BURTON, Emma, The Orleans Progress (May 5, 1892) Death Notice
Emma Burton, wife of Douglas Burton and daughter of T. L. Mathers, of
this township, died at 2 a.m., Wednesday, April 27. She leaves a
husband and a little babe to mourn her loss, besides a large circle of
friends. Submitted by Tom Agan.
GRAVES, William H., The Orleans Progress (June 23, 1892) Death Notice
W. H. Graves, one of our best known citizens died yesterday evening at
2:30 after an illness of several weeks. His disease was neuralgia of
the stomach. Dr. Graves had been a resident of our city for nearly
fifty years and was liked by all who knew him, for his many noble
traits of character. Somewhat peculiar in his habits he had yet a broad
head, a large heart and an inexhaustible supply of will that make him
an agreeable companion and added to his popularity as a host. He was
the proprietor of the Phoenix Hotel and was well known throughout the
country and was universally respected. The family have the profoundest
sympathy of all our people in this, their hour of affliction. The
funeral services will be held at the house this afternoon. Submitted by
Tom Agan.
DODD, Mort C., The Orleans Progress (July 28, 1892) Death Notice
C. Dodd died last Saturday evening at 8:40 o'clock. For the fourth time
in the past year the angel of death has visited that household, taking
away two brothers first, then the darling babe, and lastly the father
and husband, leaving the wife and mother broken hearted and alone. But
not to her alone dies this affliction come. To a host of friends who
had been attracted to him by his many good traits, the blow was a
serious one. That one so beloved by his family and friends should be
stricken down in the prime of life is indeed hard, but she whose life
was entwined with his, it falls doubly hard. Mort was a kind, generous
hearted fellow, one whom it was a pleasure to know and who when once
acquainted with was a friend in all that the name implies. No one ever
asked a favor in vain, and the memory of his charitable acts will live
in the heart of his friends. The funeral services were held Sunday,
after which all that was mortal of he who was so lately one of us was
laid to rest in the Odd Fellow cemetery. To the doubly bereaved wife
and mother the entire community extends its heartfelt sympathy.
Submitted byTom Agan.
REED, Daisy, The Orleans Progress (August 18, 1892) Death Notice
daughter of Henry A. Reed, died at Indianapolis, yesterday, of
consumption. The remains will arrive here this evening and will be
interred at the Liberty Cemetery tomorrow morning. The many friends of
the family regret to hear this sad news, and extend their heartfelt
sympathy. Submitted byTom Agan.
KEMP, Ida, The Orleans Progress (August 18, 1892) Death Notice
Ida Kemp died Tuesday evening, of consumption, at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Wright. She had been confined to her room
for over a year. This case is indeed a sad one to record. She had been
married about two years, and but a few short months of this life she
was permitted to enjoy with her husband. Shortly after her marriage,
she and her husband were both taken down with the dreaded disease and
have been in such a condition ever since. One child was born to them,
which, with the husband, who is very low, of the same disease, and the
sorrowing parents and family survive to mourn her loss. The funeral
services were conducted at the M.E. Church, yesterday afternoon, by
Rev. S. O. Dorsey, and the remains were interred in the I.O.O.F.
cemetery. The many friends of the deceased extend to the bereaved
family their heartfelt sympathy in their sad affliction. Submitted byTom Agan.
FERGUSON, Iora, The Orleans Progress (August 18, 1892) Death Notice
Iora Ferguson, the wife of Taylor Ferguson, who lives near Bromer, died
last Saturday morning of consumption. The deceased was a most estimable
woman, loved and respected by all her neighbors and friends. she had
been failing for some time and her death had been momentarily expected
for several days. She leave a six month old babe, to the care of a
husband, who has the sympathy of the whole community. The remains were
laid to rest at the Trimble graveyard on Sunday. Submitted byTom Agan.
STULTZ, Jacob, The Orleans Progress (August 18, 1892) Death Notice
Stultz died of disease of the heart at his home south of Orleans last
Friday. His death was not unexpected, as he had been suffering for many
weeks. The remains were interred last Saturday afternoon. Submitted byTom Agan.
