Orange County Obituaries


MAVITY, Milton James, The Paoli Weekly News(May 18, 1892)
Milton James Mavity, a son of Judge M. S. Mavity died Tuesday, May 10th (1892) at his father's residence in this place, of Tuberculosis. He was a young man of more than ordinary attainments and was highly respected by all who knew him. Some time since he was book-keeper at the asylum for the deaf and dumb at Indianapolis. While there his health began to fail and he gave up his situation and sought relief in travel. He visited San Antonio, Texas, but derived no benefit therefrom. All that the best medical talent could do was done but all to no purpose and about four weeks ago he came home and amod the scenes of his childhood, and surrounded by friends near and dear to hom, who had been his playmates his bright young life went out leaving a void in the hearts of relatives and friends that can never be filled. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Rader at the family residence on Thursday after which the remains were laid to rest in the Paoli Cemetery. The pall bearers were selected from among his old assiciates and schoolmates and it was with sad hearts they bore the body of their companion to his grave. The family and friends have the sympathy of the entire community in their affliction. [Milton was 23 years old at the time of his death] Submitted by Tom Agan.

LEWIS, Isaac H., The Paoli Weekly News (May 18, 1892)
Iaaac H. Lewis, aged 74 years died at his residence near Syria Monday (16 May 1892) morning at one o'clock. He had been a sufferer from a complication of diseases for several months past. He was well and favorably known to many of the citizens of the county and leaves a host of relatives and friends to mourn his departure. His remains were interred yesterday at the Stampers Creek burying ground in the presence of a sorrowing concource of friends, who sympathies go out to his bereaved widow and children. Submitted byTom Agan.

BOWMAN, Edgar, The Paoli Weekly News (March 17, 1875)
Edgar Bowman, aged 17 years, son of Henry Bowman of this place died last Friday (March 12, 1875), of spotted fever. He was sick but a very short time. The funeral services took place at Newberry Church Sunday morning, at 10 o'clock. Submitted byTom Agan.

MILLER, John, The Paoli Weekly News (March 17, 1875)
John Miller, a well known citizen of Northwest Township died Saturday March 13, 1875), of Consumption after an illness of about one year. Although not unexpected, the news of his death will be a shock to his many friends and relatives in this vicinity and elsewhere. He was an intelligent, honest, generous hearted you man. The funeral services, which occurred Monday, were conducted by the members of the Masonic fraternity of which order he was a member. [John was the son of Lorenzo Miller and was 28 at his death] Submitted byTom Agan.

HARRISON, Elizabeth, The Paoli Weekly News (March 17, 1875)
Mrs. Elizabeth Harrison, one of the oldest citizens of this county, died very suddenly at the residence of her son-in-law, Samuel J. Brewer in French Lick Township on March 2, (1875). She arose in the morning in apparent good health and assisted in the household work but was taken suddenly ill and only lived five hours. She was born in Ohio Sept 22, 1792 and at the time of her death was in her ninety third year. She removed to this State when quite young and has since made it her home. She was the mother of fourteen children five only of whom are now living. She was a member of Mt. Horeb Baptist chirch, near Orleans and was a devoted christian. She leaves many friends and relatives to mourn her loss. Submitted byTom Agan.

LASWELL, Adam, The Paoli Weekly News (March 17, 1875)
DIED. - At his residence in Orangeville township on Wednesday 10th (March 10, 1875), of Pneumonia Adam Laswell, aged about 45 years. Orange County could boast of no better citizen, and there are none whose death would be more generally mourned that is that of Mr. Laswell. He was in the fullest and truest sense of the term, an honest man who commanded the respect and highest esteem of all who knew him. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn his loss. His burial took place at Mt. Horeb, near Orleans, last Friday, and was conducted by the members of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Patrons of Husbandry of each of which Orders he was an honored and useful member. Submitted byTom Agan.

McCOY, Lydia, The Paoli Weekly News (April 7, 1875)
Mrs. Lydia McCoy, one of the oldest citizens of Stampers Creek township died last Saturday (April 3, 1875). She was the widow of George McCoy, a former well known and highly esteemed citizen of that township. Mrs. McCoy was eighty-three years of age and leaves a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn her loss. She was an excellant woman and commanded the esteem and love of all her acquaintances. Submitted byTom Agan.

