Lillian Boyd, Orleans Progress (January 3, 1895)
James W. Clements [nee: Lillian I. Boyd] died at the family home in
Paoli Township last Monday (Dec. 31, 1894), and the remains were
interred at Stampers Creek on Tuesday. She died of congestion of the
heart, and had been sick only four days. She was twenty-five years of
age. Submitted by Tom Agan.
James N., Orleans Progress (January 3, 1895)
Jas. N. Murphy, of Southeast Township died last Wednesday (Dec 27,
1894). He was a prominent and well know citizen, a veteran of the was
in the 59th Ind. Vols., a pensioner and a prominent member of the
G.A.R. he was buried Friday at Rock Springs cemetery. Submitted byTom
John C., Orleans Progress (January 3, 1895)
C. Moore, commonly known to everybody as "Uncle John", died at his home
in west Orleans last Sunday (Dec 30, 1894) at midnight, of heart
disease and dropsy. He had been sick and confined to his room for about
six months and the misery he underwent was almost intolerable. He was
seventy-two years old, and a member of the Spicely Post, G.A.R., No.
252, by whom he was buried with the honors of war. He has been a
resident of Orleans for forty years. A wife and five children survive
him and mourn his loss. The funeral services were conducted at the
family home by W.H. Pickler, and the remains interred in Green Hill
cemetery last Monday. We express our sympathy. Submitted byTom Agan.
Sarah, Orleans Progress (January 3, 1895)
Sarah Early, wife of Wm. Early, died at the home of her parents,
Jeremiah and Angeline Moore, on last Monday (Dec 31, 1894) morning at 2
o'clock. She was taken sick about three weeks ago with pneumonia and
lived just 16 days. She was twenty-six years old, and a husband and
five children survive her. The funeral services were conducted by Rev.
Chrisler, of Bedford, at the Church of Christ, of which she was a
member, and the remains were interred in Green Hill cemetery on
Tuesday. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved family and parents.
Submitted byTom Agan.
Louisa, Orleans Progress (January 10, 1895)
wife of W.F. Sears, died last Tuesday (Jan 2, 1895) morning at the
family home east of town, of a complication of diseases of long
standing. She was forty-two years old, a member of the Baptist church,
and had been confined to her bed for several months. Funeral services
were held at the family home, conducted by Rev. D.W. Denny, and
interment in the Green Hill cemetery Wednesday afternoon. Submitted
byTom Agan.
Joe Ethel, The Paoli Weekly News (November 3, 1880)
Ethel, daughter of W.B. and Lillian E. King, died at Paoli, Ind., Oct.
28, 1880. She was born in Seymour, Ind., Aug 6, 1973, and though always
frail and delicate, was a very bright and promising child. About two
months ago she was taken with typhoid fever, and after lingering long
between hope and fear, and suffering untold pain, found her sweet
release in death and heaven. This tender plant of earth has been
transplanted to the garden of the Lord, there to grow and bloom in the
happy vigor of immortal youth; "For of such is the Kingdom of Heaven".
Submitted byTom Agan.
Henrietta, The Paoli Weekly News (November 3, 1880)
at her residence, in Paoli, on the 2nd day of November (1880), Mrs.
Henrietta Durment, widow of Rev. George Durment and daughter of Wilford
J. Hoggatt,deceased. Submitted byTom Agan.
Emma, The Paoli Weekly News (November 3, 1880)
Emma Shaw, died at the house of her step father, Mr. Thomas Hunt, in
Paoli, Ind., Oct. 30, 1880, after an illness of nearly two weeks. Her
disease was typhoid fever at first, but congestion of the brain set in,
and in less than two days, unexpectedly to herself and friends,
terminated her life. All the love and skill could do was vain, for the
fell destroyer had plainly marked her for his own. Her funeral was very
largely attended on the 31st, and all manifested deep and heartfelt
sympathy and sorrow. Her remains were borne to the grave by six young
ladies and eight young gentlemen friends, who, by request, after the
grave was filled sung the beautiful words, "Sister thou wast mild and
lovely". Rev. F.M. Symmes conducted a short service at the house, and
invited the young people of the town to meet him at the church in the
evening to listen to a sermon suggested by the occasion.
large number assembled and paid close and solemn attention to a
discourse on the text, "It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in
his youth;" Lam. 3c.37v Subject: The benefits of early piety. The
silent example of the departed who had been a consistent member of the
M.E. Church at Seymore for several years, added great force and
solemnity to the remarks. Her own father died when she was quite young.
