BRIDGEWATER, Thomas Elwood, Springs Valley Herald (July 21, 1911) Death Notice
Elwood Bridgewater, aged 27 years, 6 months and 8 days, died at his
home near West Baden last Sunday morning of tuberculosis of the
stomach, after a lingering illness. The funeral services were conducted
from the residence of his parents at 10 o'clock Monday by Eld. Richard
Bex, after which interment occurred at Ames Chapel cemetery.
following pall bearers were the close friends of the deceased: Elmer
and George Pierce, Arthur Stewart, Will Denny, James and Dave Scarlett.
"Duck" as he was commonly known, was a big hearted, jovial fellow and
well like by everyone who had the good fortune to know him. He always
had a kind word for everyone and will be missed in the community in
which he resided. He leaves a wife, father and mother to mourn his
loss. The Herald joins the many friends of the deceased in extending to
the grief-stricken wife, father and mother their heartfelt sympathy in
this their hour of sadness. Submitted by Tom Agan.
WEBB, John T., Orleans Progress (November 19, 1891) Death Notice
SHOT IN BACK Farmer John Webb Riddled by a load of Buck Shot DIES AFTER FIFTEEN HOURS SUFFERING WITHOUT GIVING ANY INFORMATION AS TO THE ASSASSIN His Little Ten Year Old Daughter Barely Escapes Death From a Stray Bullet Fired at the Assassin by Her Father After He Had Received His Death Wound A Prominent Citizen Said to be Implicated, but no Positive Proof Brought Out Against Him
cowardly murder was committed last Saturday evening about seven
o'clock, four miles south of town, when John T. Webb, a prosperous
farmer, was shot in the back by an assassin who had deliberately
planned the murder.
The alarm was
soon spread and hundreds of people gathered on the scene, eager to see
and hear the details of the cowardly murder, and see if the assassin
had left any traces by which his identity would be traced. A reported
for this paper was at the scene Sunday and the facts as learned are as
About seven o'clock that
evening while Webb was sitting by the fire he heard someone calling
cattle across the river bed west of his house. Taking his umbrella he
walked down through the lot between his house and the river; reaching
the gate that opened out into what is known as the river bed, he
climbed the bank at the side of the road and attempted to climb the
fence, when he was fired on by the assassin, secreted under the river
bank and some fifty feet south of the gate. Thirty-eight shot pierced
his left hip and side inflicting a wound from which he died Sunday
morning at 9 o'clock.
When he
received the shot he fell backward off the fence, and lying on his
right side he drew his revolver and placing it through the crack of the
fence fired two shots in the direction from whence the shot came, one
of which struck the gate and glancing off struck his little ten year
old daughter who had been attracted by the noise and was coming down
the path traveled by her father, but a moment before, and inflicted a
painful, though not dangerous would on the throat. Assistance was
summoned and the victim was carried to the house and medical aid
summoned, and all that could be done for the dying man was done, but to
no avail.
The assassin was tracked
to the corner of a wheat field, about seventy-five yards southwest of
the spot where the shooting was done, where he was joined by another
person and the two tracked across the wheat field to the woods where
the tracks were lost. Pieces of the wads were found that show almost
where the cowardly assassin stood when he fired the fatal shot.
points strongly to a prominent farmer, and a near neighbor of Webb's,
with whom he had trouble, bit no positive evidence was found sufficient
to warrant his arrest. The coroner was summoned and an inquest held,
but nothing could be found that would throw any light on the murder.
victim of the unfortunate affair was buried in the Webb graveyard
Monday evening, The G.A.R. of this place, of which he was a member,
conducting the exercises. Webb was a man about fifty-eight years old
and leaves a wife and five daughters who have the sympathy of the
entire community.
Webb was a man who
was disposed to be quarrelsome with his neighbors, and had been the
aggressor in several melees in the neighborhood. He had openly attacked
some three or four of his neighbors, but it was always in a desperate
manner, and not in the cowardly manner in which he met his death. He
was kind to his family and a good provider, and there are those by the
score who can testify to his liberality as the host. Bad as he was, the
man who planned and executed his murder is infinitely worse, and if
discovered, which he surely will be, should receive the extreme penalty
of the law.
