the Waddy Hotel near where the accident occurred, says he saw a man walking toward the crossing as the train was approaching, but did not see it hit him. He later noticed something lying by the track which he thought was a man's coat, but supposed it was a coat of some workman. Later a couple of horseback riders came along and gave the alarm.
Mr. Hawkins had formerly been a prominent farmer citizen of Martin County and was remarkably spry for his age and barring accident would no doubt have rounded out his hundred years as he had perfect use of all his faculties. He was a bright intelligent man and highly esteemed by all who knew him and his host of friends will be sad to learn of his tragic death. Submitted byTom Agan.

THOMPSON, Hovey, Springs Valley Herald (June 6, 1918) Obituary
Hovey Thompson was born September 4, 1888 and died in a sanitarium at Indianapolis of tuberculosis, May 26th, 1918. The remains were shipped here and interred in the Cane Creek cemetery Wed. May 29th. He leaves to mourn his departure a wife, one daughter, a mother, four sisters, two brothers and other relatives and friends. Submitted byTom Agan.

GRIGSBY, Peter Lowe, Springs Valley Herald (June 13, 1918) Obituary
Peter Lowe Grigsby was born on the farm at Grigsbys Mill near West Baden, Ind. August 22, 1880. Died in Asheville, N. C. June 5, 1918, aged 27 years, 9 months and 14 days.
He was of Scots-Irish descent, the great, great grandfather having settled in Virginia, from whence his great grandfather joined Daniel Boone on the historic expedition from Virginia to Kentucky, thence into South Carolina, and back again into Ky. fining settling in Gibson County, Ind., where he died and the son, (the grandfather of Peter Grigsby) and his son (the father) located in Stampers Creek township, Orange County, Ind., where the father married Mary A. Lewis. To this union were born eight children, four sons, John, George, Lewis and the subject of this sketch, who is the last one to pass out into eternity, one girl died at babyhood, the other three sisters are left to mourn his death. Mrs. Alonzo Wolfington, Mrs. Edd Plummer and Mrs. Edd Charles, together with the aged mother upon whom the blow falls heavily, as she is called upon to give up the last of the sons, while the shades of lifes even time are round about her declining years.
Peter Grigsby lived all his life in the valley of French Lick and West Baden; was married to Miss Radie Leffler, and there created their home, which he loved so much.
There were born to them two splendid sons, Claver and Halbert, now 17 1/2 and 16 years of age who, together with the sorrowing wife survive him.
An outstanding characteristic of his life, was his love for his home, and his family, and he had a great yearning to have sufficient means to educate his boys. But the frail constitution gave our, the dread destroyer tuberculosis laid hand upon him, and ere he realized its gravity, the end was near.
On the last day of March he was taken to Battle Creek, Mich. for treatment, but examination indicated their inability to help him, and he returned home to leave within the week, with his family for Asheville, NC hoping the mountains and rest might restore him to health. He fought bravely for his life, and wanted so much to get well, and in these last days, so far from home, in the fancy delirium he lived among his friends at home - calling them by name and thinking them near his side, through these weeks of suffering he was tenderly cared for by his loved ones, desiring their presence every minute, and all was done that could have been done, but the breathing became more labored, and more difficult and finally, in the early dawn of the morning of June 5th, his life quickly went our, to await the resurrection morn.


We wish to express sincere thanks to the many relatives and friends for the great kindness and sympathy shown us at the death of our dear husband and daddy, Peter Lowe Grigsby. Special thanks are due Father Mattingly and the Mrs. Doyle family, the Baptist minister Rev. T. J. Parsons for the impressive service, the pall bears and undertaker, Mr. Ritter, for the efficient manner in which he conducted the funeral, and the donors of the beautiful floral offerings, Mother Grigsby and the family join me in appreciation, greater than words express. Mrs. Peter Grigsby and Sons. Submitted byTom Agan.