NICHOLS, Joel, The Orleans Progress (September 1, 1892) Death Notice
funeral of the late Joel A. Nichols will be preached at Union church,
near Syria, on Sunday, Sept. 11. All are invited to be present.
The Orleans Progress (August 18, 1892) Death Notice
Nichols died of consumption at his residence near Syria last Monday
night. He was a highly respected citizen, a good neighbor and a man who
was useful to the community. His many christian acts will long be
remembered by his friends. He leaves a large family and host of friends
who are bowed down with grief at his death. His remains were interred
at Pinhook cemetery Tuesday evening. Submitted byTom Agan.
DIEHL, Carrie, The Orleans Progress (September 15, 1892) Death Notice
Carrie Diehl, the oldest daughter of Charlie Diehl met her death in a
horrible manner last Friday evening in the street in front of her
father's house in this city at a few minutes before six o'clock.
"Vesty" Tungate was coming into the city with one of the Conder &
Albertson's log teams pulling a heavy wagon with two large oak logs on
it. When in front of Diehl's house Carrie Diehl aged seven and her
little sister Evalene, aged five, who were playing on the sidewalk ran
out and threw themselves across the coupling pole underneath the heavy
logs and in front of the hind wheels of the wagon, unnoticed by the
driver. After riding a few feet the younger sister jumped off and
taking her sister by the arm attempted to pull her off. Loosing her
hold she fell backward and was caught by the wheel which passed over
her breast crushing her little body flat.
her death agonies she raised up and laying her hand on her little
sister, who had fallen beside her and who narrowly escaped a similar
fate, she fell over dead. Abel Murray, who was driving behind the wagon
hailed the driver who hastened back to the little one whose life had
been crushed out by his wagon. The mother and others who had witnessed
the frightful spectacle had by this time reached the child, and she was
carried into the house. Bit death had come swift and sure and the
little one who but a few minutes before had been so playful was wrapped
in death's cold embrace. The father coming home from his work in the
country was wholly ignorant of the sad accident until he reached the
house where the idol of his home lay cold and silent in death. The
agony of the parents so ruthlessly robbed of their child can better be
imagined than described. Sylvester Tungate, the driver, although wholly
blameless was in deep distress and wept like a child. The funeral
services were held Saturday evening, Rev. Dorsey officiating after
which the remains of the little one were laid to rest in the Odd Fellow
cemetery. The heartfelt sympathy of the entire community goes out to
the parents so suddenly bereft of their daughter. Submitted byTom Agan.
SPARKS, Calvin, The Orleans Progress (September 15, 1892) Death Notice
Calvin Sparks died last Saturday, at his home near Abbeydel, and the
remains were interred at Ames Chapel, Sunday, under the auspices of the
G.A.R. Rev. Sparks was a kind, christian gentleman and a loyal soldier.
He was well known to a large number of our people who regret to hear of
his death. The family have the sympathy of all who knew him, in their
sad bereavement. Submitted byTom Agan.
RIGGS, Moses C., The Orleans Progress (September 22, 1892) Death Notice
news of the death of M. C. Riggs, which occurred at Evansville, Monday
morning was received here in the afternoon. He died of the disease
which caused his insanity, for the treatment of which he was sent to
Evansville several months since. The remains were sent here on Tuesday
evening, and on Wednesday were interred in the Mt. Horeb cemetery.
Submitted byTom Agan.
STALCUP, Simon P., The Orleans Progress (October 20, 1892) Death Notice
P. Stalcup died yesterday evening at the home of his stepfather, Joel
S. Brown, in west Orleans, of a complication of diseases originating
from rheumatism. He was 39 years old and leaves three children to mourn
his loss. He contracted rheumatism over a year ago while living in
French Lick township and continually getting worse came here for
treatment. Rapidly diseases of other natures took hold on him from
which he could not rally, until death relieved his suffering. Submitted
byTom Agan.