Rumors were plenty about
the troubles he had with his neighbors, but all centered on one man. As
to this man's guilt or innocence we leave the court's to determine.
Orleans Progress (December 2, 1891) Followup Story
Wood was arrested Tuesday of this week charged with the murder of John
Webb, who was shot and mortally wounded late on the evening of Nov.
14th, near his residence in Paoli Township. The warrant was issued by
Squire David Huddleson, of Paoli, on the affidavit of Webb's widow. The
affidavit was made some eight or nine days ago, but on account of there
being no constable in that township the execution of the warrant was
delayed until Tuesday.
On the return
of the warrant with the body of the accused, the justice, by agreement
of parties, fixed Friday, Dec. 4, at 9 o'clock a.m. as the time for the
beginning of the preliminary trial.
defendant's counsel asked that the defendant be released on bond for
his appearance, but this was denied on the ground that the case was not
About thirty-five
witnesses are to be subpoenied for the State, and the examination
promises to be very interesting. Our hope is that the whole truth
concerning the murder and the perpetrator of the foul deed may be fully
Mavity, Wright and Buskirk
represent the State, while Farrel of Paoli and Alspaugh & Lawler of
Salem, appear for the defendant.
Orleans Progress (December 9, 1891)
Wood has been arrested for the murder of John Webb. He has served three
days in the county bastile at the end of which time he is permitted to
go after filing a bond of $10,000 for his appearance at court. The
grand jury will investigate the matter and if a true bill be found, he
will be tried before the court. If found guilty he will surely be
punished. If innocent he will be completely exonerated.
Orleans Progress (March 24, 1892)
NOT GUILTY So Says The Jurymen After Being Out All Night MARION WOODS IS ACQUITTED Of the Charge of Killing John T. Webb Last November
Webb murder trial came to an end when on yesterday morning at 7:30
o'clock, the jury brought in a verdict of not guilty, and today Marion
Woods is a free man. It will be remembered by our readers that this
trial grew out of a finding of the grand jury at its January term,
charging Marion Wood with the murder of John T, Webb, on November 14,
1891, at a lonely place on Lost River, near Webb's residence. The trial
has been in progress since Tuesday, the 15th, occupying seven days.
There is yet some strong feeling existing in the matter but we shall
now say anything regarding it. Our readers are so well acquainted with
the testimony given in that for want of space we will not attempt a
The defense was conducted
by Alspaugh, Lawler, Lingle and Farrel, while the prosecution was ably
represented by Buskirk, Brannaman and Wright. Submitted by Tom Agan.
SPEECE, Mary, Orleans Progress (December 2, 1891) Death Notice
Mary Speece, who, with her little daughter lived alone in French Lick
Township for a long time, was burned to death last Friday morning. The
little daughter had gone to school, and on returning home in the
afternoon found the old lady lying in the fireplace, burned beyond
recognition. Squire Cassidy, of French Lick, held the inquest in the
absence of the coroner. Submitted byTom Agan.
PINNICK, William, Orleans Progress (December 16, 1891) Death Notice
Pinnick, living near Orangeville, died last Friday of a complication of
diseases attendant upon old age. He was a good citizen, and was
respected by all who knew him. He had been blind for a number of years.
His remains were interred at the family burying ground Saturday. The
family have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement.
Submitted byTom Agan.
HARDMAN, Mary, Orleans Progress (December 30, 1891) Death Notice
Mary Hardman died very suddenly yesterday morning of lagrippe. She was
a woman of high moral worth and was beloved by all who knew her. A
loving mother, a dutiful wife, a kind and generous neighbor and friend
has passed into that great beyond, leaving behind her her life's
companion, one daughter and a host of friends to mourn her loss. Mrs.
Hardman had been sick but a few days and her death was unexpected. Mr.
Hardman is quite sick with lagrippe and the shock caused by his wife's
death almost prostrated him.
desire to express out heartfelt thanks to the friends who so kindly
aided us during the late illness and death of our companion and mother.
David Hardman, Ziba Murray, Jennie Murray. Submitted byTom Agan.