POWELL, John J., Springs Valley Herald (June 13, 1918) Obituary
John J. Powell, son of James and Margaret Powell was born in Mercer County, Kentucky December 26, 1836. He was married to Rebecca A. Moore Dec. 25, 1860. To this union was born eight children, of this number three have passed to the great beyond. William A., James E. and Margret A. Gromer. He leaves to mourn his loss John W. of South Dakota, George W., Everett L., Mary E. Doughtery and Jane Rindley, the last four living on or near the old home farm, he also leaves a wife which looks forward to the time she will go to meet her loving companion, he has 27 grandchildren besides his relatives, he leaves a host of friends which feel that as time takes then one by one that they will meet him where parting will be no more. He joined the M. E. Church in the year of 1859, then in 1902 he joined the U. B. Church as it was his home church. He didn't dread death and said he was going to a long rest.


We wish to thank our neighbors and friends for the kindness shown during the sickness and death of our dear husband and father, Also thank the ones that showed their sympathy by bringing such beautiful flowers. Mrs. Rebecca Powell and Children. Submitted byTom Agan.

FELKNOR, George, Springs Valley Herald (June 20, 1918) Death Notice
George Felknor, an old and well known citizen of this township, died sunday. He was a prosperous farmer and followed that occupation till his declining years incapacitated him for active work when he moved to Prospect where he lived up to his death. The interment was at Ames Chapel Tuesday Afternoon. Submitted byTom Agan.

COTTRELL, Louise Powell, Springs Valley Herald (June 27, 1918) Death Notice
The body of Miss Louise Powell Cottrell, who perished in the wreck of the Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus was shipped here for burial and arrived Tuesday morning and was buried at Ames Chapel, Wednesday. Miss Powell was an Equestrienne and performed with her sister and brother-in-law the Cottrells known as the Cottrell family of riders. They were originally from London, England, but their home is now West Baden.


We wish to thank our many friends of West Baden and French Lick for the kindness and sincere sympathy shown us in our great sorrow in the untimely death of our dear sister and aunt, Miss Louise Powell. Mr and Mrs. R. Cottrell, R. J. Cottrell, Jr. Submitted byTom Agan.

ROBERTS, Ed, Springs Valley Herald (June 27, 1918) Death Notice
Ed Roberts, who has been sick for several weeks, died last Thursday evening and was buried at Simmons Chapel cemetery Friday evening. Submitted byTom Agan.

JACKSON, Martha Elizabeth, Springs Valley Herald (July 4, 1918) Obituary
Martha Elizabeth Jackson the oldest child of John and Sarah McCabe was born July 22, 1869, died June 11, 1918, age 48 years, 10 months and 19 days. She was united in marriage to Ed Jackson 22 years ago, she was the mother of 5 children, Charles Simon Walls, of Keensburg, Ill., Albert Jackson and Asa Allen, of Dubois County, Dortha, age 14, and Lawrence, age 11. Besides husband and children, she leaves one brother and one sister, James F. McCabe, of Stampers Creek and Mrs. Frank Walls, of West Baden and a host of friends to mourn her loss. She was in as good health as usual till a few minutes before 8 o'clock on Tuesday morning, June 11th, she was sitting in the door sewing and called the little girl to her and said, "Dortha, I am getting blind," and died before they could get her to the bed. she was laid to rest at Sulphur Creek cemetery June 12 to await the call of our blessed redeemer. Submitted byTom Agan.

ROMINGER, Cena, Springs Valley Herald (July 11, 1918) Obituary
Mrs. Cena Rominger died at her home on Walnut Street about two o'clock Monday morning after a brief illness of only a couple of days, with locked bowels. She suffered intensely and several doctors did all that medical skill could do, but with no avail. The funeral services were held at the M. E. Church at 2:00 p.m. and the remains were laid to rest at Ames Chapel cemetery.

