Orange County Obituaries


LANE, Mary, Orleans Progress (May 12, 1892) Death Notice
Mrs. Mary Lane died at Bedford last Sunday of Paralysis, aged 76 years. Her remains were shipped to West Baden Monday where the funeral services were conducted. She was the mother of eight children, seven of whom survive her, one of them being Mrs. David Jones, near Mt. Pleasant. She was a cheerful, kind hearted old lady, whom it was a pleasure to know, and her death cast a shadow over a large circle of relatives and friends.
Lansford Lane, a prosperous farmer living near Terre Haute was at West Baden last Monday attending the funeral of his mother. On his return he visited his sister, Mrs. David Jones, near Mt. Pleasant. Mr. Lane's wife is a sister to Ham Coakley and is well know to our people. They live on a large farm near Terre Haute, where Mr. Lane operates a dairy and keeps a large number of fine horses. He left for home Thursday. Submitted by Tom Agan.

GILLUM, William F., Paoli Weekly News (February 17, 1892) In Memorium
William F. Gillum was born in North Carolina, Chatham County, December 6, 1819 and died January 14th, 1892. He came to Orange County, Indiana in 1826, with his parents John and Susana Gillum. He was united in matrimony to Anna B. Briner at the age of 19 years. To them was born nine children, four of whom together with the mother survive him to mourn the irreparable loss of a kind husband and an affectionate father. He lived in Orange County and almost in the immediate neighborhood until the day of his death. He was noted for his many virtues for industry, economy and an ardent friend of education. He had a birthright membership in the Friends church and had been a recognized minister in that Society for about forty-two years. As a minister and lecturer he was more than ordinary, always holding his audience entranced by his eloquence, pathos and profound reasoning. Owning to his advanced age his health had become feeble for two or three years. His last illness was pronounced by his attending physician "softening of the brain". His suffering was severe but borne with christian meekness. For two or three days he had not been able to converse and remained so till death freed him of his pain. So another Father in Israel has fallen. Thomas E. Gillum. Submitted byTom Agan.

DOUGHERTY, George W., Paoli Weekly News (February 17, 1892) Death Notice
George W. Doughery, aged about fifty-five years, and one of the best known men in the county died at his home in this township last Saturday of blood poisoning. He was the owner of the Spring Mill at the head of Lick Creek and also, of the Orangeville Mill. He was well liked by everyone who knew him and always had a kind word for all his customers. He weighted over 300 pounds and was about six feet in height. His remains were interred in the Stampers Creek cemetery Monday. We extend our sympathy to the family. Submitted byTom Agan.

MUNGER, Roy, Paoli Weekly News (October 12, 1892) Death Notice - Orleans
Roy Munger, who was raised here died in Chicago last Friday of Typhoid fever. Roy was a good boy and one who was a credit to his parents. He was well known to our city and everybody was his friend and the news of his death was a shock to all, although hourly expected. His remains were brought to this place Sunday morning, and the funeral services were held at the family residence, Sunday evening after which his remains were laid to rest in the Odd Fellows cemetery. The family have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement. Submitted byTom Agan.

REED, Harry A., Paoli Weekly News (April 19, 1893) Death Notice
Harry A. Reed, well and favorably known in this city, particularly in insurance circles died Saturday afternoon, at the Indiana mineral springs at Attica. Mr. Reed has been for a long time in failing health and had gone to the springs for a possible relief. His remains were brought to this city yesterday and the funeral will occur tomorrow afternoon, 1 o'clock, from the family residence, 409 Ash St. Deceased left a wife and three children. He was corn in Orange County in 1849 and grew to manhood in that county. He came to Indianapolis in 1887. During the late Bruce Car's term as auditor of state Mr. Reed had charge of the insurance department of that office,. and to his admirable method and unusual ability are credited much of the general good which came to the people of the state by the suppression of irregular insurance companies throughout Indiana. He had a host of friends in this city, who will deeply sympathize with his afflicted family. - Indianapolis Sentinel, April 17, 1893. Submitted byTom Agan.