BUNDY, Will, Orleans Progress (January 14, 1892) Death Notice
Bundy, of Paoli, died last Sunday evening of typhoid fever. He had been
sick but a few days, but his sickness was so severe that his death had
been expected for some time. "Bun" as he was familiarly called, was a
young man who it was a pleasure to know. He was kind, sociable and
obliging and was universally respected and beloved by all who knew him.
None knew him but to love him and his rare traits of character were
exhiblited in his daily life. He leave a wife and two children to mourn
his death, bit their grief finds consolation in the promises of our
Savior who hath said, "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." His
remains were interred at Paoli Sunday evening. Submitted byTom Agan.
MOORE, Elizabeth, Orleans Progress (January 14, 1892) Death Notice
on Friday January 8th, 1892, Mrs. Elizabeth Moore, in the 78th year of
her life. Mrs. MNoore was a kind christian lady who by her daily life
exemplified the teaching of her Savior. She was a devout christian and
delighted in doing her masters will. She was married to Henry Moore in
1833. From this union two sons and four daughters were born of whom one
son and four daughters are still living. Her remains were laid to rest
at Liberty cemetery last Dunday and were followed to their last resting
place by a large concourse of friends and relatives of the deceased.
The Progress extends its sympathy to the mourners in this their hour of
affliction. Submitted byTom Agan.
MURRAY, James, Orleans Progress (January 21, 1892) Death Notice
Murray died yesterday morning of lagrippe, after a sickness of about
ten days. Mr. Murray was a well-to-do farmer and lived about two miles
from town. He was a good citizen and enjoyed the confidence and respect
of all who know him. He leaves a wife and several children together
with a host of friends to mourn his death. Mrs. Murray has been sick
some time, but at this writing is somewhat better. Submitted byTom Agan.
FISHER, Margaret, Orleans Progress (January 28, 1892) Death Notice
John Fisher, the estimable wife of John Fisher, Sr., who lives in the
Mt. Pleasant neighborhood, died very suddenly of heart disease last
sunday night. She was about sixty eight years old and was highly
respected wherever she was known.. Submitted byTom Agan.
CAMPBELL, Deborah, Orleans Progress (January 28, 1892) Death Notice
J. P. Campbell of Abby Dell died this week. Her husband died two weeks
since and Mrs. Campbell never recovered from the shock. She was a kind
christian lady and enjoyed the respect and confidence of all her
neighbors and friends. she leaves one daughter who in two short weeks
has lost both father and mother. The doubly bereaved daughter has the
sympathy of the entire community. Submitted byTom Agan.
BURGESS, Floyd, Orleans Progress (January 28, 1892) Death Notice
Burgess, of English, Ind., died last Friday of Pneumonia and was buried
at Stampers Creek on Sunday. Mr. Burgess formerly lived in our city and
conducted a dry goods store in the room now occupied by M. C. Reed. He
was gentle man in all that the term implies, and had a large circle of
friends in our county who will be grieved to learn of his death. He
leaves a wife and two children who have the sympathy of the community
in their sad affliction. Submitted byTom Agan.
HACKNEY, Reuben, Orleans Progress (January 28, 1892) Death Notice
Hackney died last Friday afternoon of consumption, aged about fifty
years. He was a quiet, inoffensive, christian gentleman, who everybody
in our town knew and respected. Honest and generous to a fault, an
earnest and devout christian, none knew him but to respect him. His was
a familiar figure to our people until disease claimed him, and death
had marked him for its victim. he died as he had lived, peacefully and
quietly, surrounded by his friends and relatives, when he felt the icy
hand of Death, he called them around his bedside and bid them good-bye,
gave instruction to his friends as to where he wanted to be buried, and
that he desired Rev. Harry Morgan to preach his funeral, he closed his
eyes and waited for the summons he knew full well was not far distant.
He was buried at Stampers Creek Last Sunday, a large number of our
people accompanying the precession. He had been a member of the Baptist
church for a number of years, and was a faithful attendant at all its
meetings, and at the Sunday schools. To the sorrowing relatives and
friends we extend our heartfelt sympathy. Submitted byTom Agan.