Springs Valley Herald (August 1, 1918) Obituary
Cena May Bostock, the fourth child and youngest daughter of Daniel and Amanda Bostock, was born in New Albany, Ind., July 27, 1880. She came with her parents to Orange County when eight years of age.
She was married to Perry Everett Rominger, Dec. 18, 1898. To them three children were born: one son, Paul, two daughters, Mabel and Helen Marjorie. all of whom survive the mother.
She was converted and united with the M. E. Church at Ames Chapel in 1901 and had endeavored to live a Christian life since that time.
He life was made up of many sacrifices in her effort to care for her children, and during the illness which caused her death, she was very solicitous for their future welfare, for she realized her illness was fatal.
The last three years have been spent in French Lick. She was in usual health until the Fourth of July, she attended the exercises at West Baden with her sister. She was stricken that evening and her sufferings were intense throughout her illness. she bore all with great patience and was resigned to go, only for her concerns for her children. she was conscious all the time and talked frequently about her going and how the children should live after she left them.
She passed away July 8, 1918. Besides her children, she leaves a mother, three sisters, three brothers and many friends to mourn her loss.


In behalf of the immediate family and relatives, we wish to extend the most heartfelt thanks to our friends and neighbors for their unlimited kindness at a time when it was most needed and appreciated. Especially do we want to thank Dr. Sloan, for his solicitous care and attention during our mother's illness and Drs. Boyd, Hoggatt, Miller, Luckett and Mowry.
To the Rev Mr. Murr, Mrs. W. W. Cave, Mr. Ritter and Mrs. Schwieters, we extend our most sincere thanks and gratitude.
We are very grateful to our friends for the beautiful floral offerings and assure them of our deepest appreciation. The Children. Submitted byTom Agan.

SNIPES, Margaret Hawhee, Springs Valley Herald (July 25, 1918) Obituary
Margaret W. Hawhee was born Sept. 15, 1856 in Orange County, Indiana, died July 16, 1918 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Martin Nichols, age 61 years, 10 months and 1 day.
In 1876 she was married to Cyrus W. Snipes. To this union were born three children, William W. and Floyd of Oklahoma and Mrs. martin Nichols of French Lick. In early life she became a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Her heart was given to Jesus and her life devoted to his cause. In the home where her most beautiful traits of character were to be seen. As a wife she was faithful and loving; as a mother there was no end to the love and sacrifice she made for the children.
In her last days she was much in prayer, saying, "Lord, be merciful - Your will be done." She expressed a willingness to go and said she was ready, surely it can be said of her she has fought a good fight, she has finished her course, she has keep the faith. Hence forth there is laid up for her a crown of righteousness.
As a neighbor she was always ready to lend a helping hand, being loving and kind to all with whom she came in contact. A husband, 3 children, 11 grandchildren and many friends mourn her going.


We extend our sincere thanks to our many friends and neighbors for their asistance and kind words during the illness and death of the wife and mother. Cyrus Snipes, Wm. Snipes, Floyd Snipes, Mrs. Martin Nichols. Submitted byTom Agan.

JACKSON, Eva, Springs Valley Herald (August 8, 1918) Obituary
Eva Hammond was born in the year of 1895 in Kentucky, died July 21, 1918, aged 23 years, 7 months and 28 days. In the year 1911 she was united in marriage to Charlie Jackson, to this union was born three children, little Ora, age 5 years, Vermont, age 3 years. and Laual Deliala, age 9 months. she leaves to mourn her loss a husband and three children which looks forward to the time they will go to meet her loving companion. she leaves a father, stepmother and some half brothers besides her other relatives and a host of friends which feel that as time take them one by one that they will meet her where parting will be no more. she was a loving wife and a kind mother, and was loved by all who knew her. She would have loved to stayed with her husband and little children, but God knows best, he called her home to rest where there will be no more pain. she is gone, but not forgotten as long as life shall last and flowers shall bloom, we shall linger around her grave.