She grew up to womanhood, full of promise, lived and respected by all,
with the prospect of a long and happy life before her. But in the
bright bloom of youth, on the ever of the fulfillment of fond and
cherished hopes, he almost overflowing cup of worldly bliss was dashed
from her lips, to be succeeded by the cup of heavenly joy in the
Kingdom of God. Submitted byTom Agan.
Sally, The Paoli Weekly News (March 2, 1881)
Sallie Kearby died at the residence of her son, Hawkins Kearby, four
miles east of Paoli, on Tuesday, Feb 1st (1881), in her 80th year. She
was the widow of Joel C. Kearby. She was born near Danville, Ky., in
1801, and came to this state and married on 1818. She lived 63 years on
the place where she died, was a member of the M.E. Church for 52 years
and her home was a place for all the ministers to find a welcome.
Submitted byTom Agan.
Robert H., The Paoli Weekly News (March 2, 1881)
H. Dougherty, son of Hannibal and Harriet Dougherty died of pneumonia
fever Feb. 18, 1881, after an illness of four weeks, aged 15 years, 10
months and 14 days. He was a good and kind son, always obedient to his
parents. Yes, we will miss him. No more shall we watch for his coming,
But, alast his voice will be heard no more, for he has gone to live
with God's dear ones, where parting never comes. Submitted byTom Agan.
William H., The Paoli Weekly News (March 2, 1881)
Wm. H. Hoggatt died on the 9th day of February, 1881. Mr. Hoggatt was
born in 1838. He was married to Miss Nancy A. Charnes in 1839. He
served in the late rebellion and was wounded in the arm. he taught
quite a number of public schools in this county, was an energetic
Sunday school worker and was a minister in the M.E. Church ten years
prior to his death. At various times he was elected to offices of trust
and at the time of his death was Trustee of French Lick township. On
the 15th day of january he took the hemorrhage of the lungs, with
symptoms of typhoid fever and from that time he gradually sunk, being
delirious at times. He leaves to mourn him a wife and six children.
Services were held on the 10th by Rev. H. W. Right. His remains were
interred in the cemetery near Mt. Lebanon Chapel. The deceased was
respected by all who enjoyed his acquaintance. He was cleaver and kind
to all, an affectionate husband and kind father. He was one of the most
prominent men in the community, no one stood higher. May kind
Providence guard the broken family. Submitted byTom Agan.
Hattie, The Paoli Weekly News (March 2, 1881)
Hattie Lee died of consumption last Saturday (February 26, 1881). Her
funeral took place in the M.E. Church, of which she was a member, Rev.
S. Kennedy officiating Submitted byTom Agan.
Jeptha S., The Paoli Weekly News (March 2, 1881)
S. Jeter, postmaster at this place (Orleans), died Monday (February 28,
1881) of neuralgia of the stomach. He was taken sick Saturday. He was
59 years old on the day of his death, and was an exemplary member of
the M.E. Church. Submitted byTom Agan.
Elizabeth, The Paoli Weekly News (May 4, 1881)
Elizabeth Boyd, of Chambersburg, wife of Jesse Boyd, deceased, died
last Monday (April 25, 1881) morning, of paralysis, after a short
illness. Mrs. Boyd was an old citizen of Orange County and a devoted
member of the Society of Friends. Submitted byTom Agan.
Mary, The True American (June 4, 1841)
in this county on the 25th, altime (May 25, 1841), Mrs. Mary, consort
of Benjamin Case. In the demise of this lady, her husband and children
have suffered an irreparable loss, and the circle in which she walded
in life, has been deprived of one of its most valuable members. She was
truly an example of parlance under the hand of affliction. For many
months previous to her death she suffered the tortures of one of the
most formidable diseases incident in the human family. During the whole
period of her affliction she maintained unusual fortitude and
manifested a disposition of Providence, without a murmur, and died in
the fullness of hope. Submitted byTom Agan.
David, The True American (June 11, 1841)
on the the 6th instant (June 6, 1841), at the residence of his father,
David Moore, aged 17 years. This, in the bloom of his existence and at
the commencement of his day of usefulness this young man has been
called to pay the debt, which all living must ultimately meet. In his
death, society has lost a youth of promise and his father and relatives
an abedient son, kind brother and warm friend. Submitted byTom Agan.
