LINDLEY, Oliver, Paoli Republican (December 3, 1879) Death Notice
Died in Paoli, on Monday, December 1, 1879, of consumption, Oliver Lindley, aged 35 years.
deceased had been a patient sufferer of that fatal disease for a number
of years, but always appeared cheerful. He had a host of friends made
by his upright and manly dealings in the routine of business with his
fellow men. He remains were followed to their last resting place by a
large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends. Submitted by Tom
SPARKS, William, Paoli Republican (December 13, 1882) Death Notice
Sparks died last week of typhoid fever. He was sick, but a very short
time. He lived near Unionville. He leaves a wife, one child and a large
circle of friends and relatives to mourn his loss. Submitted byTom Agan.
MAVITY, Eliza, Paoli Republican (December 26, 1888) Death Notice
at 2:40 o'clock this (Wednesday) morning, Mrs. Eliza Mavity, wife of
Judge Milton S. Mavity, in her forty-seventh year, of consumption. she
was the daughter of judge Moore, of New Albany, and was married to her
now bereaved husband on the 15th day of March 1866. From this union
there were eight children born to them, seven of whom are living and
were present at the death bed.
deceased was a most estimable woman, loved and respected by all who
knew her, distinguished for her home endearments, her social endowments
and her christian fortitude. She died in the fold of the Methodist
Episcopal Church and will be buried there tomorrow. Submitted byTom Agan.
HUDLESON, John Alexander, Paoli Republican (December 26, 1888) Death Notice
is a sad duty to chronicle the death of a fellow citizen. Especially
sad is it when the deceased was an honorable, upright man, counting for
something in the world and the world having been made better by his
living in it. It is with feelings of sadness, there, that we announce
the death of our friend, John A. Hudleson, who breathed his last at
3:30 o'clock, Sunday afternoon at his residence four miles north of
Paoli, of that ever flattering and yet always fatal disease,
consumption, aged 56 years, 6 months and 22 days.
was the eldest son of William H. Hudleson, was born, lived and died in
our midst, esteemed for his business integrity and counseled by many on
account of his business acumen.
was married to Miss Adeline Lindley, May 17th, 1859, seven children
being the issue, three of whom, together with the widow, survive him.
funeral services were conducted from the Presbyterian church at 1
o'clock p.m. yesterday, Rev. T. G. Bosley officiating. While this
Christmas day will be remembered with sadness by the sorrowing friends
they have a blessed consolation in this, that he was ready to go and
that while sympathizing friends are returning his mortal remains to
mother earth his spirit is with the God who gave it birth. Submitted by
Tom Agan.
PORTER, Harry, Paoli Republican (January 16, 1889) Death Notice
Porter died of consumption, about noon last Sunday, and was buried
Monday afternoon. He leaves a wife and two small children, to whom his
friends should and doubtless will, be very kind. Submitted byTom Agan.
MONTGOMERY, Albert R., Paoli Republican (February 20, 1889) Death Notice
are pained to announce the death of so good a citizen as Albert R.
Montgomery. He died after battling for years with that deceptive
disease consumption, at his home in Valeene, at midnight, Sunday the
17th. He was a man of quiet mien, but wonderful nerve and made a long
and gallant fight for his life. He leaves a young wife and one child,
together with a wide circle of friends and acquaintances to mourn his
loss. Submitted byTom Agan.
RADCLIFF, Emma, Paoli Republican (February 20, 1889) Death Notice
H. T. Radcliff died of consumption at her family residence in Paoli
Monday morning at 8 o'clock. Her remains were interred at Stampers
Creek at 10 a.m. yesterday. She was a noble, good woman and held the
high esteem of all who knew her. To her bereaved husband we extend our
heartfelt sympathy. Submitted byTom Agan.
WILLARD, Nancy, Paoli Republican (April 17, 1889) Death Notice
Nelson Willard, of this township, was buried at Apple's church on
Saturday last, at an advanced age, dying of consumption. Her husband
had preceded her but a few weeks. Submitted byTom Agan.
PARKS, Mary E. Beatty, Paoli Republican (December 25, 1889) Death Notice
John Parks, commonly known as "Aunt Betsy", died of cancer of the face,
December 14, and was buried at South Liberty on the following Monday.