We wish to thank our neighbors and friends for the kindness during the sickness of our dear wife and mother and Rev. Cummins for his kind words also thank the ones for the beautiful floral offerings. Charlie Jackson and Children. Submitted byTom Agan.

EARLY, Hannah, Springs Valley Herald (August 29, 1918) Death Notice
Grandma Early, widow of Samuel Early, died at her home on Wells Avenue Monday afternoon. Her daughter, Mrs. Henderson, found her dead in bed. She had been confined to her bed for some time with the infirmities of old age. She was about 88 years old. Funeral was at Abbydell Wednesday. Submitted byTom Agan.

VANCLEAVE, Dessie, Paoli Republican (September 11, 1895) Death Notice
Mrs. Dessie Vancleave died at her home near Lost River Station last Friday morning of consumption. She was the eldest daughter of the late Neal Lindley. The interment was at Livonia Saturday. Submitted byTom Agan.

BURTON, Vater, Paoli Republican (April 1, 1896) Death Notice
Vater Burton, aged 25, a citizen of Jackson Township, died in Crawford county a few days since under circumstances which called for an inquest. The new Coroner, Charley Tillery, officiated and found that Burton came to his death from an overdose of morphine, taken probably with the intention of killing pain, he being a great sufferer from rheumatism. Submitted byTom Agan.

PEARSON, James, Paoli Republican (April 1, 1896) Death Notice
James Pearson, an old and well respected citizen of Southeast township, died suddenly last Friday evening of what was supposed to be a heart failure, aged 71 years. He was in his usual health, which, however, had not been the best for several years, ate a hearty supper and retired. It was to sleep the sleep of death, for at nine o'clock, and without warning, his spirit took its flight to that untried country from whence no traveler returns. Submitted byTom Agan.

FERGUSON, Mary, Paoli Republican (April 1, 1896) Death Notice
Mary Ferguson died at the poor house Saturday morning, of general debility. She was sent up from Jackson township and was 76 years old. Submitted byTom Agan.

RHODES, William A., Springs Valley Herald (October 10, 1918) Death Notice
William A. Rhodes, for many years the leading liveryman her and well known throughout the southern part of the state. passed away Tuesday morning at his home on Monon Ave. Mr. Rhodes had been suffering from nervous breakdown for the past year and had spent all spring and summer at Silver Hill, near New Albany at a private sanitarium of Dr. Peek. He came home for a few days at a time at intervals during the summer, but gradually grew worse and a few weeks ago was brought home as his condition was such that the inevitable was seen approaching. He was confined to his room, but not till Monday of this week did it appear that the end was near.
The funeral services were held at the residence at 1:30 and the interment later in the afternoon at the Paoli cemetery. Mr. Rhodes was a live business man and a great booster of all legitimate enterprises for the valley. He was always jolly and had a good word for all. His cheery presence will be missed by the citizens of the valley as he has passed from among us. The Herald joins a host of friends in sympathy to the bereaved ones.