HUDELSON, John W., The Paoli Weekly News (October 13, 1875)
John W. Hudelson, infant son of John A. and Addie Hudelson died yesterday (Oct 12, 1875). The burial took place at the cemetery here this afternoon and was largely attended by the friends and relatives of the family. Submitted byTom Agan.

ALEXANDER, Reuben, The Paoli Weekly News (April 19, 1876)
Reuben Alexander, an old and highly esteemed citizen of this township, died on Tuesday (April 11, 1876). Mr. Alexander was thrown from his horse into a pond about four miles northeast of here, on Wednesday 5th inst., and when rescued therefrom was almost dead, but by the use of restoratives so far recovered as to be able to be removed to his home about four miles northwest of this place, but never rallied from the effects of his fall and died as above stated. Submitted byTom Agan.

POINTDEXTER, A. V., The Paoli Weekly News (March 7, 1877)
Died - of congestion of the lungs, on Thursday, March 1st (1877) at ten minutes past 1 o'clock p.m., A. V. Pointdexter, in his 50th year. Mr. Poindexter was gentleman of unusual ability and untiring energy. It was chiefly through his efforst that Orange County can boast of the excellance of her stock. Mr. Poindexter was also prominent in the Grange movement, and whatever he undertook he undertook with perseverance and determination. His activity and courage may have hastened his death, as he had been suffering from a slight attack of influenza, but throught that he was able to attend to his farm, and on Monday he was up and busy all day, and must have taken cold. He had a chill on Monday night and suffered much pain in his head Tuesday, but the family were not at all alarmed. Tuesday night they thought he was sleeping and resting, but in the morning were startled to find him not awakened and tried, but in vain, to awaken him. Dr. Laughlin was summoned, but could do but little to relieve him. He roused up a little Wednesday night and became more conscious until his death. He bore his suffering with great fortitude, saying to those around him that "many men suffered more than he did, he was not suffering so very much". He leaves a wife and seven children, six of whom are under 14 years of age. They have the sympathy of the community. He is resting. Submitted byTom Agan.

DAVIDSON, Lockie A., The Paoli Weekly News (April 7, 1875)
Mrs. Lockie A. Davidson, wife of Albert Davidson, died at the residece of Mr. David Clancy, in this place, at an early hour Monday morning (April 5, 1875) of Consumption. The funeral ceremonies took place at 4 o'clock p.m., yesterday in the presence of a large number of sorrowing friends and relatives. Submitted byTom Agan.

SHINDLER, George Walker, Orleans Progress (September 24, 1891)
George Walker Shindler died at his home on Sunday evening, September 20, 1891, after a lingering illness and much suffering. He was 31 years and 20 days old. everyone who knew George knew him to love him, and he was great favorite among his acquaintances. His suffering was great, but he bore it well, having been a sufferer for ten months. His trust in Jesus for strength was untiring and his mind was strong to the last. A short time previous to his death he talked to and bade his friends good-bye. In the death of George his parents lose a dutiful and loving son and his assiciates a faithful and devoted companion. The funeral services were conducted at the family home by Kider Stalker, of Bedford, and Rev. J.K. Howard, of Livonia. The remains were interred in the I.O.O. F. cemetery on Tuesday. Submitted byTom Agan.

CORNWELL, Kinsey F., Spring Valley Herald (January 6, 1911)
Kinsey F. Cornwell, of this city who has been in bad health for some time and was taken to the home of his daughter Mrs. Henry Hags of Martin Co. some time ago when he became bedfast, and Monday (January 2, 1911) he passed away peacefully to rest. His death was caused by a ruptured blood vessel near the base of his brain. He was buried at Wagoner's Chapel, Martin County Wednesday. He has been engaged in the restaurant business at this place but for the past year he drove the Wells Hotel Bus. Submitted byTom Agan.