MARKLAND, Frank H., Paoli Weekly News (April 19, 1892) Death Notice
Died, near Orleans, Indiana, at 1 o'clock p.m. February 8, 1893, of typhoid fever, aged 30 years. He was the son of John Markland, of Washington County, bas born Dec. 11, 1862 and settled in Orange County on what is called the Worth Mahan farm, in 1887. In his farm work he was industrious and prosperous.
On the 10th day of April 1892 he was married to Miss Lydia E. Phillips, daughter of Thomas L. Phillips. None had brighter prospects than they; but after ten months of happiness came the awful summons and the sad separation. God calls and man must obey. Frank had many personal friends for he showed himself friendly, strong, active, vigorous and cheerful, he was such a friend as is much valued and the broken ties are dear, especially dear to the many friends at Union Church with whom he met and united his voice with theirs in song. And at that place, on the anniversary of his marriage, a large number attended the memorial services of their departed friend, and listened to the appropriate discourse delivered by Eld. Frank Martin. Submitted byTom Agan.

BURNETT, Mary, Paoli Weekly News (April 19, 1892) Death Notice
Mrs. Mary Burnett, a respected colored lady of this place died last Thursday of pneumonia fever and was buried at Newberry cemetery on Friday. She was the wife of Arch Burnett. Submitted byTom Agan.

WARREN, Claude, Paoli Weekly News (September 27, 1893) Death Notice
Claudie Warren, aged 21 years and 7 months, died at the residence of his father, Mr. Charles Warren near Syria, last Monday and was buried at Livonia cemetery Friday. He had had a long and painful illness from that dreaded disease typhoid fever, but was thought to be on the road to recovery when he was stricken with paralysis and died. He was a bright, intelligent, popular and lovable young man and was just entering upon what promised to be a useful manhood when the dreaded summons came. To his parents, brothers and sisters who are left to mourn his untimely death we tender our warmest sympathies. Submitted by Tom Agan.

OSBORN, Ples M., Paoli Republican (November 29, 1893) Death Notice
P. M. Osborn, aged about 70 years, died last week and was buried at the Swift graveyard. He lived near the center of Jackson Township and was one of the most highly esteemed citizens. He was a local preacher in the U. B. Church. By occupation he was a carpenter. After lingering all the year with that deceptive disease, consumption, he died on the 26th ult, leaving a widow and four children to mourn. Submitted byTom Agan.

RENSHAW, Elizabeth, Paoli Republican (November 29, 1893) Death Notice
Mrs. Elizabeth Renshaw, widow of the late Levi Renshaw, died suddenly at her home in Jackson Township last Wednesday of heart failure. She had been calling on a near by neighbor and while on the way home fell unconscious in the road. She never recovered and was speechless until death, a very short time after the attack. She was buried at Cane Creek. Submitted byTom Agan.

HAWHEE, Frances, Paoli Republican (November 29, 1893) Death Notice
Mrs. Fannie Hawhee, widow of Arthur Hawhee, died at the home of her son-in-law, Cyrus Snipes, of Paoli Township, last Wednesday morning at 4 o'clock at the advanced age of 83 years. The interment was at Moore's Ridge on Thanksgiving. The deceased had been in poor health for a long time from a complication of disorders, but the probable immediate cause of her death was a fall received a short time ago in which she sustained a dislocated hip. Submitted byTom Agan.

WHITE, Sallie, Paoli Republican (November 29, 1893) Death Notice
Miss Sallie White died at the home of her sister, Mrs. Thomas B. Buskirk, at 2 o'clock Monday morning of Bright's disease and dropsy of the heart, aged 40 years. She has been a patient sufferer for a long time. Several months since she, in company with her mother, came here from their home in Knoxville, Tennessee, hoping that a change in climate might prove beneficial, but the grim monster had already laid his icy hands on her vitals and marked a fair victim. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. W. Baker at the residence at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon and the last remains of the once beautiful, sprightly and lovable young woman were consigned to mother earth in the Paoli Cemetery. Submitted byTom Agan.

HILL, Jesse, Paoli News (December 11, 1895) Death Notice
Jesse Hill, one of the eldest best known and most popular citizens of this township, died last Saturday night and was buried Monday at Beech Grove. He was a prominent member of the Friends Church and his death is sincerely mourned by a large circle of sorrowing relatives and friends. A good man, in all that the term implies, is gone. Submitted byTom Agan.