She was a very old lady, the wife of Johnnie Parks, one of the pioneers
of Jackson Township. Submitted byTom Agan.
WEBSTER, Mary, Paoli Republican (December 25, 1889) Death Notice
Mary Webster was buried at the Webb graveyard last Thursday, aged 88
years. For forty years she had lived a widow. She professed Christ a
few days before she died. Old age and general debility is given as the
cause of her demise.
Submitted by Tom Agan.
PIPHER, Ebbie, Paoli Republican (December 25, 1889) Death Notice
- Ebbie Pipher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allison Pipher, of French Lick
township, on Wednesday, Dec. 18th of meningetis, Only three short weeks
after giving up their noble boy, just budding into promising manhood,
these sorely afflicted people are called upon to return to the God who
gave her birth, their Ebbie, their thirteen year old daughter, so full
of gentleness and promise. The funeral ceremony was conducted at
Newberry on Thursday at 11 a.m., and was very touching. Submitted byTom Agan.
SMELSER, Elizabeth A., Paoli Republican (December 25, 1889) Death Notice
- Mrs. J. M. Smelser, on Tuesday, Dec. 17, suddenly, cause not well
defined. On Friday before she was in excellent health and spirits, on
Saturday and Sunday ailing somewhat, on Monday very ill and on Tuesday
she passed away. Her remains were taken, on Wednesday, to Rush county,
her former home, for interment. She was a good woman, and though a new
comer had gained the esteem of a large circle of friends. Submitted byTom Agan.
LEWIS, Polly Ann, Paoli Republican (December 25, 1889) Death Notice
Polly A. Lewis, of Northeast Township, widow of the late Daniel Lewis
and mother of Emmit Lewis, died very suddenly Saturday night last at 11
o'clock. At 5 p.m. she was in excellent health, ate a hearty supper and
seemed unusually lively. At 6 o'clock she was stricken down with
paralysis and spoke only two words before she died, five hours later.
Mrs. Lewis was very highly esteemed as a woman and a neighbor and was a
model housewife and loving mother.
Mrs. Polly Ann Lewis died suddenly Saturday night of heart failure and was buried at Liberty Monday.Submitted by Tom Agan.
FARLOW, Nathan, Paoli Republican (April 23, 1890) Death Notice
Nathan Farlow was born in Orange County, North Carolina May 20th, 1810.
His father, Joseph Farlow, with a company numbering about seventy
persons, removed to this county, landing at the "Half Moon Spring," on
Doll Braxtan's farm, May 2, 1811. Their first work was to build a
"stockade" or "Block House" as a means of defending themselves against
the murderous attacks of the savage. The most of the company were
Quakers and their main object in planting this little colony in the
then far west was to place their children where they might bring them
up free from the contaminating influences of human slavery. In a short
time a few of the members settled within the limits of Beech Grove
meeting, and as early as 1823 or 1824, Beech Grove meeting was
established and the subject of this brief memorial, a lad of 13 or 14
summers, was regularly taken to church twice each week and this
influence, together with the pious teaching of Godly parents at home,
was never forsaken or forgotten until his physical strength no longer
permitted him to attend the house of God.
was twice married, the first wife being Mary Ann Moulder. His second
wife was Mary Lindley, who with eight children, survive him.
was not only a faithful church member, but was a kind and obliging
neighbor. If one was in distress they always found him ready and
willing to relieve their wants. One who was heart broken and sad was
sure to find a sympathizing friend in him. If a neighbor was sick his
work never prevented him from visiting and doing all in his power to
alleviate their suffering. He once expressed himself to your
correspondent as believing his mission was to visit the sick, and no
man ever filled any mission more faithfully than did he his. One by one
he saw those of his original company falling until he was spared for
"some purpose," as he often expressed it. Often times as we looked upon
him in his place in the church, his locks white with the frost of
nearly four-score years, or listen to his feeble voice as he spoke a
word of encouragement to some "trembling child," we felt it our duty to
lisp a prayer to the All Wise God for sparing us the aged pilgrim and
The past winter he had been
feeble and an attack of the grippe was more that his shattered frame
could stand, and when the sun had sunk to rest on the evening of the
14th inst. [April 14, 1890], he passed calmly and quietly away and the
boatman ferried him over the cold and icy stream of death, landing him
on that shore where feebleness with age and aching of body are not
known. The family have the sympathy of the entire community. Submitted
byTom Agan.