Springs Valley Herald (October 17, 1918) Obituary
William Anderson Rhodes was born just north of Prospect - West Baden, Ind. September 22, 1857 and died at his home in French Lick, Ind., Oct. 8, 1918, aged 61 years, 6 days.
He was the son of Andrew J. and Elizabeth Pinnick Rhodes. There were three children, namely Beverly V., who survives him, Mary Rhodes Maris, deceased and the subject of this sketch.
The mother died, and the father in answer to the call of his county in 1861, was forced to separate the children, leaving Bev with his aunt, Sarah McCracken, Mary with her aunt, Jane Hudelson, and Willie the youngest with his uncle, Isaac Pinnick, on what is now known as the Ed McCracken farm. He often said in later years that he began right then to struggle for himself.
At the close of the war his father gathered them all into a new home in Paoli, with a new mother, who practically raised him and to whom he seems as dear as her own. And this dark hour falls heavily upon he, in the very shades of the evening of her life, because to her he took largely his fathers place in the family.
Will grew up in Paoli, but in 1884 he came to French Lick and West Baden and for thirty years he and his brother, Beverly, were together associated in the Livery business, first at West Baden, but for long years in the French Lick Springs Hotel Livery. A few years ago Will purchased the incorporated interest and became sole owner and proprietor of this business which has become such a part of his life. He loved his business as men do, who achieve only by the hardest struggles. He was an inveterate worker and his interest in it all abated only with the decline of his health. Only last Sunday he asked to see his horses and when one was brought into the year he begged to be taken down stairs just to pat the horse saying "You know I love my horses and beautiful spotted dogs and they know me." Many and many a night in winter would he distribute a bushel of apples about the barn as an extra treat to the horses. And during his last illness he had his dogs brought to his bedside and the bed carefully covered so he could gather them close and their delight knew no bounds.
On March 30th, 1902 he was married to Mrs. Fannie Campbell Botts and the son Farwell a little lad of nine years coming into Mr. Rhodes name and helping create the home became as dear as his own life to him and in his ill health he depended more and more upon Farwell. The last conscious words were :have Farwell come and tuck me into bed, bless my lad, he is a good chap - he is all my dependence now."
Mr. Rhodes was a genial, hospitable man. He loved his home, and his happiest hours were spent in his back yard where he loved to sit with his family, and he delighted to have his friends enjoy his home with him. He knew and was know by everybody round a bout and his acquaintances soon became friends because he was so friendly, people naturally came to love him.
One year ago his health perceptibly failed. His usual Florida trip failed to restore him upon his return it was evident that only by rest could he hope to get well. He could not rest with the business daily in sight, so he went to Silver Hills, New Albany, to the home of his friends Dr. and Mrs. Peek and spent the summer in midst of the beautiful woods which he enjoyed so much. No tree nor flower that did not speak to him. He told us often of how he sat, still and listened to the birds and voice of nature and enjoyed his rest. His fight for health was wonderful. He wished not to come home until he was able to walk about, among his friends.
On August 12, he suffered his first light paralytic stroke. Following which he never regained the lost ground and as the cool days came he desired the comforts of home and after his return rejoiced so greatly to be among his French Lick friends and neighbors, but the wearied brain gave out, and like a child he fell asleep.
He was generous, tender and sympathetic. Ready to help everybody who needed him. Dear in his home, tender among his neighbors and a business man worth while in the world. And through our tears we are thinking too, how good it has been to have had him. There survives him the wife and son, Farwell, the aged mother and brother, B. V. Rhodes, and following half brothers and sisters who were indeed like his own to him, namely: James C. Rhodes, Andrew J. Rhodes and Mrs. Nellie Rhodes Ham.
Funeral services were held at the home in charge of Rev. C. A. Wade of West Baden Baptist Church assisted by Rev. Heitmeyer, pastor of Mitchell Baptist Church with music by the West Baden Baptist Choir. Rev. Heitmeyer's theme was the Resurrected Life. The casket was placed in the living room near the desk where Mr. Rhodes spent his many busy hours. His desk and chair were covered with a beautiful blanket of smilax and rosebuds and round about him were wonderful flowers from the friends who loved him so much and this the last rites were conducted as he would have had it all among his friends and neighbors.
The interment was at Paoli, his boyhood home, and short services were held at the grave by Rev. Frank Asher of the Paoli M. E. Church who had long known Mr. Rhodes and the pastor of the aged mother and family.
Business houses in French Lick closed during the hours of the funeral services and the pall bearers were business men of Mr. Rhodes' daily association namely: A. C. Smith, R. V. Claxton, J. B. Bedster, W. W. Cave, John Kellams and S. V. Mickler.


Lest we should miss someone in a personal note, we wish in this way to acknowledge appreciation of the courtesy of the men in French Lick, who closed their places of business during the hours of the funeral services of Mr. Rhodes. Mrs. Wm. Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. Farwell Rhodes. Submitted byTom Agan.