NOBLITT, William, Paoli News (March 18, 1896) Death Notice
Our old and much esteemed friend the venerable William Noblitt is reported to us as being nearing his journey's end. May the God of peace be with him.
Since writing the above the Master has called and the spirit of Uncle William is with the Father in Heaven. He died Tuesday, March 17th, 1896, at 2:21 a.m. at the house of his daughter, Mrs. George Bundy of Paoli. He will be buried at Danners Chapel today at 1:30 p.m. Rev. Marion Mattox officiating. Submitted byTom Agan.

LINDLEY, Mary T., Paoli News (March 25, 1896) Death Notice
Mrs. Mary Lindley, wife of Eli Lindley living north of Chambersburg, died Wednesday evening last. She was buried at Lick Creek Thursday. She was an excellent christian woman and leaves behind her many sorrowing relatives and friends.

Paoli Republican (April 1, 1896) Obituary
Mary T. Lindley, daughter of John and Mary Towell, was born in Orange County, Indiana October 21, 1826. Died, March 18, 1896, aged 69 years, 5 months and 27 days. Was united in marriage with Eli Lindley, March 29, 1858. As a result of this union six children were born - five daughters and one son - all of whom are dead except one daughter. They lived happily together nearly 38 years. Being a life long member of the Friends church, which she so dearly loved, she was converted in early life and lived a faithful and consistent member the remainder of her life. For several years she had gone through with great afflictions which she bore without murmuring or complaint; a constant attender of meetings when health and strength would admit; always had a word of encouragement for everyone whom she met. After much bodily suffering she gently fell asleep in the arms of Jesus, She leaves a husband, one daughter and four little grandchildren to mourn her loss. God has called her home, where she will meet the loved ones gone on before. Submitted byTom Agan.

PETER, Mary J., Paoli News (April 8, 1896) Death Notice
Mrs. Mary J. (May) Peter was born March 10, 1825 in Orange County. She married Charles Peter in 1846. Unto them were born 3 daughters and 6 sons, 7 of whom survive her. Her husband died August 20, 1873. A long while ago she united with the Regular Baptist church at Unity, but when a regular pastor was chosen at Rock Spring she moved her membership there and has been one of the trusted and true members ever since.
She had been making her home with her son-in-law for several years and being very fleshy and somewhat rheumatic was very careful where she went but on Feb. 12 last, started over a little knoll in the yard and fell on her right limb and broke it. Though helpless she retained her good judgment and directed how to be taken to her room. After 18 days of confinement from this accident when from all appearances she was doing well, she enjoying the last Sunday on earth with children and friends. She rested as usual until ten at night when she told the children that she was going to a heavenly home prepared for her from the foundation of the world. How happy a christian can die.
She was a loving and watchful wife and mother, agreeable neighbor and a devote christian. Much good advice she has given the young and many a time she has been a stay to the older ones in trouble. Sadly we thing of our loss, but some consolation is found in the thoughts found recorded in the dear old book of hers which points out the way by which we may meet again where no pain, so sickness, no parting. Her remains were lain away in the Rock Spring cemetery after a short funeral service by Eld. F. M. Mattox. Submitted byTom Agan.

SUMMERS, Ella B., Paoli News (April 8, 1896) Death Notice
Ella B. Summers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Parks departed this life March 31, 1896 with that dreadful disease consumption. She was 23 years, 1 month, 17 days old and joined the Christian Church in 1890. She leave a host of relatives and friends to mourn her loss. Submitted byTom Agan.

WALKER, Thomas B., Paoli News (April 8, 1896) Death Notice
Mr. Thomas B. Walker for many years a leading merchant at Orleans and for two terms Sheriff of Floyd County, died at his home in Orleans in the 3rd last, aged ninety years. He was highly respected and was distinguished for his business integrity and pure life. He was buried at Orleans on Sunday. He was the father of the wife of the Rev. J. K. Howard and Mr. Ed Walker and was the grandfather of Mrs. John B. Stetson, of Philadelphia, Pa. Submitted byTom Agan.