THOMPSON. Sallie Towell, Paoli Republican (July 29, 1891) Death Notice
Sallie Towell Thompson, born in North Carolina in 1805, settled in this
county in 1818 and married James L. Thompson, died at her home near
Salem last week, loved and respected by all who knew her. Submitted byTom Agan.
PADGETT, Benjamin H., Paoli Republican (August 26, 1891) Death Notice
Friday night Benjamin H. Padgett, son of John H. Padgett, fell from a
freight train and was crushed to death beneath the wheels. The accident
occurred between New Albany and Jeffersonville.
The remains were brought to Paoli Saturday night, after a Coroner's inquest had been held in Clark County.
funeral took place from the M. E. church at 3 o'clock p.m. Sunday, Rev.
A. A. Armen, Presiding Elder of the U. B. Church preaching the funeral.
is a heavy blow to the family. Three years before another son met an
untimely death, killed by the kick of a horse. Submitted byTom Agan.
STALCUP, Mary, Paoli Republican (August 26, 1891) Death Notice
Mary Stalcup, wife of Henry Stalcup, of Stampers Creek Township. died
suddenly of cholera morbus last Friday and was buried at Danner's
Chapel Saturday afternoon. She was a most estimable woman, the mother
of a large family of children and universally respected. Submitted byTom Agan.
JONES, Lizzie, Paoli Republican (August 26, 1891) Death Notice
funeral of Lizzie Jones was the second largest ever held at Beech
Grove. She had many friends call to see her. On some occasions near 50
per day.
take this method of informing our many friends of the gratitude and
thankfulness to them for their unceasing acts of kindness in helping us
to bear the burdens of a long siege of sickness, as was the case with
our dear daughter, Lizzie, who is now hone home to be with the angels
forever. We cannot repay you fully for your aid and sympathy, but will
do what we can and pray that the blessing of the great head of the
church may rest upon you all. James and Elmira Jones. Submitted byTom Agan.
HAMMOND, John, Paoli Republican (December 16, 1891) Death Notice
Hammond, aged 45, and a man of family, of Greenfield Township, died of
consumption last Saturday afternoon and was buried at Unionville Monday
morning at 10 o'clock. Submitted byTom Agan.
PRUETT, John, Paoli Republican (December 16, 1891) Death Notice
Pruett, whose serious illness was announced in these columns last week,
is dead. His remains were interred at Faucett's Chapel Friday morning.
He was son-in-law to Eli G. Faucett and a worthy citizen. He leaves a
wife and an interesting family to mourn his loss. Submitted byTom Agan.
McPHERSON, George, Paoli Republican (December 16, 1891) Death Notice
McPherson, of this place, was found dead in his bed last Saturday
afternoon. He and his wife had taken dinner at a neighbor's that day.
Soon after dinner he went home. When the family arrived at home, near 5
o'clock, they found him lying on his face, dead. He was subject to
heart disease and probably died of that. The Coroner was notified, but
deemed it unnecessary to hold an inquest. Submitted byTom Agan.
PINNICK, William, Paoli Republican (December 16, 1891) Death Notice
Pinnick, born Jan. 1, 1816, died last Friday night at his home in
Orangeville township, of rheumatism and complication of diseases. He
was blind for 45 years, but through all his afflictions he never
complained. He had a disposition as cheerful and sunny as any man we
have ever known. The funeral at Ames Sunday was conducted by Rev. W. H.
Hedden and was largely attended. Submitted byTom Agan.
KOCHENOUR, Anna Neff, Paoli Republican (February 10, 1892) Obituary
- At the family homestead on Honey Creek, near Rego, Orange County,
Indiana, on Tuesday, Jan. 26, 1892, Anna Neff Kochenour, widow of the
late Isaac Kochenour, aged 76 years, 2 months and 9 days.