JOHNSON, Hettie, The Orleans Progress (October 20, 1892) Death Notice
the 14 year old daughter of John A. Johnson, died at the home of her
parents near Mt. Pleasant Church last Tuesday, of typhoid fever. The
remains were interred in the Pinhook cemetery yesterday. The bereaved
family have the sympathy of their many friends. Submitted byTom Agan.
JOHNSON, James, The Orleans Progress (November 24, 1892) Death Notice
James Johnson, father of Mrs. Harrold Moore, died at the home of his
daughter last Saturday morning of pneumonia fever, after an illness of
six days. The remains were interred in the Liberty cemetery Sunday
afternoon. Submitted byTom Agan.
LYND, Jesse L., The Orleans Progress (December 1, 1892) Death Notice
L. Lynd, son of Robert D. and Melissa A. Lynd, died Tuesday evening. He
was twenty years and four months old. He was an industrious, manly boy,
of a cheerful disposition, the pride of his home and neighborhood. He
joined the Christian Church at Pinhook over two years ago, and was an
honorable member. He has been afflicted since last winter, and was
confined to his bed for over three months, and with all his suffering
he never murmured, but bore them with christian resignation. A father,
mother, four sisters and a little brother are left to mourn his death.
Submitted byTom Agan.
WORRELL, Harry, The Orleans Progress (December 8, 1892) Death Notice
Harry Worrell, who was taken to the insane asylum from this place about
four years ago, died at Evansville last Monday morning from the effects
of a stroke of paralysis. The remains were sent here and interred.
Uncle Harry was sixty-six years old and was a sociable and pleasant old
gentleman. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire
community. Submitted byTom Agan.
KEARBY, James, The Orleans Progress (December 8, 1892) Death Notice
Kearby, of near Bromer, died last Sunday morning of consumption, and
was buried in the Stampers Creek graveyard at 2 o'clock Monday
afternoon. Submitted byTom Agan.
PHILLIPS, Melissa R., The Orleans Progress (December 15, 1892) Death Notice
Phillips, of Northeast Township, died last Thursday of heart disease at
the ripe old age of eighty-two. She was sitting in her arm chair when
the summons came and was discovered a few moments later by the young
lady who lives with her. She was buried Friday. Submitted byTom Agan.
BOONE, Lillie, The Orleans Progress (December 29, 1892) Death Notice
Lillie Boone, oldest daughter of Isaac Boone, died at the home of her
parents, of typhoid fever last Monday evening, after an illness of two
weeks. Miss Lillie was nineteen years old, of a kind and lovable
disposition, and was a favorite in the community in which she resided.
She leaves heart broken parents, brothers and sisters and sorrowing
friends by the hundreds to mourn her loss. The bereaved ones have the
sympathy of the entire community. The remains were interred in the
I.O.O.F. cemetery yesterday afternoon. Submitted byTom Agan.
VANTRESS, Bert, The Orleans Progress (September 2, 1897) Death Notice
remains of the late Dr. Bert VanTress arrived here on the eight o'clock
train last Friday morning and were interred in the I.O.O.F. cemetery.
Quite a number of friends of the deceased, among whom were the six
young gentlemen who acted as pall bearers, accompanied the remains here
from Monroe City. To the sorrowing father and relatives the PROGRESS
extends its sympathy. Submitted byTom Agan.
HUDELSON. Adaline, The Orleans Progress (September 2, 1897) Death Notice
John A. Hudelson died Monday morning at 5 o'clock of heart trouble and
other complications. For several days she lay at the point of death and
her departure for the beautiful beyond was not unexpected. She had
suffered for many years with her heart and frequently the angel of
death had hovered near her door, lingered a moment and went away again
to leave the good woman to be a joy and comfort, stay and protector to
her children and friends. But, He would not long delay - all medical
aid, all the tender care and loving sympathy could not drive Him away
and she has gone to her reward, at the age of 56 years, 9 months and 11
days. Her husband had preceded her ten years. She leaves three children
and a host of friends to mourn her loss. The funeral was conducted from
the Presbyterian church at 2 o'clock Tuesday and was largely attended
and very impressive. Rev. Cyrus Jones assisted by Rev. Zach Selby
conducted the services. Paoli Republican. Submitted byTom Agan.