COX, Henry, Spring Valley Herald (January 13, 1911)
Most unexpectedly, on the 4th inst (January 4, 1911) was the sad intelligence of the death of Henry Cox of Bloomington, flashed over the telegraph and telephone lines. His wife and two small children were at their county residence at the time of his death, the cause of which we have not learned. Mr. Cox was one of the best citizens of Orange County, and enjoyed the friendship of a vast number of acquaintances. He was a conservative, upright gentlemanly neighbor and citizen He was a member of the Church of Christ at Cane Creek, where he was several years an efficient elder. While he was always considerate he was ever ready to assist and encourage every moral issue. His untimely death brings sadness to his friends and neighbors and we join with them and his family in lamenting his separation from us. May it be that by His good pleasure and infinite wisdom, he has ended his trials and made his calling and election sure. He had moved to Bloomington more than a year ago for the purpose of giving his children the advantage of attending the schools there. His oldest son Preston G. Cox had finished his four years work in commissioned high school, and had entered his second year at the State University. The two smaller children, Dale and Mary, had begun their second year's work in the city schools, which enhanced the hopes of the parents, when the grim monster suddenly entered their home and took away a noble husband and compassionate father. Submitted byTom Agan.

PIERCE, Napolean B., Spring Valley Herald (February 10, 1911)
Napolean B. Pierce, died at his residence at Prospect one half mile north of West Baden, Saturday Feb. 4 (1911). Aged 75 years. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Bex and the interment took place Monday noon in the Ames Chapel Cemetery. A wife and eight children survive him and one child had gone before. Mr. Pierce was a well respected citizen of Prospect for 18 years and his many friends greatly miss him. He lived the former part of his life in Northwest Township. The cause of his death was due to intestinal nephritis. The herald extends sympathy to the bereaved family. (news story)

Napolean B. Pierce died Saturday afternoon about 3:00 o'clock after a long illness of brights disease. The funeral sermon was preached at the residence by Eld. Richard Bex. The body was laid to rest in the Ames Cemetery Tuesday noon where a lot had been selected and a monument placed theron during the life of the deceased. The funeral services at the cemetery were conducted by the msons of which order he had been a member for many years. Bro. Pierce in his young days united with the Missionary Baptist Church, but subsequently united with the Church of Christ in which he lived a devoted member until called to his reqard, serving the church as an Elder for many years. Submitted byTom Agan.

McDONALD, Zora, Spring Valley Herald (February 10, 1911)
Died, Monday morning (Feb 6, 1911) with that dread disease Tuberlocis (sp) after a lingering illness of seven years, Miss Zora McDonald, daughter of Joseph McDonald. The remains were laid to rest in the Ames Cemetery. Rev Breeden of French Lick conducted the funeral services. Submitted by Tom Agan.

EICHER, Ida, Spring Valley Herald (February 10, 1911)
Died on the 30th near Ellsworth, Mrs. Joseph [Ida] Eicher daughter of Mr. and Mrs James M. Ellis of French Lick. She was a highly respected lady and leaves a husband and several children, and many friends and relatives to mourn her loss. She died after a brief illness of four days of pneumonia fever. We extend to the bereaved family our condolence in their great loss of a noble companion and dutiful mother. Submitted byTom Agan.

FRENTRESS, John W., Spring Valley Herald (February 17, 1911)
John W. Frentress was born Oct 29th 1876. Died February 9th 1911. He was the second oldest child of Eleazar and Emeline Frentress. He married to isabelle Clark, June 20th, 1879. He was the father of seven children, one baby boy preceded him to the glory land.

John was a loving father and companion. His family, relatives and friends do not mourn as those who are without hope or in doubt, but having witnessed John's acknowledgement of the blessed Saviours love and power to save him. And having seen him received into the church of the true and living God Feb. 2, 1911.

On last Wednesday afternoon in conversing with his loving companion and father on the glorious promises of God, he said he was truly a babe in Christ and was going where flesh and blood was unknown, and was satisfied, God's will being his.

Brother John leaves a wife and six children, father, mother, four brothers and two sisters. Winslow, Jabez, William and Benjamin; sisters Lulu and Mrs. Sam Pitcher, besides a host of friends to mourn his departure. Funeral was helf at Mt. Lebanon, Feb 10 at 2 p.m. Services were conducted by Rev. Moore. Submitted byTom Agan.