Kochenour was one of Indiana's pioneers. Fifty six years ago she came
to this State with her husband and found a home in Brushey Valley,
Harrison County, where she resided until 1865, when the family removed
to Orange County, upon the farm whereon she died. In early life she
became a member of the Lutheran church and remained a member there of
till death. Her husband and four children have gone before. She leaves
two sons - David A., a lawyer, residing at Brownstown, Indiana, and
William P., a physician at Rego, this county. Also three grandchildren,
Clyde and Alice Burgess, of English, Ind. - the children of her
daughter, Barbara A. Burgess, who died at Paoli, Sept, 13, 1884, and
Leigh Kochenour, son of David A.
has gone from labor to reward. A life of unremitting toil and industry
has found rest - sweet rest. She lived a life of practiced christian
piety. Her life was one of humble, domestic seclusion. Her many
superior qualities of mind and heart, though hidden from the general
public, were felt and recognized by all who associated intimately with
her. Faithful and true was she in all duties of the calling wherein she
was called. She has accomplished her work. She hath done what she
could, and hath received the plaudit - "Well dome, thou good and
faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of the Lord. Submitted byTom Agan.
HACKNEY, Samuel, Paoli Republican (February 10, 1892) Obituary
Hackney died at the residence of his parents on Saturday, Jan. 20,
1892, at 1 o'clock p.m., of pneumonia fever, aged twenty years, five
months and seventeen days. Was buried at Union cemetery, better known
as Pinhook, at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon. He had long been afflicted
with Bright's disease, and had sufficiently recovered, as he thought,
to go over in Kentucky in the employ of Mr. Frank Scott. The work
proved too heavy and too much exposure for him and after six weeks
absence, having contracted a severe cold, he felt as though he could
scarcely get home, have lagrippa. He returned and took his bed, and Dr.
Boyd was called and at once pronounce it a severe case of pneumonia. He
lingered until the ninth day, his suffering being almost intolerable
during his entire sickness, but bore his suffering with patience and
gentleness to the last. He said, "I do not want to die, I want to stay
with you, if it is the Lord's will". But the efforts of all kind
friends, father, mother, brothers and sisters could do availed nothing
and he willingly submitted to His will quietly as if falling asleep. He
was delirious for two days and nights, but was conscious at times,
sufficiently recovering consciousness a short time before he died to
call the names of the family and said, "If I must die, I must; children
don't cry it will not be long, the happy time is drawing near -" he
tried to speak farther, but was not permitted. Sam was a bright,
intelligent boy, always an obedient child, a kind, loving brother. He
leaves a father, mother, five brothers, three sisters and a host of
friends and relatives to mourn their loss. Submitted byTom Agan.
BROWN, Samuel, Paoli Republican (February 10, 1892) Death Notice
Brown, a highly respected citizen of Newton Stewart, is dead of dropsy.
He has been a sufferer for many months, but bore it all manfully. Few
men of his age had more friends than he in this community. Submitted by
Tom Agan.
McDONALD, James, Paoli Republican (February 17, 1892) Death Notice
McDonald, ex-trustee of Southeast Township and a man highly respected
in the community in which he lived, is dead, at an advanced age.
Submitted byTom Agan.
ADYLOTTE, E. W., Paoli Republican (March 23, 1892) Death Notice
E. W. Adylotte died of pneumonia, last Friday afternoon, at the home of
his daughter, Mrs. Owen Lindley, near Chambersburg where he has been
living for the past five years, aged 71 years. He came to this county
from Harrison County, where he had long been a prominent factor in
public affairs. His remains were taken to Corydon for burial, the
interment occurring Sunday in the presence of a large concourse of
people. Captain Adylotte was an ardent Methodist and a devout christian
and died happy after an illness of only three or four days. Submitted
byTom Agan.
BAKER, Nancy, Paoli Republican (March 23, 1892) Death Notice
Nancy Baker, whose funeral was preached at Mt. Horeb last Wednesday by
Rev. J. G. Brengle in the presence of a large congregation of friends
and relatives was born in North Carolina 62 years ago. At the age of 20
she married Harvey Baker, of Orangeville Township, and for 42 years
lived a happy, contented and useful married life. She was the mother of
11 children, 9 being present at the burying. For 44 years Mrs. Baker
was a consistent member of the Baptist church and died in that faith.
Submitted byTom Agan.