McCART, Lucretia, Orleans Progress (March 3, 1892) Death Notice
Lucretia McCart, the mother of James M. McCart of this place died at
Elnora, Daviess County on last Friday night. The deceased was the widow
of John McCart and was an estimable lady. The remains arrived here
Saturday evening and interred in the Orleans cemetery Sunday.
desire to express our thanks to our friends and nieghbors for their
kind assistance in our late bereavement. James M. McCart and Family.
Submitted byTom Agan.
WELLS, Annie, Orleans Progress (March 17, 1892) Death Notice
Annie Wells, wife of James Wells, died last Thursday night at her home
at French Lick, after a brief illness. Her remains were interred in the
Ames Chapel cemetery on Saturday. Submitted byTom Agan.
KIMBLEY, Arthur J., Orleans Progress (March 24, 1892) Death Notice
J. Kimbley died Tuesday afternoon, at 5 o'clock, at the residence of
his brother-in-law, S. N. Fisher. He was 32 years of age. He was a
sufferer of consumption, which, aggravated with lagrippe, caused his
heath. His home was at Friendswood, where he leaves a wife to mourn his
loss, with a large circle of relatives and friends at this place.
Funeral services will be held at the residence of Mr. Fisher this
morning at 10 o'clock after which the remains will be interred in the
Orleans cemetery. Submitted byTom Agan.
CHAILLAUX, Louis, Orleans Progress (March 31, 1892) Death Notice
Chaillaux, of North West Township, was buried at Bethel last Friday
after a very short illness. We are not informed as to the ailment. The
deceased was a man of retiring disposition, but carried a great heart
and was one of the best read men in the county. He leaves a wife and
six children. Submitted byTom Agan.
KIRBY, Martha Jane, The Orleans Progress (January 7, 1897) Death Notice
Martha Jane Kirby, well know to many of our people, died at
Williamsburg, Ky., Sunday night, December 20, in the 67 years of her
age. She leaves two children,. John T. Cook, of Iowa, and Mrs. H. C.
Tyler, of Williamsburg, Ky. she was a former resident of this place and
was highly respected by all who knew her. She was a good christian
woman and the memory of her many good deeds will long live in the
hearts of her friends. Submitted byTom Agan.
COLLINS, Isom, The Orleans Progress (January 14, 1897) Death Notice
Collins, aged 23 and unmarried, a son of Young Collins, living four
miles southeast of French Lick, met death last Saturday at his home by
the accidental discharge of a revolver in his pocket. Submitted byTom Agan.
TURNER, Jacob, The Orleans Progress (January 21, 1897) Death Notice
Jacob Turner, a prominent citizen of this county, living near old Turner Station, died last Friday, aged 80 years. Submitted by Tom Agan.
WEBB, Sarah E., The Orleans Progress (January 28, 1897) Death Notice
Sarah E. Webb departed this life at her residence three miles south of
Orleans, Jan. 21st, 1897, aged 44 years and 11 months. She was the
daughter of Jacob and Mary S. Pickett; was married to John T. Webb Nov.
16, 1876, who died Oct. 31, 1891. The mother was left with three
daughters, who still survive, also four sisters and one brother and a
large circle of relatives and friends to mourn her loss.
the last five months of her life she was a great sufferer, but death
relieved her of all her bodily pain and the remains were placed beside
those of her husband in the family cemetery on the farm after a short
funeral service conducted at the family residence by Rev. M. C. Clark
of Campbellsburg. Submitted byTom Agan.
HARDMAN, Betty, The Orleans Progress (February 4, 1897) Death Notice
Betty Hardman died at the home of Philip Clipp, near Carter's Creek, at
the advanced age of 97 years. She was the mother of David Hardman, of
this place, and leaves besides him, one son and one daughter. she was a
highly respected woman and all through her ninety-seven years of life
had been an earnest and devout christian. Her death was simply a
resting place for the spirit in its passage to the celestial world.
Submitted byTom Agan.
PEACHER, Hannah, The Orleans Progress (February 4, 1897) Death Notice
Hannah Peacher, mother of Wm. H. Peacher, was found dead in her bed
yesterday morning at the home of her son. She had retired to bed the
evening before in her usual health, and her death was consequently a
surprise. She was near 80 years old and was a good christian woman. Her
remains were interred at Mt. Horeb today. Her husband met death about
two years ago, by being butted by a vicious sheep, since which time she
has lived with her son. The family have the sympathy of the community.