WEEKS, Joseph, Spring Valley Herald (February 24, 1911)
Joseph Weeks, a farmer aged 84 years fell dead in his barn lot at his home four miles south of Paoli early Monday morning (Feb 20, 1911). Mr. Weeks was found sometime after his death had occurred and owing to a bruise on his forehead it was thought that he might have been mrudered. Justice of the Peace, David Huddelson of Paoli, Dr. J. R. Dillinger of this city and Dr. S. L. Lingle of Paoli held a coroner's inquest and autopsy over the remains and found upon examination that death had been caused by a rupture of the Coranary Artery, the one supplying the heart itself with blood. The Pericardium was filled with blood from the ruptured artery. The bruise on the head was evidently made by the fall of the body. Submitted byTom Agan.

BEATTY, Louisa Frentress, Spring Valley Herald (March 24, 1911)
Grandma Beaty, a very old lady died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Seth (Martha) Charles, Thursday (March 16, 1911) of last week and was buried at Cane Creek. (News article)

The earthly remains of Mrs. Louisa Beaty of French Lick were conveyed to Cane Creek last Friday by hearse, where the funeral was preached by Elder Wm. A. Crowder and the burial conducted by undertaker Ritter of French Lick. Mrs. Beaty was the wife of Walter Beaty, deceased, and leaves three sons and one daughter to lament the loss mother. She was 82 years old and had been a member of the Church of Christ the greater part of her life, having become obedient to the faith in Christ at Cane Creek, when a young woman. We are informed that she manifested no signs of illness, but when attempting to go to bed to rest on Thursday morning she fell across the foot of the bed and expired almost instantly. We extend our sympathies to the bereaved. Submitted byTom Agan.

CROWDER, Floyd, Spring Valley Herald (March 24, 1911)
Floyd, the little son of Chas. Crowder died Monday night (March 20, 1911) after a severe illness of about two weeks and much suffering in all. The sorrow for the child is unusually deep, because this death has separated twin brothers, which have been the truest of brothers since their earliest days. The child had been a perfect picture of health until the measles took hold of it about two weeks ago, followed up by pneumonia and then with cerebral spinal menengitis. Of nine that were sick in the family, Floyd was the last to be overtaken by the disease. The entire community sympathizes with the family in the sorrow and as a word in conclusion to father, mother, sister and brothers, be conforted as little Floyd's spirit is with the angels. The body was interred in Robinson Cemetery, Tuesday 2 p.m. [This death occurred during the height of the measle epidemic that stormed through Orange County during March, 1911. All public schools were closed to stop the spread of the disease. One item in the paper was as follows - Several deaths have occurred recently at no great distance away of a complication of measles and pneumonia, and we think the people are doing right in evading measles at this time, as it seems to be in malignant form. S.V.H.] Submitted byTom Agan.

BRAXTAN, Beatrice C., The American Eagle (Jan 10, 1861)
Died - In this place, on the 28th ult. (December 28, 1860), Mrs. Beatrice C., consort of Edmund Braxtan, after a lingering illness, aged 21 year. She has left an affectionate husband, two children and many relatives and friends to mourn her loss. Submitted byTom Agan.

THROOP, John T., The American Eagle (Jan 17 1861)
Masonic Hall, Paoli Lodge No. 119,
Jan. 15, A.L. 5861, A.D. 1861,
Whereas it has pleased the Almighty God, in his infinite Wisdom to call from amoungst us, our beloved brother, John T. Throop, in the fifty-fourth year of his age. Therefore,
Resolved, That while we bow in humble submission and with meek resignation, we most heartily condole with his afflicted and bereaved family, in this afflicting dispensation of Divine Providence.
Resolved, That we most earnestly commend them to him who tempers the winds to the shorn lamb, and trust with confidence in his everlasting Wisdom and Goodness.
Resolved, That as a token of our respect and admiration for the memory of our deceased brother, we will wear the usual badge of mourning for the period of thirty days.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be published in the paper of the county, and that six copies thereof be presented to the widow of the deceased.
William H. Jackson, James N. Rily, Arthur J. Simpson - Committee.

Departed this life, after a very short illness, on Sunday evening, the 13th instant (Jan 13, 1861), John T. Throop, in the 54th year of his age. Submitted byTom Agan.