BRAXTAN, John Henley, Paoli News (July 15, 1896) Death Notice
John Henley Braxtan after a prolonged illness became suddenly worse on July 4th and continued to grow worse until July 10, 1896 at 10:20 a.m., when he passed into the presence of his God.
In Mr. Braxtan's young manhood we attended school with him, and from that day to the day of his death we have ever been as it was in the days of our childhood friends and neighbors. And in his death we feel a keen sense of solemnity and sadness that is sure to come to a man when he halts beside an open grave and looks for the last time upon the cold and silent form of one whom life, gave only words of cheer to help in the struggle of life. "John Henley" as we all loved to call him, has been an active business man in this community for a number of years. He was a successful farmer. The neighborhood as well as his bereaved family will miss his cheerful face and manly counsel. We extend to them our deepest sympathies. Submitted byTom Agan.

JONES, Joseph, Paoli News (July 22, 1896) Death Notice
From a telegram received Sunday afternoon it was learned that Mr. Joseph Jones, a former resident of this township, but of late a resident of Westfield, had passed to his reward. His son, Rev. Cyrus Jones, left on the first train and brought the body to this place Tuesday morning when it was taken at once to New Berry Friends church where services were held by Rev. Orlando Tomlinson after which the body was put for rest in the cemetery near the church. We join his many friends and relatives in mourning his loss, but we mourn not as those without hope. Submitted by Tom Agan.

CARROL, Hicks Jr., Paoli News (February 10, 1897) Newton Stewart items

Caught On A Shaft and Beaten to Death

On Tuesday, February 2, Hicks Carrol Jr., met with one of he most terrible deaths that could befall anyone. He was the owner and operator of the old water mill at Newton Stewart. He was caught by the shafting. It is not known how he was caught as there was no one in the mill at the time, but it is supposed that he had gone down in the forebey to wedge under the burrs. Amos Flick, on his way home from school heard him cry for help and ran into the mill and shut it down, and informed the people of the town as quickly as possible. The shaft upon which he was caught makes about 250 revolutions per minute. His legs were broken below the knee. Both feet being torn off and the flesh was almost all torn from the bones by the timbers and an iron rod that was fastened to them. One of his feet has not been found. He was liked and esteemed by all who knew him. Submitted by Tom Agan.

HACKNEY, Harriet, Paoli News (February 24, 1897) Death Notice
Mrs. Harriet Hackney, wife of our fellow townsman Samuel G. Hackney, died at the family residence on East Main Street, Saturday morning of consumption. She has been a patient sufferer for a long time, bit at last the messenger came and bore her away to a peaceful rest. The funeral took place at Pin Hook Church Sunday afternoon. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved family.


To those who so kindly rendered assistance and sympathy in the sickness and bereavement of our dear companion and mother, we desire to express our heartfelt thanks. S. H. Hackeny and Children. Submitted byTom Agan.

LINDLEY, John, Paoli News (March 24, 1897) Death Notice
John Lindley, son of ex-trustee John T. Lindley, died at the home of his father on Lost River Monday morning of pneumonia. Johnnie was one of the most exemplary young men of the neighborhood. He was industrious and ingenious, ever marching bravely along the uneven road of life's experience. The family and community have lost a young man of rare and endearing qualifications and we deeply sorrow with the sorrowing. Submitted byTom Agan.

GARRISON, Marth Ann, Paoli News (May 18, 1898) Death Notice
Martha A. Garrison, wife of W. O. Garrison, was born March 4, 1870, and died at her home one mile north of Helix, April 24, 1898, aged 28 years, 1 month and 20 days. She was the daughter of Levi and Nancy Smith. She joined the Church of Christ at South Liberty at the age of 14, and nearly 4 years ago joined the church of the United Brethren in Christ at Sulphur Creek, where her husband held his membership and is now class leader at that place. Thus, just one-half her life was spent as a devoted and faithful church member. She was married to William O. Garrison March 25, 1888. She was a devoted wife, a consistent Christian and a kind neighbor, always peaceable and quiet. Nearly a year ago she took a severe cold and cough, which the best medical aid could not effect, and at last resulted in quick consumption. When the end came she was ready. Her closing days were times of great rejoicing. Surely it pays to live for Christ when the Christian's life can end with such happiness and that in the midst of great suffering as it was in her case. She leaves a husband, father, mother, four brothers and three sisters to mourn. But she could say "Oh! death where is thy sting. Oh! grave where is thy victory." The funeral discourse will be preached at Moore's Ridge the first Sunday in June by Rev. C. C. Osborn. Submitted byTom Agan.