GARRISON, Emma, The Orleans Progress (September 23, 1897) Death Notice
Emma Garrison, daughter of Woodson Garrison, a citizen of French Lick
Township, died of flux, September 16, at Elwood. She had been there
since last Spring, employed in a hotel. The remains were sent to Paoli
last Friday and on Saturday interred at Moore's Ridge cemetery. Miss
Emma was well and favorably know in Orleans and had many friends here,
having been a pupil in the High School for two or three years. She was
the sister of Mrs. James W. Lynch, formerly of this city. The PROGRESS
sympathizes with the bereaved relatives. Submitted byTom Agan.
WIBLE, William R., The Orleans Progress (September 23, 1897) Death Notice
Our little city has again been visited by the death angel, and another good citizen has paid the debt we all owe.
W. R. Wible, last Tuesday evening fell a victim to heart trouble and
without any warning and with no one near save his daughter, Mrs. Mellie
Lindley, breathed his last. Mr. Wible was born january 22, 1821, and
had spent the larger part of his life in this State. He was one of the
old veterans, having enlisted in the 49th Ind. Volunteers, and his
record as a soldier is an enviable one. Col. James Keigwin, of
Jeffersonville, speaks in glowing terms of him. As a neighbor he was
kind and generous and I speak from personal experience. No better and
trier friend to his neighbor ever lives. To his family he was always
kind and considerate and it is no base assertion when I say that
Orleans lost one of her best citizens when he died.
old man has not been well for several days, but on the day of his death
felt considerably better. He retired at the usual time and was somewhat
overjoyed at feeling so well. He little knew that the death angel was
so near.
The remains were taken to
the family homestead near Livonia where the funeral services were held
today, conducted by Revs. M. C. Clark and J. K. Howard, after which all
that was mortal of Uncle Billy was laid to rest in the Wible graveyard.
Wible Post, of Livonia, Spicely Post, of this place, and Samuel Reed
Post, of Salem, conducted the exercises. He was a charter member of
Wible Post and was the first one to die.
his death Orleans loses one of her best citizens, his family a kind and
affectionate parent and his neighbors and friends, a true and good
friend. To the bereaved ones we extend our heartfelt sympathy.
Submitted byTom Agan.
TEGARDEN, Taylor, The Orleans Progress (October 21, 1897) Death Notice
Tegarden, brother of G. W. and Samuel Tegarden, died at his home in
Northeast Township, near the Island Church, at four o'clock last Monday
morning. Several years ago when lagrippe made its appearance in this
section he was attacked by it and from it he never fully recovered, and
a number of other troubles resulting from it made life almost miserable
for him, but he battled faithfully with the disease until recently,
when he contracted typhoid fever which finally brought about the end.He
was a quiet, honest, honorable, straightforward gentleman, and by his
death Orange County loses one of her best citizens.
was forty-six years of age and leaves a wife. The funeral occurred
yesterday at Liberty Church, services being conducted by Eld. T. J.
Scully, and the remains were interred in Liberty cemetery. To the
bereaved relatives and friends the PROGRESS expresses its sincere
sympathy. Submitted byTom Agan.
FREEMAN, William J., The Orleans Progress (October 21, 1897) Death Notice
J. Freeman, a prominent farmer of Northwest Township, committed suicide
last Saturday morning, at his home by cutting his throat with a razor.
He lived about thirty minutes after committing the act. He had
experienced considerable bad luck and lost considerable money of late,
and it is believed his mind became unbalanced. He was a man of good
habits, honest and industrious, and leaves a wife to mourn his loss.
Coroner Ritter held an inquest Saturday. Submitted byTom Agan.