FOSTER, Mary C., The American Eagle (Jan 17 1861)
Died, at Newton Stewart, Orange County, Indiana, January 8th, 1861, of Inflamation of the bowels, after a short illness of three days, Mary Cornelia, only daughter of Stephen and Sarah Jane Foster, aged ten years, four months and five days. She was a child of more than ordinary intelligence; the pride of her parents - but alas, death had taken their cherished bud, and left their hearts desolate - left a vacant seat in the home circle. Submitted byTom Agan.

LISTON, Harriet, The American Eagle (Jan 17 1861)
Died, in this place, after a painfull illness of six days, Mrs. Harriet, consort of Mr. William E. Liston, aged 42 years, 7 months and 5 days. She leaves a husband, five cchildren and numerous friends to mourn their irreparable loss. But they "mourn not as those that have no hope"; for while they are grieving at her early and sudden departure, she doubtless is rejoicing at a life of suffering escaped and a heaven gained.

She united with the M.E. Church, and professed faith in Christ at a protracted meeting held in this place in December, 1858, and has ever since up to the time of her death, shown, by her walk and conversation that "she had been with Jesus, and learned of him." During all her afflictions, though severe, she bore it with christian patience and resignation, casting all her care upon Him, who careth for his suffering ones, and "who is touched with a feeling of our infirmities." In taking leave of her husband, children and friends, she took a pledge from each of them to meet her in the "better land, where meeting and parting shall be no more". A few hours more of suffering passed and her happy spirit took it flight to the Paradise of God. Submitted byTom Agan.

HENDRICKS, Carrie, Spring Valley Herald (January 2, 1913)
Miss Carrie Hendricks, of this place, died Thursday morning, December 19 (1913), after four weeks illness of typhoid fever.

She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs D. S. Hendricks, of this place, She was born in Martin County, Indiana, Jan. 25, 1891, and was 24 years, 10 months and 24 days of age. She was married, Aug 7, 1907, to Harry Martin. To them was born one child, dear little Harold, She was a devoted companion and a dear living mother. She leaves a dear little child, mother and father, one sister and one brother, and a number of other relatives and friends to mourn her departure

The funeral services were held at the M.E. Church at 2 o'clock, Saturday afternoon, after which the body was laid to rest in the Highland Cemetery.

We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to the friends, neighbors and relatives for the kindness and sympathy shown us during the sickness and death of our beloved daughter, sister and mother, Carrie Hendricks. Especially do we thank Rev. Newland and Rev. Toole for their words of consolation also the pallbears and the undertaker, Mr. Ritter for the kind efficient manner in which he conducted the funeral.
G.S. HENDRICKS AND FAMILY Submitted by Tom Agan.

JONES, Oris Winfield, Spring Valley Herald (January 2, 1913)
Oris Winfield, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Jones, was born Oct. 18, 1894 and died Dec 16, 1912, at 1 a.m., at his home near French Lick, aged 18 years, 1 month and 29 days.

Oris was sick only one week with typhoid-pneumonia fever. Everything possible was done for him, but God saw fit to call him home. About three years ago he wnithed with the Christian Church at French Lick and was baptised, and he lived a consistent Christian life, from that time until his death. He was a kind and obedient son, and a thoughtful and loving brother, and will be greatly missed not only at home, but elsewhere.

Besides his parents, Oris is survived by four sisters, three grandparents and a host of friends to mourn his untimely death.

He was taken to the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Jones, near Birdseye, Monday. Funeral services were held at Anderson City, Tuesday, at 11 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Ed Apple, and the remains were interred in the King Cemetery besides the little brother and sister gone before. Submitted byTom Agan.

WILLYARD, George, Spring Valley Herald (January 2, 1913)
Bro. George Willyard was born may 10, 1842, departed this life December 26, 1912, aged 70 years, 7 months and 16 days. About the year 1859 he was united in marriage to Amanda Granger, who preceded him to the better world a few months ago. To this union were born ten children, six sons and four daughters, of whom one son died in infancy. Nine of the Children survived him. Dr. W. H. Willyard, of Peru, Ind., Mrs. Alice Smith and Edward Willyard of Terre Haute, Ind., A.T. Willyard and J.J. Willyard of Detroit, Mich., Mrs. Ella Wells, Mrs. Cora Foushe, Mrs. Stella Reed and George L. Willyard of West Baden, Ind.