Submitted byTom Agan.
PINNICK, Elijah, The Orleans Progress (March 11, 1897) Death Notice
Pinnick, a prominent farmer living near Orangeville, was found dead in
his bed yesterday morning. He is supposed to have died of heart
disease. Submitted byTom Agan.
CHENOWETH, John, The Orleans Progress (March 18, 1897) Death Notice
one of Orleans' old and best citizens has gone. This time the hand of
death has claimed for its own and taken from our midst one of our best
loved citizens, Uncle John Chenoweth. He has for almost thirty-five
years been among us and mingled with our people everyday, and his many
gracious acts will long be remembered. He was for many years identified
with the business interests of Orleans, having conducted a milling
business until within the last few years, when he was compelled to
retire on account of his failing health. He was taken down sick ten
weeks ago with typhoid fever, and from that time he gradually grew
worse until death relieved his sufferings last Friday evening at 7:30
o'clock. He was sixty eight years of age, and leaves a living wife and
a son, George W. to mourn his loss. He was a Mason for many years, and
his remains were placed away with the honors of that order. The funeral
services were conducted at the family home by Elder T. J. Scully, on
Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and the remains were interred in the
I.O.O.F. cemetery. To the bereaved widow and son and relatives, we
extend our heartfelt sympathies.
desire to extend to the friends and neighbors who were so kind to us
during the last illness of our beloved husband and father, and who by
their many acts of love made his last moments peaceful, our sincerest
and heartfelt thanks. We say, God Bless You. Mrs. Leora Chenoweth,
George W. Chenoweth. Submitted byTom Agan.
WORRELL, Ella, The Orleans Progress (March 25, 1897) Death Notice
wife of Newton Worrell, died last Sunday evening at eleven o'clock, of
heart disease, at the family home in Salem. she had been experiencing
frequent attacks of heart trouble during the past year, and came near
dying while visiting in this city about a year ago. The family had
retired and were sleeping when Mrs. Worrell awoke her husband and told
him she was having another spell with her heart. Mr. Worrell hastily
dressed and ran for a physician, and when he returned found his wife a
corpse. The remains were sent to this city and taken to the home of C.
P. Munger, where funeral services were conducted by Eld. T. J. Scully,
on Tuesday, at eleven o'clock a.m. and the remains were interred in the
I.O.O.F. Cemetery. Deceased was thirty-five years of age, and she
leaves a husband and three children to mourn her departure. Submitted
byTom Agan.
LINDLEY, Johnnie, The Orleans Progress (March 25, 1897) Death Notice
son of John T. Lindley, died of pneumonia fever last Monday morning at
the family home, three and one-half miles southwest of Orleans, after
an illness of four weeks. He was twenty one years of age, and was one
of the brightest and most promising young men of the neighborhood. He
was a favorite at home and among all his acquaintances, and his loss
will be deeply felt in that community. The funeral services were
conducted by Rev. Watson, of Chambersburg, on Tuesday afternoon at
three o'clock, and the remains were interred in the cemetery at Old
Union. To the bereaved parents, relatives and friends the PROGRESS
expresses deep sympathy. Submitted byTom Agan.
OLDHAM, Charles W., The Orleans Progress (April 8, 1897) Death Notice
The mantle of gloom was spread over our little city last Tuesday morning when it was announced that Charles W. Oldham was dead.
had been a sufferer from Brights disease and stomach troubles for
several years, but had managed to look after his extensive business
affairs until within the last three months, during all of latter time
being confined to his home.
suffered long and bore it patiently, and the end came peacefully on
Tuesday morning, April 6th, 1897, at seven o'clock. While he was
cognizant of the fact that his time was short, and his family fully
aware of his condition, his death was even more sudden than was
He was one of our most
enterprising business men, and leaves behind him a record for honesty,
fairness and manliness that is worthy of emulation.
was born Nov. 27th, 1844 and at his death was aged 52 years, 4 months
and 9 days. He leaves a wife, three sons and one daughter to mourn his
departure. In his death the widow loses a kind and loving husband, the
children an indulgent and honored parent, and the community a respected
and law-abiding citizen.