MILLER, Michael C., The Orleans Progress (November 4, 1897) Death Notice
C. Miller, aged eighty six years, died of old age and a complication of
diseases, Wednesday morning, October 27, 1897, at his home on Fishing
Creek, near Lawrenceport, in Lawrence County.
funeral occurred at Liberty and the remains were interred in the
cemetery at that place on Thursday. He had been sick about three
months. He was the father of Alex. Miller, of this city. Submitted byTom Agan.
MATHERS, Luther, The Orleans Progress (November 18, 1897) Death Notice
Mathers, one of Orleans Township's oldest and most prosperous farmers,
died at the residence of his son-in-law, Henry Murray, at Mitchell,
last Tuesday morning of complication of diseases attendant to old age.
He was nearly eighty years of age and leaves a large number of
relatives and friends to mourn his loss. In this, their hour of
bereavement, the PROGRESS extends its sympathy. The funeral services
occurred this morning at Wesley Chapel. Submitted byTom Agan.
ABLE, Andrew, The Orleans Progress (Decmeber 2, 1897) Death Notice
Able, an old and much respected citizen of Northwest township, died
last Sunday evening, at his home, of heart disease. He was well and
favorable known all over the county. He was eighty-two years old. The
remains were interred at the Miller cemetery on Tuesday. Submitted byTom Agan.
JONES, Matilda Chatham, The Orleans Progress (December 16, 1897) Death Notice
Matilda Jones, whose illness was noted in a recent issue, died last
Monday evening at a quarter past one o'clock. Mrs Jones has been a
sufferer from paralysis of the lower limbs for nearly twelve years and
was confined to her bed all the time.
was born August 20, 1840 and was married January 20, 1857 to Ben P.
Chatham. Of this union seven children were born. On Feb. 8, 1880, her
husband died; leaving her the care of the family. three years later she
married David Jones. Of this union one child, a girl was born, and
shortly after she was stricken with paralysis and suffered all the
agonies attendant until the day of her death. However, she bore it all
with that true Christian fortitude and patience that had characterized
her early life. She was a devout Christian and those who stood by her
bedside and watched her sufferings and heard her agonizing prayers to
"go home" could have no doubt as to her future. As we stood by her
bedside during her last hours we were forcibly impressed with the
beauties of a true Christian religion and realized the stability of a
hope founded on the promises of the Redeemer.
was well known to all of our people and was the recipient of many kind
and sympathetic words from all who visited her. Hers was a cheerful
disposition and until a few weeks before death, when her suffering grew
so intense, was a congenial companion. But the spirit has left its
frail abide and joined the glad throng in a clime where suffering is
unknown. The children and friends, while losing a loving mother and a
kind true friend, are glad that her suffering is over and that the
body, that for so many years was packed with pain is now at rest.
funeral services conducted by Eld. M. C. Clark, of Campbellsburg, were
held at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. H. F. Johnson, yesterday at
one o'clock, after which the remains were laid to rest in the beautiful
I.O.O.F. cemetery by the side of the husband and son who had preceded
her to that happy land.
beautiful floral emblems were laid on the casket, and the large
concourse of people who followed her to the grave bore silent testimony
to her worth as a lady and the high regard in which she was held by the
community. The children desire to return their sincere thanks to the
host of friends who, by their many charitable and kindly acts
contributed largely to her comfort during her last days. Mr. Jones died
two years ago and again she was left to battle alone. A Friend.
The Orleans Progress (January 6, 1898) Obituary
Matilda Jones was born near French Lick, Indiana, August 20, 1840. She
was the daughter of Daniel Lane, an old resident and prominent citizen
of Orange County.
She was united in
marriage to Benjamin P. Chatham, January 29, 1857. The located on the
old Chatham farm near Orleans. There were seven children born of this
union. The father and mother with their precious children composed a
happy home.