At about the age of thirty Bro. Willyard obeyed the gospel and united with the Church of Christ, worshiping at South Liberty, Ind., in Which he lived a devoted/disciple until death called him to his reward, Submitted byTom Agan.

DIXON, Sadie Ethel Begerly, Spring Valley Herald (January 9, 1913)
Sadie Ethel Begarly was born July 25, 1880, Died December 30, 1912, after a short illness of pneumonia fever. She was 32 years, 6 months and 5 days old. She was united in marriage to Ottis Dixon, April 4, 1896, to this union 8 children were born, all of whom are living.

She was a member of the U.B. Church at this place. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. J.H. Walls, at Morres Ridge, january 1, 1913. She is survived by a husband, eight children, a mother, stepfather and three brothers and a host of friends. Submitted byTom Agan.

HOGGARTT, Henrietta, Spring Valley Herald (January 16, 1913)
Mrs. Henrietta Hoggartt, wife of Charles R. Hoggartt died Dec. 29th, 1912 at Montrose, Col., after a lingering illness. She was 32 years of age. She leaves an aged grandmother, Mrs. Sarah A. Harmon, her mother, Mrs. Anna Belle Jackman, husband and five little ones to mourn their great loss. the body was brought back and interred in the family cemetery at Mt. Lebanon. Funeral conducted by Rev. E. Moore. Submitted byTom Agan.

WYMAN, Clarence E., Spring Valley Herald (January 16, 1913)
In loving remembrance of Clarence E. Wyman, born July 31, 1894 and who departed this life January 16, 1913, aged 18 years, 5 months and 16 days. He was a faithful student of Red Quarry school until a few days before his death, when he became ill with the pneumonia fever. Although Clarence was yet in the life of school and inexperienced in the school of life, death has called him from our midst. As a pupil, Clarence was industrious, loved and respected by all. Although there is a seat vacant in our school room, which can never be filled exactly as it was by Clarence, we must realize and remember that he has gone to his home of rest, peace and enjoyment.

After a short talk by Rev. Harrison, the remains were interred in the Highland cemetery. Although the body moulders there, we as teacher and pupils look forward to that time, when we shall meet Clarence, againn, in peace and happiness.
By teacher and pupils of Red Quarry School.
Submitted by Tom Agan.

With Face Buried in Mud Body Was Found Early Wednesday Morning. (Spring Valley Herald, January 30, 1913)
Albert Pinnick, a farmer, aged about 50 years, was found dead between the Southern tracks and his home east of this city Wednesday morning. Deceased lived just east of the corporation limits about one-half mile and had come from West Baden on the 9 o'clock car and presumably started home shortly after that time. The body was discovered by Walter Flick about 6 o'clock Wednesday morning as Flick was coming to work, and was lying face downward with the face buried in the mud about 700 feet east of the Southern Tracks and near the creek.

Coroner Hammond was called and the body was removed to the home of John P. Davis, near by and an inquest was held. Dr. Hammond thinks that death occurred about 11:00 o'clock Tuesday night from strangulation as the face was buried up to the ears in soft mud. The body was prepared for burial by R.V. Claxton and interment was at Moores Ridge, Tuesday. Submitted byTom Agan.

COX, Philip, (Spring Valley Herald, January 30, 1913)

Philip Cox, a prominent farmer and stock man Of Jackson Township died at his home Saturday morning after a lingering illness of cancer of the vowels. He had been unable to eat anything but soups for many weeks and though formerly a large man he was so greatly reduced in flesh as to be only a shadow of his former self. The remains were interred at South Liberty Cemetery, Sunday

Mr. Cox was genial, good heated man and his reputation for business integrity was above reproach. His business of stock dealer made him well know throughout the entire county and to know him was to like him for his jolly and sociable nature. His word was a good as his bond in a business way. The Herald extends sympathy to the bereaved family in this hour of sorrow.