Moses, The True American (July 23, 1841)
at his residence on the morning of 18th inst. (July 18, 1841), Mr.
Moses Spears, aged about 60 years. Mr. Spears was one of the early and
much respected citizens of the county, and in his demise we have to
deplore the loss of an industrious and worthy man, and one that has
left behind him a large circle of friends and relatives to lament their
bereavement. Submitted byTom Agan.
Simeon, The True American (July 23, 1841)
this life of the night of the 19th inst. (July 19, 1841), Col. Simeon
Scott, aged 26 years. In the death of this individual, society has lost
one of its most valuable members. He was a gentleman of great moral
worth, firmness of purpose and perseverance in the business of life. In
him was to be found the unfaltering friend, and one who was ever
mindful of the moral obligation toward his fellow-beings. He was
dutiful to his parents, a kind husband and an affectionate father. He
made no parade or ostentatious show of religion, yet he gave to the
world bright and conclusive evidence of the purity of his heart and
correctness of his intentions, by a faithful discharge of the moral
duties toward his fellowman. He died in the fullness of hope, with
bright prospects of an inheritance in the house not made with hands,
eternal in the Heavens. On the 20th instant, after the services was
presented by the Rev. Wm. Martin, his remains was followed to the place
of interment on the farm, by an immense crowd of friends and citizens,
where the last tribute of respect was paid to him where irreplaceable
loss all seemed to deplore. Submitted byTom Agan.
Martha, The True American (July 30, 1841)
in this place on the 28th instant (July 28, 1841), Mrs. Martha, consort
of Mr. Mathew Trueblood. She has left an affectionate husband, an
infant child and numerous friends and relatives to mourn their
irreparable loss Submitted byTom Agan.
Caroline, The True American (August 6, 1841)
in this county on the 29th ult. (July 29, 1841), Caroline, daughter of
William and Sarah Braxtan, aged about 3 years and 9 months. Submitted
byTom Agan.
Joshua, The True American (September 10, 1841)
this life in the evening of the 7th instant (Sept 7, 1841), at the
residence of Martin Nichols of this county, Mr. Joshua Nichols, at the
advanced age of 84 years. He was a native of North Carolina and one of
those who defended his country in the hour of peril, in the
Revolutionary struggle. Though young, he stepped forth in behalf of the
young Republic, and aided in the achievement of the rights and
privileges which we this day enjoy.
Nichols was one of the Pioneers of Indiana, having taken up a residence
within the bounds of the state, when the country was comparatively a
wilderness, and suffered all the privations incident to the opening of
a new country, and under these circumstances, raised a large and
respectable family, who are left to mourn their sad bereavement.
body was interred on the 8th instant, at the residence of Adam Miller,
with the Honors of War. The Orange Blues and Orange Guards, with their
respective Bands, was in attendance and assisted in paying the last
tribute of respect to the worthy old man. Submitted byTom Agan.
George, The True American (September 24, 1841)
Died in this
place on the 18th instant (Sept 18, 1841), Mr. George Riley. Submitted
by Tom Agan.
William, The True American (October 1, 1841)
at his residence five miles east of this place, in the morning of the
20 ult. Mr. William Harmon. He was a native of Massachusetts and
removed to this county in the fall of 1838. Since that time, he last
his eldest son, Edward F. Harmon, the family had been deprived of a
kind husband and tender father. During his short residence with us, he
gave ample evidence of his devotion to the true principles of industry
and economy. He has left behind to lament their sad bereavement, the
companion of his youth and an only son. He was interred on the evening
of the 30th on his own premises, in the presence of a large assembly of
his fellow citizens. Submitted byTom Agan.
Zacharias, The True American (October 8, 1841)
in Martin County, on the 28th ult. (Sept 28, 1841), Mr. Zachariah
Lindley. Mr.s Lindley was one of the early settlers of this country. He
left a large family to mourn their irreparable loss. Submitted byTom
Harriet G., The True American (April 16, 1842)
at Orleans, on the 11th instant (April 11, 1842), Mrs. Harriet G.
Lingle, consort of Dr. Henry Lingle, in the thirty first year of her
age. Submitted byTom Agan.