BEVERS, Elsie May, Springs Valley Herald (October 10, 1918) Obituary
Elsie May Keech Bevers was born in Hudson, Wisconsin, June 12th, 1872 and died at her home in West Baden, Ind., Oct 3rd, 1918.
She had been so fragile that we all were wont to fear that life might not be long, but no thought of the sudden demise, and the entire community was shocked and grieves today with the bereft husband, in the going of one who was past of us all.
Mrs. Bevers was active in Church and Social life when her strength permitted her to mingle with the public. she has served as Supt. of the Primary Department in the Sunday School, and as a Sunday School teacher, was formerly president of the Woman's Missionary Circle, and was a past Worthy matron of the Eastern Star.
Her early childhood was spent in Waukesha, Wisconsin, but she returned to Hudson , and was educated there, in the Public Schools.
She accepted Christ in early life, and united with the First Baptist Church Of Hudson, at the age of twelve years, and few people have the reverence for their denomination that Mrs. Bevers held.
She loved the wonderful old Hymns, and the West Baden Church is using Baptist Hymnals which were a surprise gift from her, that these Hymns might be sure to be sung in the church of which she became a charter member upon its organization.
On June 3rd, 1902, she was married to James Marion Bevers, and came to West Baden a bride, into new surroundings, there to help create the home which was to be one of unusually tender companionship, and for which she so delighted to care, filling it with her own personality of daintiness and charm, in its every appointment.
To this union were born six children, but not one was spared to them beyond its birth, and perhaps the most beautiful characteristic of her life was her mother instinct, which reached out to all children, because of the loss of her own, for each of whom, she had planned and hoped, as for nothing else in her life, and following the last birth and death she said, "Six little graves; six little ones awaiting me in Heaven. Oh you do not know how much it means to me to know that I will have my children in Heaven." And in writing to a friend, upon the occasion of a death in the family, she said, "Bit when you think of the happy reunion in the land beyond, where no parting shall ever come, it seems, after all, God knows best." And thus she tried in ill health, in disappointment, to see God's hand behind it all. even though she could not understand, so, today, may he who is so bereft, and those who mourn, see God;'s Hand and be drawn closer to the great Father Heart of Him who said, "I will not leave you comfortless, I will come in and abide;" and again, "Like as a father pitieth his children, so pitieth the Lord all who fear him." Cannot we then, place one hand on the gentle pulse of memory of her, who has so long gone out and in among us, and who presence this abides, and the other hand in that of our Father, and say as she said to her friends, "It seems after all the God knows best."


To the friends who have so nobly assisted me in my hour of trial and sadness, I desire to express my heart felt gratitude. James Marion Bevers. Submitted byTom Agan.

BAXTER, Sarah E., Springs Valley Herald (October 3, 1918) Death Notice
Mrs. William Baxter died at her home in this city about 2 o'clock Friday after several weeks illness with typhiod fever.
Funeral services were conducted at the Christian Church at one o'clock Sunday by Rev. Stephenson. The remains were laid to rest at Moores Ridge cemetery.

We wish to thank the many friends and neighbors for their assistance and visits to our dear mother, Mrs. Wm. Baxter during her illness and death and for the beautiful floral offerings that were given by the many social clubs and friends. We also thank Sr. Sloan and Auntie Morgan for the untiring services. The Children.

Springs Valley Herald (October 10, 1918) Obituary
In memory of Sarah E. Baxter, wife of William Baxter, who departed this life September 27, 1918. Aged 59 years, 7 months and 13 days.
She was a fond mother of nine children, of which all are living except an infant son of 18 months, who has gone to that great beyond to await her arrival.
Funeral services were held at the First Christian Church of which she had been an ardent worker for a number of years.
During her long suffering of twelve weeks she bore them as all christian people do, with her heavenly home ever in view and talked of Jesus to all her friends and neighbors.
She leaves a husband and eight children and a host of friends to mourn her loss. Submitted by Tom Agan.