The remains
were taken to Paoli on the 9:45 train, on Wednesday, and immediately
conveyed to the cemetery where they were consigned to the grave beside
his children who had preceded him. A short service was conducted at the
To the bereaved wife, children and relatives, the PROGRESS extends its heartfelt sympathy.
desire to tender our heartfelt thanks to all the dear friends who
showered kindly acts upon our dear husband and father during his last
illness, and so nobly assisted us during our bereavement. Also, we
desire to thank the train and station employees of the Monon for
favors. Mrs. C. W. Oldham and Family. Submitted byTom Agan.
STEPHENS, Louella, The Orleans Progress (April 22, 1897) Death Notice
Stephens was born January 13, 1869, she departed this life April 16,
1897, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Ziba Murray, Orleans, Indiana.
Early in life, at the age of eleven years, obeyed the Gospel. She at
that time united with the Christian church; then in November last, when
Bro. T. S. Hutson was with the Church of Christ, she cast her lot with
them. Died in the triumphs of a living faith, leaving those dear by
ties of kinship and friendship to miss her. Funeral services were
conducted by Bro. E. C. Richardson in the presence of a large concourse
of very warm friends. At last we laid her at rest in the beautiful
cemetery at Orleans to await the Lord's coming. Submitted byTom Agan.
GIBBONS, Nellie, The Orleans Progress (April 22, 1897) Death Notice
Gibbons received a message yesterday morning from Indianapolis, stating
that his daughter, Miss Nellie, who had undergone a surgical operation
for a tumor, was very low. He left at once for that city on the 9:42
Later - Word was received this morning that Miss Nellie is dead. The remains will be here at 5 o'clock this afternoon.
The Orleans Progress (April 29, 1897) Obituary
Nellie Gibbons was born at Salem, Ind. on the 23rd day of August, 1873;
departed this life at Indianapolis, Ind., on the 23rd day of April,
Miss Nellie was the fifth
child of seven children born to Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbons, five of whom
had already preceded Nellie to that beautiful land where the soul of
the redeemed is perfectly satisfied. Mr. Fred Gibbons is the only
remaining child left to bless and comfort the declining years of these
often bereaved parents. Although compelled, by the inexorable law of
destiny, to consign the bodies of their beloved children to the earth,
one after the other, they have had the glorious privilege of resigning
their precious souls to God of whom they are a part, and to have the
saddened but comforting memory of the loving smile, the kindly word and
the affectionate caress to cherish in their hearts as they journey
through this pilgrimage to the other country, where children and
parents will be reunited never to be separated.
Nellie was never of a strong and vigorous constitution, hence, she was
an easy victim to disease. What she lost in bodily health was simply
repaid in beauty and grandeur of character; to know her was to love
her, generous and kind to a fault, considerate of others pleasure and
self sacrificing to the extent of abnegation. She was sympathetic and
amiable. She extended sympathy where ever and when ever it was
necessary and her unassuming manners attracted the admiration of all
with whom she came in contact. This may be said of her character. Not
only for a few years, but for the duration of her while life.
possessed a reverent disposition for sacred things and her love for her
mother, father and brother was evinced by the utmost esteem and
She united with the M. E.
Church at Bethel, near Lebanon, Ind., nearly five years ago and was
happily converted at new Albany, Ind., about two years ago at an
evangelistic revival conducted by the Rev. Harrison and wife.
her father determined to permanently locate his family residence at
Orleans, Miss Nellie transferred her church membership here and also
became a member of the Epworth League. She was particularly adapted and
qualified to assist in the social and musical features of church work.
Her graceful manner, kind word and pleasant smile were a benediction.
She dearly loved music and flowers. The good, the true and beautiful
hid from her mind the little imperfections that mar and dwarf the
pleasure of life.
As has been
intimated, Miss Nellie's health was always inclined to delicacy, but
her fatal sickness only developed about 12 months since. For that
length of time she has almost continuously suffered with intense pain.