Henry, The True American (June 18, 1842)
at the residence of Michael Mavity, on the 14th instant (June 14,
1842), Mr. Henry Shively, aged 82 years. He emigrated to Kentucky at an
early age. He was married in Harods Station, in the year 1783, to Mary
Banta, with whom he lived until the day of his death. He has been a
member of the Baptist Church for many years, and left his friends
enjoying the pleasing hope that his spirit is with Him who gave him.
Submitted byTom Agan.
Sarah, The True American (June 25, 1842)
this life on the morning of the 22d instant (June 22, 1842) at 6
o'clock, after a brief illness of about 24 hours, Mrs. Sarah Johnson,
consort of Mr. Joseph Johnson, of this place, in the 70th year of her
age. Her disease, which came upon her the day previous to her death,
exhibited in its progress and termination all of the fearful
indications of that dreadful scourge, Cholera, and was pronounced by
the attendant Physician, a marked case of that destructive malady.
subject of this notice, was born in Bucks county, Pennsylvania came to
the west in 1819 and with her husband, located in Orange County in
1820, where they have ever since resided.She was the mother of eleven
children, several of whom have home, in advance of her, to the land of
spirits. When the vigorous and youthful are called away, and the ties
of warm and devoted love are broken, bitter indeed are the feelings of
surviving friends and relatives - all our slumbering sympathies are
called into action, and the heart bleeds at every pour. But when an
aged and venerable mother, one of the props and pillars, as well of the
family circle as of society, re summoned from amongst us - when bonds
which have united and linked together two beings for almost half a
century, are sundered, we regard the dispensation with emotions of deep
and unaccustomed solemnity.
grief in such instances is less poignant, it is true, when we reflect
that Death claims but his own - that he comes to drop the curtain over
a scene already finished, to pluck from the tree of life a leaf already
faded and quivering upon a sapless branch. Submitted byTom Agan.
Samuel, The True American (December 17, 1842)
at his residence, in this county, on the morning of the 9th instant
(Dec 9, 1842), Judge Samuel Chambers, in the 60th year of his age.
Chambers was one of the pioneers of Indiana. He has been a citizen of
the Territory and the State for 32 years. He occupied the farm on which
he died for 30 years. It was his fortune to enjoy the confidence of his
fellow citizens to high degree. He served 15 years in the councils of
the State four in the House, and eleven in the Senate, giving general
satisfaction to his constituency. In the death of Judge Chambers,
Orange County parted with one of her most charitable and worthy
citizens. His house had, for many years, been the house of the
penniless and distressed; his generous disposition seemed to make it
his lot constantly to be doing deeds of charity to the poor and needy.
He was engaged in the mercantile business about 15 years, during which
time all classes of community received credit, and indulgences at his
hands, to as unusual extent, so much so that many of his fellow
citizens can date the commencement of their prosperity with their
acquaintance with Samuel Chamber. His remains were consigned to the
silent tomb on the 10th instant, in the presence of a crowded throng of
relatives, friends and acquaintances, who seemed to deplore the
irretrievable loss of one who had spent a long and useful life in their
midst. Submitted byTom Agan.
William, The True American (December 17, 1842)
at his residence on the morning of the 10th instant (Dec 10, 1842), Mr.
William Williams. His remain was deposited in the tomb, on the 11th
instant, at the French Lick Meeting House. Mr. Williams has left a wife
and one child, together with a numerous circle of relatives and
acquaintances to lament their sad bereavement. Submitted byTom Agan.
Springs Valley 1944
Baxter was born December 7, 1854, in Kentucky and departed this life
March 27, 1944. He was one of a large family-five boys and three girls,
all of whom have preceeded him in death except one sister Mrs. Martha
McIver. He came to Orange County, Indiana as a small boy, spending his
entire life in this commuinty.
He was married May 22, 1878 to Sarah E. Case.
to this union were
born nine children -six boys and three girls, Joe, Arthur, Morton,Mabel
King,Volney,Pearl Eastman,Anderson,Grace Sanders and Sylvester.
His wife died September 27, 1918. He was a
member of the French
Lick Christian Church many years being love and respected by all who
knew him.
In 1920 he was married to Catherine Graves,
whom he leaves to
mourn his death with five sons, two daughters, six step children,
fourteen grandchildren. sixteen great grandchildren, one great, great
granchild and a host of friends.
Sunset and evening star-and one clear call for
May there be no moaning of the bar-when I put
out to sea.