The old home roof under
the brow of the hill and the new residence afterwards built by the
loving husband and father, where Lemuel Richardson now lives, are
pictured undelibly on the minds and hearts of the surviving children as
a model home and as one of the spots on earth where the sunlight of
love and happiness shed their gentle influence in a glow of diffusive
warmth, and where they all swelt in a strong bond of affection.
the fall of 1879 Mr. Chatham, with his family, became residents of
Orleans. In the early part of 1880 he was attacked with pneumonia and
died of the disease, February 8, 1880, being the first member to be
separated from the hitherto unbroken family circle.
Chatham remained a widow until October 12, 1882 when she entered into
marriage relationship with David Jones, who lived in the Mt. Pleasant
neighborhood. Tillie was born to them and survives both of her parents,
her father having died March 23, 1896. The subject of this sketch was
an invalid about twelve before she was released from her dreadful pain.
She was stricken with paraplegia of the lower limbs and although she
received the best treatment medical skill could devise the disease
developed into general paralysis. She lived to bestow her blessing on
each one of her seven children by her first marriage in the ordinance
of their marriage. The all survive her except the youngest two, Lulu
and Wesley, who awaited and welcomed her coming into the spirit world.
Mrs. Jones died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Homer F. Johnson, on
the 13th inst. at 1:15 o'clock p.m., where she had lived ever since the
death of Mr. Jones.
Now it only
remains for me to speak of the estimable character and christian
fortitude of the deceased. Through all of her life she practiced the
strictest rules of rectitude. She was scrupulously just, but withal
liberal and charitable to a fault. She possessed a loving nature. The
good and beautiful found a true admirer in her; the poor and distressed
a sympathizing friend. She had a sunny social disposition and even in
and through her long period of suffering she exercised great patience
and due regard for the feelings of others. Her friendship was a
benediction and no doubt the many kind words and acts she bestowed on
her acquaintances will be as bread cast upon the waters, if not to
return to her to those who were dearer to her than all else in this
world. She lived a consistent christian from her early girlhood. She
joined the Christian Church and remained a communicant of that order
until after her marriage with Mr. Jones, when in account of the near
proximity of the Mt. Pleasant Baptist church to their home she
identified herself with that church. The same faith and love
characterized every word and deed of her entire christian experience.
was her delight to have some one to read to her, and the Bible was the
book that interested her most. The 23rd Psalm was a favorite selection
that she often asked might be read to her. She trusted in the Lord and
although she had suffered bereavements and afflictions greater than
many mortals are called to endure she exclaimed with the psalmist, Yea
though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Death, I will fear no
evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. It
is an irreparable and heart-rending loss when we are called to part
from such a mother, but her memory will always abide with us as a
caress and a blessing. Her precept and example will live in the hearts
of her loved ones and the pages of the book of life will impart sweeter
lessons, because mother helped to impress them.
bore her physical suffering with as much fortitude as it was possible
for a human being to do. She appreciates the careful attention of her
physicians and the loving friends, but when human love and help failed
with her as they must with all of us one after another. She quietly and
peacefully fell asleep, leaning on the everlasting arms of her Savior.
John J. Lingle. Submitted byTom Agan.
LEE, Matilda, The Orleans Progress (December 16, 1897) Death Notice
Matilda Lee, aged about forty-five, who resided at Leipsic, died last
Monday evening, very suddenly, of stomach trouble. She leave two
children. She was a sister of C. J. Clayton, of this city. The remains
were interred yesterday. Submitted byTom Agan.
PARISH, Alfred, The Orleans Progress (December 23, 1897) Death Notice
Parish died of cardiac dropsy of the heart, at his home three and
one-half miles southeast of Orleans, on Friday morning, at 6:30
o'clock, aged seventy-one years, eleven months and eighteen days.
had been complaining several weeks of a complication of diseases, but
was not compelled to take his bed until about ten days before his
death. One day previous to his death he was feeling better than he had
felt for some time, but when attacked by dropsy he quickly succumbed.