SPARKS, Calvin, Paoli Republican (September 14, 1892) Death Notice
Calvin Sparks departed this life Saturday, Sept. 10, 1892. Was interred
at Ames Sunday at 3 o'clock p.m. under the auspices of the G.A.R. and
S. of V. in the presence of a large concourse of people. Rev, W. S.
Rader conducted the funeral services. Bro. Sparks was born Feb. 21,
1833; was married to Elenor Morris Dec. 5, 1852. The fruits of this
union were 6 children - 4 boys and 2 girls, all of whom survive him.He
joined the M. E. Church at old Nelson Chapel and has happily converted
in 1866. He enlisted in the late war in the 24 Reg. Indiana Volunteers
July 9, 1861; was discharged Dec. 1865. Bro. Sparks is gone from earth
to his reward in Heaven. He died as he lived, a true christian, a kind
husband and affectionate father, a gallant soldier and a loyal friend.
He will be missed in society, the church and Sunday school. To the
family we extend our heartfelt sympathy. Submitted byTom Agan.
SNIPES, John, Paoli Republican (September 14, 1892) Death Notice
Snipes, of Jackson, father-in-law of Benjamin H. Walters, was buried at
Moore's Ridge last Thursday aged about 75. He died of Kidney trouble.
Submitted byTom Agan.
EASTER, John, Paoli Republican (September 28, 1892) Death Notice
John Easter, of Greenfield township, died in the Insane Asylum at Evansville on Monday of this week. Submitted by Tom Agan.
BEATTY, Joseph, Paoli Republican (October 12, 1892) Death Notice
is with much sorrow we chronicle the death of Joseph Beatty at his home
in Jackson township yesterday. His demise was quite sudden, being in
usual health until Saturday morning. His condition then was not thought
serious and on Monday and Monday night he was in quite good spirits,
but at 3 o'clock yesterday morning the messenger came suddenly and
stole away the life of as good a citizen as lived in the county. He was
universally esteemed. The funeral service will be conducted today at
South Liberty, of which church he was a staunch member. Submitted byTom Agan.
LAMBDIN, Orpheus, Paoli Republican (October 12, 1892) Death Notice
Lambdin died at the residence of his mother September 24th, 1892, after
a protracted illness of over two months. The funeral services were
conducted by Rev. W. S. Rader at Ames at 10 a.m. Was interred at the
Old Baptist graveyard at 11 a.m. We extend our sympathy to the
bereaved. Submitted byTom Agan.
FRAZIER, Eli, Paoli Republican (May 3, 1893) Death Notice
Frazier, aged 30, son of Jesse Frazier, of this township, died last
Thursday of quick consumption and was buried at Newberry Friday. He was
in apparent good health until he took the grip some weeks since. He was
a quiet, well disposed young man, a great reader and a good thinker. He
was unmarried. Submitted byTom Agan.
SMITH, Ella, Paoli Republican (October 11, 1893) Death Notice
Ella Smith, wife of Thomas Smith, was buried at Moore's Ridge yesterday
aged 29. She died of consumption and leaves a husband and two children.
Submitted byTom Agan.
OWEN, Olive, Paoli Republican (December 20, 1892) Death Notice
James Owen died at West Baden Sunday and was buried at Ames Chapel
Monday afternoon. W. A. Ross preached the funeral. She was about sixty
years old and an estimable woman. Submitted byTom Agan.
SEYBOLDT, John, Paoli Republican (January 31, 1894) Death Notice
Seyboldt, who left Helix last December, died at Danville, Ill., last
week. Dispatches from that place to the city papers say that he died of
hydrophobia and lock jaw, having been bitten by a mad dog at Paoli five
or six years ago. Telegrams to the friends of the deceased in this
county say he died of pleurisy and diptheria. His wife and four
children went to him only about two weeks ago. The remains were brought
home for burial Monday. His friends here say that he was bitten by a
mad horse eight years ago. He is said to have kicked and neighed like a
horse on his death bed. Submitted byTom Agan.
WININGER, Diana, Paoli Republican (May 1, 1895) Death Notice
William S. Wininger was buried last Friday at Union Valley, Rev. Winn
preaching the funeral. She was the mother of Mrs. W. A. Claxton, of
French Lick, and was universally esteemed for her many excellent
qualities. Submitted byTom Agan.