Submitted by,Marilyn Nan Martin
Pearl Baxter, 82, a resident of French Lick died Tuesday evening at her
home. Death was believed to have resulted from a heart attack.
She was born June 13, 1893, in Orange County,
the daughter of
Robert and Rebecca Marlette Seybold. she married Volney Baxter and he
died November 1944.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Shirley
Sanders of French Lick,
and Mrs. Helen Smirlis of Tarpon Springs,Fla.; a half brother Mr.
Winston Seybold of French Lick, a half sister Mrs Marguerite Ragans od
Indiapolis; seven grandchildren and four great grandchildren
Funeral services will be 3:00 P.M. Friday at
the Brosmer Drabing
Funeral Home in French Lick, with Rev. Loyld Hustler officiating.
Burial will be in Ames Chapel Cemetery. Friends may call at the Funeral
Home anytime.
Contributed byMarilyn Nan Martin
Napoleon B., Paoli Republican, October 1932:
Napoleon B. Boss, a well-known, highly
respected citizen of this township,
died at his home about 5 miles east of Paoli last Sunday after an
illness of
several months, aged about 58 years.He was born and raised near Pekin,
Washington County and soon after, some thirty years ago came to Orange
County, purchasing a farm in this township a short distance north of
Stampers Creek Church. He was a honest, hard-working man, genial and
wholesouled, one whom it was a pleasure to know; a kind and obliging
neighbor, a loving and dutiful husband and father. He was one of Orange
County's best citizens and his loss will be greatly felt in his
He had been in poor health for several months, and several weeks ago
suffered a stroke of paralysis. He rallied from this, however, and made
few trips to town. Another stroke came last week and on Sunday evening
quietly passed away.
He is survived by his widow, one son and one
who have the sympathy of a large circle of friends. The funeral
were held at the Friends Church in this city at 11 o'clock this
interment following in the IOOF cemetery.Submitted by, Kay Armstrong
Una Esther
Walls McBride
June 4, 1900 - Jan 6, 1977
Kingsford Heights, Ind -
Mrs. Una E.
McBride , 76, of 447 Fairmount,
Kingsford Heights, died at 1:40 a.m.Wednesday at LaPorte Hospital
following a two week illness.
Mrs. McBride was born in Crawford County,
Indiana on June 4, 1900
to John S. and Amanda (Pruett) Walls. A lifetime member of Church of
Christ. Mrs. McBride was a Kingsford Heights resident for 14 years
coming from Indianapolis. A retired employee of the Central State
Hospital, she was married
to Charles E. McBride in Paoli, Ind. in Oct of 1932. He died Dec 10,
1955. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Shirley Berndt and Mrs.
Holland both of Indianapolis and Wanda Stephenson of Creve Coeur, Mo,;
three step children, Mrs. Blanche Seybold and Desco McBride, both of
Chicago and William McBride of Iowa; 21 grandchildren; eight
one brother, Roy H. Walls of Paoli, Ind; one sister, Mrs. Leola Parks
Beach, Calif.; her stepmother, Mrs. Addie Walls of Paoli, Ind and
several nieces
and nephews. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at the
Haverstock Funeral
with Brother Harvey Mead officiating. Burial will be at Pine Lake.
Contributed by,Wanda Chance
Faye Apple Burial
Set Wednesday
Mrs. Faye Apple, 65, died Sunday afternoon in
the Methodist hospital
in Indianapolis. The body was returned to the Ellis funeral home
where the rites will be held Wednesday ar 2:00 p.m. conducted by
by Robert Rogers of Liberty. Burial will be in the Tazwell cemetery.
Mrs. Apple, who had been a diabetic for years, had spent the past
two years in Indianapolis, with her foster daughter, Mrs. Rachel Lone.
She had returned to her home here two weeks ago for a summer visit
but became ill she was returned to the Lone home on Monday.
A short time after her arrival in Indianapolis she suffered a severe
heart attack and was rushed to the hospital. A native of Crawford
county, she was born Aug. 5, 1895, Fay Esta
daughter of Bailey and Zella Patton Roberts. For the past 25 years she
resided in Paoli, working as a representative of the Charis Company,
was a piano teacher. She was a member of the Methodist church.
Surviving with the foster daughter are a grandson, Robert Lone, also
Indianapolis, a granddaughter, Mrs. Clarence Ray Trinkle of Walton,
Ky.,and two great grandchildren. Contributed by,Wanda Chance