AGAN, Electra Eliazbeth, Paoli News (May 11, 1904) Death Notice
Electra Agan was born November 9, 1839; died April 29, 1904. Her maiden name was Electra E. Highland. She was married to John Agan, January 5, 1859, unto them were born eleven children, four of whom preceded her to the better world. Seven survive their dear mother, five reside in Iowa - two boys and three girls - who from providential hindrances, were not present, and mingle their tears of love in remembrance of their loving mother and join with the two children present and their heart stricken father, in their last sad farewell. She was a consistent Christian, having joined the Missionary Baptist church in her childhood days, was loyal to the cause of her master until death. She suffered much during her long and severe illness, but bore it all with christian fortitude, desiring rather to be with Christ than present in the body. She often clasped her hands and sang, "I'm going home to die no more." Her last moments were peaceful and quiet. The husband has lost a tried and faithful companion, the children a loving and fond mother and the community a sympathetic and kind hearted neighbor. But let us not mourn as those that have no hope. Our loss is her gain.
The funeral took place at the Rock Springs Baptist church, on Sunday, Rev. Marion Mattox, of Bedford, officiating. A large concourse of sorrowing neighbors and friends being present. Submitted byTom Agan.

PADGETT, James, Paoli News (April 21, 1909) Death Notice
James Padgett, aged about 83 years, died at his home Monday, April 19, of blood poisoning. He had been afflicted only a few days, resulting from a cut he received on his foot the week before his death. Mr. Padgett was one of the pioneer citizens of this county. He is survived by two sons, Noah and Daniel, and a number of grand children. The funeral occurred at Pinhook church Tuesday afternoon. Submitted byTom Agan.

ATKINSON, William, Paoli News (April 21, 1909) Death Notice
William Atkinson, aged 73 years, died at his home in the east part of Paoli, April 17, after an illness of three weeks of pneumonia. Mr. Atkinson was born in this county, january 28, 1836, and has been a resident of this county practically all his life. His wife, Angeline Atkinson, preceded him only a week ago and his daughter, Nellie Atkinson, preceded him three weeks ago. He is survived by one son, Albert Atkinson, who is the only remaining member of what three weeks ago was a family of four. Mr. Atkinson was a member of the Friend's Church. The funeral occurred at his home Sunday afternoon and the interment took place in the Paoli I.O.O.F. cemetery. Submitted byTom Agan.

TEMPLE, Cynthia, Paoli News (February 10, 1910) Death Notice
Mrs. Cynthia Temple, aged 69 years, died near Rego Wednesday and was buried at Danners Chapel Friday. Rev. Wynn, of Hardinsburg preached the funeral sermon. She leaves a host of relatives and friends to mourn her loss. We extend sympathy to the bereaved. Submitted byTom Agan.

JONES, Sara, Paoli News (February 10, 1910) Death Notice
Mrs. Jones, an aged lady, whose home was with her daughter, Mrs. Alfred Agan, died suddenly Tuesday of last week and was buried at the Rawlings cemetery Wednesday. Submitted byTom Agan.

STRATTON, Seth, Paoli News (February 10, 1910) Death Notice
Seth Stratton, a prominent farmer of Northeast Township, died at his home in Bromer Monday morning after a lingering illness of several years of kidney disease. He was about 66 years of age. Mr. Stratton was well known throughout the county. He served two terms as county commissioner, his last term of office expiring about three years ago. It was during his term as commissioner that his health began to fail him and about a year before his term of office expired he went to California for his health, but the trip proved no benefit. Mr. Stratton is survived by his widow and five children, three of whom live in California, Misses Hattie and Nellie Stratton and Henry. The two other sons, John and Roscoe, live in this county. The funeral will not be held until after the arrival of Henry from California and the date for the holding of the funeral will not be fixed until it is known when he can get here. The News joins the many friends of Mr. Stratton in extending sympathy to the family. Submitted byTom Agan.