GRIGSBY, Harry Bernard, Springs Valley Herald (October 17, 1918) Obituary
Harry Bernard Grigsby was born Jan. 19th, 1897 and passed away October 6, 1918. He was the son of Isaac Lewis and Ellen Elizabeth Grigsby.
His father preceded him in 1914. Private Harry Bernard Grigsby of Training Detachment No. 1, Company D, enlisted in the U.S. Army, August 14th. He was a mere lad, but a hero. He was educated in the High School of West Baden, Ind. Harry was a very affectionate son, especially to his dear mother. The last moments of his life he longed to send a rosebud to his little sister of whom he was very fond.
He had many friends and all loved him. He is survived by his mother, Ellen Elizabeth Grigsby, two sisters, Grace and Mary Elizabeth, and many relatives and friends who mourn his loss.


We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for the many favors and sympathy during the burial of my son, Harry Bernard Grigsby, who died at Indianapolis Training Detachment No. 1, Sunday night October 6th at 11:30 o'clock and we especially thank our many friends for so many beautiful floral offerings. Submitted byTom Agan.

POTTS, Jane Rose, Springs Valley Herald (October 17, 1918) Death Notice
Jane Rose Potts, wife of George Potts, died at her home in this city Tuesday afternoon of pneumonia. she had been sick only a short time. The burial was at Ames Chapel.

Springs Valley Herald (October 24, 1918)

We wish to thank all those who by the assistance and sympathy helped to soothe our sorrow in the loss of wife and mother. Also the Carpenters' Union No, 1309 for the fraternal spirit show us. Also the pall bearers: Frank Drake, Joe Lomax, James Bartl, Ben Thacker, and Charles Bennett. And for the floral tributes.
We sincerely appreciate the kindness and sympathy. George Potts and Children. Submitted by Tom Agan.

CHARLES, Florence, Springs Valley Herald (October 31, 1918) Obituary
Florence Wolfington was born May 26, 1888 near West Baden, Ind. She was the only daughter of Alonzo and Lizzie Wolfington. She was married to Joseph Charles, May 26, 1906, this being her eighteenth birthday. To this union was born five children, three sons and two daughters.
She died October 29, 1918 at her home in Bloomington, Ind. at the age of 30 years, 4 months and 20 days. She is survived by her father, mother, two brothers, namely Wilber and John Wolfington, husband and four children, one, the oldest. having preceded her to the beautiful beyond some years ago. Besides all these she leaves a host of friends that grieve at her going.
I would say to all the dear ones, Look up to Jesus, for he doeth all things well, for he has said, in my fathers house are many mansions, if it was not so, I would have told you; I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself; that where I am there yea may be also. (John 14:23) She was converted and united with the Methodist Church at West Baden, Ind. several years before her marriage. Florence was one that we all loved, she was of a sweet disposition, always kind and gentle going about with a smile for everyone, she was a loving daughter, wife and mother, looking to the interest of her family as well as her health would permit her. She was not strong and grew more frail each day, until God thought best to take her away from all her suffering here and transplant her in his garden above. There to bloom more full, more beautiful than ever before. For those surviving loved ones God's word is full of healing balm. Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted, Matt. 5:4. Today let us thing of her as not dead for each day natures voice proclaim the old but wondrous story. Oh how the sun must set in glory to rise again in glory. The seed must mould in the dust, to being a joyous reaping, then let us wait the harvest day, she is not dead, but sleeping.
He mother was called Sunday morning and was at her bedside when the guarding angel called her home at 11 o'clock Sunday night.
The funeral service and burial were conducted at Ames Chapel, Tuesday October 22, 1918, Rev. C. A. Wade officiating in the presence of a few of he friends and relatives who join with the husband, mother, father, brothers and children in bearing the loss if so true a friend. Submitted byTom Agan.