She was afflicted with an ovarian tumor and her suffering became so
excruciating that she became reconciled to place herself under the hand
of a skill physician and surgeon on Indianapolis for treatment. Four
weeks ago Nellie was taken by her father to Dr. Eastman, at
Indianapolis, who after preparing her for so far as human knowledge
could discern for the fearful ordeal of surgical operation, the test
was made Saturday morning. The kind surgeon found that her disease had
become so far advanced that her recovery would prove extremely
doubtful. His prognosis proved too true, for she peacefully passed away.
Miss Nellie fully appreciated the desperateness of her chance of life and was fully prepared for the change if it should come.
loving mother and father were with her when she entered the valley of
the shadows and when their loving hearts and hands could do no more she
quickly resigned herself into the hands of her blessed Lord and Master
who took her unto Himself.
She spoke kindly to and of her surgeon and of her nurses.
said not to grieve for herself or a love of life, but her principle
regret seemed to be that her parents and brother would sorrow because
of her departure. Tender and sympathizing in life, loving and
compassionate in death.
To the bereaved parents and brother we say grieve not for Nellie. She is happier now than mortal can ever be. Submitted by Tom Agan.
MARTIN, Nora, The Orleans Progress (April 29, 1897) Death Notice
at the home of James A. Martin, his sister, Miss Nora Martin, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac K. Martin, of Stampers Creek. The angels have
visited our house and taken from us our dear daughter and sister, which
leaves a vacant place at out table and a vacant place in our heart,
which never can be filled. Nora was born Dec. 2, 1870; died April 25,
1897, aged 26 years, 4 months and 23 days. She united with the Regular
Baptist church in 1893 and since then has been a devoted christian, a
loving daughter and a kind sister. She bore all of her sickness and
suffering with patience and never murmured. She had hopes of recovering
until about six days ago, where she told us that she would have to
leave us, that she loved us all, but if it was the Lord's will she
wasn't afraid to die, and hoped that we all would meet her in a
brighter land where there would be nor more such sorrow and suffering
as she has had to contend with here on earth. She leaves an aged
father, mother, three brothers and three sisters, besides a host of
friends and relatives to mourn her loss. The funeral services were
conducted at the home of the brother of the deceased, James A. Martin,
by Rev. C. W. Radcliffe, on Tuesday morning at nine o'clock, and the
remains taken to Paoli for interment in the cemetery at that place.
desire to express our sincere thanks to the kind friends who did us so
many acts of friendship and love during the last illness of our loving
daughter. I. K. Martin and Family. Submitted byTom Agan.
BURNETT, Jonathan, The Orleans Progress (May 6, 1897) Death Notice
Burnett, colored, a resident of this city, died at Bedford, last
Saturday evening, of pneumonia fever, aged forty two years. His remains
were taken to Paoli on Sunday and were laid to rest at Newberry Friends
cemetery on Monday. Submitted byTom Agan.
LANE (Ferguson), Thomas, The Orleans Progress (May 13, 1897) Death Notice
Lane, sometimes known as Thomas Ferguson, a Washington county pauper,
was run over and killed by the early morning Monon train at lost River
bridge last Friday. The train people say he was crawling on the bridge
and they thought he was a hog until it was too late to stop the train.
The pony trucks ran over him, butting off both legs above the knees.
The train had to be backed before he could be gotten out. The
unfortunate man was brought on to Paoli and taken to the Padgett house,
where he died shortly after. He was probably trying to get to the
Orange County Poor House. He had been an inmate of the Washington
County Infirmary, but disliked the fare furnished. There are some
indications that he was trying to commit suicide, for on the evening
before he was killed the train men had to drag him off the track near
the Stines residence. Lane was at one time well to do and lived near
Campbellsburg, and it is said he now has relatives living in that
neighborhood who are well fixed, but they declined to bear any part of
the expenses and the remains were buried in the Potters Field at the
Poor Farm, on Saturday morning, at the expense of the county. This
makes three persons killed on the Branch by No. 59 within the last
twelve months, the first a negro woman, then the fruit tree trimmer.
Submitted byTom Agan.