He was a good citizen, energetic and industrious, and for years was a
devout member of the Presbyterian church.
funeral services were conducted by Rev. John A. Tracy at the
Presbyterian Church, on Sunday morning at eleven o'clock and the
remains were interred in the I.O.O.F. cemetery. To the bereaved family
and other relatives the PROGRESS extends its sincere sympathy.
Submitted byTom Agan.
LITTELL, Charles E., The Orleans Progress (January 27, 1898) Death Notice
DIED: Charley E. Littell, Monday morning, January 24, 1898; aged thirty years and four days.
twenty minutes past two Monday morning he folded his hands, cast his
eyes round upon the group of anxious relatives and friends, muttered
"alright" and passed into the great beyond. To the sorrowing family and
friends his death was no surprise; it had been expected for days, yes
weeks, and everything that science and good nursing could do, had been
done to delay the unhappy event. Money had been spent with stint; a
trip across the continent to a climate more congenial and beneficial to
consumptives had been taken; the best medical skill our city afforded;
all were at his command, but still the rude hand of death was laid on
the frail form and nothing was left but to obey. The grief stricken
family and friends who were present were awed at the presence of death,
but only momentarily. Instantly the promises of the divine Master came
to them and more than ever they remembered that "He doeth all things
well." All his faults were forgotten and only a memory of his many good
deeds rose to the surface. The news rapidly spread throughout our
little city and expressions of regret were heard on all sides. Charlie
had been a resident of our city for about twelve years and was
universally popular. He was of a cheerful disposition, and was
charitable and generous to a fault. He made friends wherever he went
and by his manly conduct held them. He was no hypocrite. If you were
his friend you could borrow money on that friendship. But was even
generous to those he disliked and even made his enemies respect him.
His acquaintances and friends were not confine to his native town, but
were to found in every town and city where he ever visited, and the
presence of so large a number of visitors at his funeral was only an
expression from them of the high esteem in which he was held by them.
beautiful floral emblems that rested on his casket were gifts from
friends who were glad to contribute even so small an offering as
evidence of their esteem. His death cast a shadow over the entire
community and his loss will be felt, but is to the wife and baby to
whom the loss will be most irreparable. To them he was all that was
pure and noble and his presence will be sadly missed. In his family
relations he was pleasant and sociable and the same cheerful
disposition was with him through his every day life.
he is gone and nothing but the memory of his life remains and may his
many charitable acts o'ershadow all others and prove a lamp to the feet
of those who cherish his memory.
services were conducted by Rev. T. J. Scully, assisted by Revs.
Radcliffe, Welker and Morgan, at the residence of the parents of the
deceased, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Littell, yesterday morning at ten o'clock,
and interment was in the I.O.O.F. cemetery. To the bereaved wife,
parents, sisters and relatives, we extend our sincere sympathy.
The funeral was in charge of the Tribe Ben Hur, and every detail was beautifully carried out. Submitted by Tom Agan.
MONICAL, Sarah, The Orleans Progress (January 27, 1898) Death Notice
Sarah Monical, wife of Peter B. Monical, Sr., died of heart disease,
Tuesday, Jan. 19, after a long illness. She was about 74 years of age
and was one of whom it might be said, "She Hath Done What She Could."
She leaves a husband, five sons and two daughters. Bro. Beck conducted
the funeral services. An affectionate wife and mother and a kind
neighbor is gone from us. Submitted byTom Agan.
MINTON, Theopholis, The Orleans Progress (June 8, 1893) Death Notice
Minton, a carpenter working for Thomas N. Taylor, on the Ryan Building
at French Lick, fell from the third story yesterday and strick on his
head, killing him almost instantly. He lived twenty minutes. He was
thirty-five years of age, and leaves a wife and two children.
The Orleans Progress (June 15, 1893)
guest at French Lick raised a purse of about $65 for the widow of the
unfortunate Oph. Minton, who was accidently killed by falling off Dr.
Ryan's new building last week. Dr. Ryan with his usual generosity paid
the funeral expense. Submitted byTom Agan.