LYNN, Martha, The Orleans Progress (May 20, 1897) Death Notice
- Martha, wife of William D. Lynn, at the home near Bromer last Monday
evening at about eight o'clock. she was seventy-two years of age and
was a good, Christian woman. A husband and four children survive her.
The funeral services were conducted by Rev. A. J. Howard and the
remains interred at Livonia, immediately afterward. To the bereaved
ones the PROGRESS extends sincere sympathy. Submitted byTom Agan.
GARDINER, Emma Wible, The Orleans Progress (May 20, 1897) Death Notice
Emma Wible Gardiner died at Livonia at noon last Saturday ans was
buried Sunday afternoon after funeral services at the Presbyterian
church in that village. She had been married but one month and the same
minister who performed the marriage ceremony preached the funeral. She
was a well known and prominent young lady. Her father was B. F. Wible,
of Stampers Creek township. Submitted byTom Agan.
TAYLOR, Eleazor H., The Orleans Progress (June 3, 1897) Death Notice
With the dawning of a new day the spirit of Eleazor H. Taylor departed from the body and returned to the God who gave it.
died at 5:20 o'clock last Friday morning, at the advanced age of
eighty-seven years. He was the father of ten children, all of whom have
preceded him to the world beyond.
was one of the early founders of Methodism in Orleans, and was a member
of the Methodist church for over seventy years, giving freely of his
money and time to the cause of religion.
the past two or three years he had been unable to attend divine service
as was his custom in former years, on account of his rapidily declining
health, and during the last two weeks of his illness he was confined to
his bed all of the time.
He died
peacefully and on Sunday, at about the noon hour his remains were
placed beneath the sod and besides those of his wife, in Green Hill
The funeral sermon was
preached by Rev. R. A. Kemp, of Vevay, assisted by Rev's. Elrod, of
Ellettsville; Hutchison, of Mitchell, and Welker, of this city.
Submitted byTom Agan.
MURRAY, Isaac, The Orleans Progress (June 24, 1897) Death Notice
Murray died last Monday morning at the family home several miles
northeast of this city, aged 67 years. He received a stoke of paralysis
from the effect of which he died in a short time. This was the second
stroke, the first one was along in the winter. An hour previous to his
death he was feeling unusually well and was chatting freely with his
family. He leaves a widow and five children. The funeral services were
conducted by Eld. T. J. Scully at Liberty church on Tuesday afternoon,
and the remains interred in the cemetery at that place. Submitted byTom Agan.
GALLION, Matilda, The Orleans Progress (June 24, 1897) Death Notice
Matilda Gallion, mother of A. L. and Losson Gallion, died last Thursday
evening, of a complication of diseases. She was seventy-six years of
age. She had suffered four separate strokes of paralysis, the first one
coming about sixteen years ago. later, she was attacked by lagrippe,
which finally brought on consumption, resulting in her death. The
remains were taken to Medora last Saturday for interment. Submitted byTom Agan.
POINDEXTER, Elizabeth, The Orleans Progress (July 22, 1897) Death Notice
Elizabeth Poindexter died last Thursday evening at about 6:30 o'clock
of paralysis of the heart. He had been down town to make some purchases
and when in front of the residence of J. F. McCoy was stricken. She was
induced to come in on the porch and take a chair and sit down to rest
before proceeding further on her way home. She had hardly sat down
until she was dead, living less than five minutes after receiving the
stroke. She was seventy years of age, and leaves three daughters and
two sons to mourn her loss. The funeral services were conducted on
Sunday morning at 10 o'clock at Liberty church by Eld. T. J. Scully,
and the remains interred in Liberty cemetery. The PROGRESS sympathizes
with the bereaved children and relatives. Submitted byTom Agan.
PADGETT, Isaac, The Orleans Progress (August 5, 1897) Death Notice
Padgett, aged thirty five years, unmarried, son of James Padgett,
committed suicide last Monday morning by cutting his throat with a
razor, severing the jugular vien and windpipe. He had undergone a
lingering spell of sickness from typhoid fever, and about four days
ago, while at work was over heated. This combination unbalanced his
mind and caused him to commit the rash act. The young man lived with
his parents one and one half miles northeast of Paoli. Submitted byTom Agan.