Philip A. Cox was born in Dubois County, Indiana, May 20, 1860. Departed this life Feb. 1, 1913 aged 52 years, 8 months and 11 days. The funeral exercises were conducted at the Old South Liberty Church Sunday afternoon by Eld. Richard Bex.

He was married to Nancy E. Grimes Feb. 9, 1879. To this union was born one son, Irvin T. He leaves a dear wife, one son, an aged mother, four brothers, one sister and a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn their loss

Philip had been in poor health for more than a year and suffered great pain during the last four of five months of his sickness but was patient and cheerful to those about him even though the pain was almost unbearable.

He had lived for many years on his farm in Jackson township [Moores Ridge], had been a successful farmer and stock dealer. We can say of him that he did unto others as he would that they should do unto him. With his fellow men he was honest and sincere.

A kind husband, a loving affectionate father, an honored citizen and a true friend has been called from our midst; a home has been broken, a vacancy has been made that never can be filled.

We take this means of thanking the many friends and neighbors of our dear husband and father, Philip A. Cox, for their many tokens of sympathy and kindness during his illness and death. We appreciate this evidence of friendship very much. We also with to thank Dr. Hammond for his faithful and untiring services.
Nancy E. Cox
Irvin Cox Submitted by Tom Agan.

BRUMLEY, Clifford Earl, (Spring Valley Herald, January 30, 1913)
Clifford Earl Brumley, the 13 month old son of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Brumley, died Friday evening at eight o'clock. The funeral services were held at Abydel, sunday afternoon by Rev. C. W. Gawthrop. Mr. and Mrs. Brumley have the sympathy of the entire community in this hour of their bereavement.

We wish to thank our friends and neighbor for their kindness during the illness and death of our baby boy, Clifford Earl Brumley, We also wish to thank brother W.C. Gawthrop for his kind assistance. Submitted byTom Agan.

DOVE, Matilda, (Spring Valley Herald, February 13, 1913)
In loving rememberence of Matilda Dove. She was born April 17, 1833 and departed this life February 6, 1913, aged 70 years, 9 months and 19 days. She was united in marriage to Thomas Dove, June 1, 1851, to this union were born four children, three sons and one daughter, W.T. Dove of Bedford, Ind., E.W. Dove of Washington State, Leroy Dove and Mrs. Martha Morgan, of near French Lick. She joined the M.E. Church and was converted about the age of sixteen and lived a consistant christian life. She left this world of care in the triumph of the christian faith among her last words were, "I will soon be with the loved ones that have gone on before". She leaves a dear husband, four loving children and three sisters and a number of grandchildren to mourn their loss. The friends extend their sympathy to the bereaved ones. Submitted byTom Agan.

COX, Willis, (Spring Valley Herald, February 20, 1913)
Willis Cox, who passed the 72 milestone of life passed away Sunday (Feb. 20, 1913) evening near five o'clock after an illness of several months. His remains were laid to rest at the cemetery in the old homestead, one mile north of Elon, on Monday evening. His aged widow, four sons and five daughters survive him, He had been sinking several days and his death was no surprise to his family and neighbors. Let us tender our condolence to those who mourn his departures. Submitted byTom Agan.

RITTER, Dr. Henry O., (Spring Valley Herald, February 20, 1913)
Everybody was shocked to hear, Saturday morning (Feb. 15, 1913), that Dr. Henry O. Ritter a well-to-do and prominent physician of Orangeville had shot and killed himself early that morning.

We are informed that Dr. Ritter, several days ago went to the hay mow of his barn for some purpose in the night and accidentally fell down the ladder, striking his head against a gasoline engine, sustaining a severe wound from which he had not fully recovered. It is thought this had in some way affected his mind. He arose early Saturday morning and called his son to get up and help him in feeding the stock. While the son was dressing Mr. Ritter picked up an old gun that had not been used for a long time and without saying a word fired the charge into his breast, killing himself instantly.

He was a member of the K. of P. lodge at this place and had been for several years. The body was laid to rest in the Cemetery at Orleans, Tuesday.

His sudden death and the manner of it was a great shock to the entire community and his numerous friends. The bereaved family have the sincere sympathy of all who knew him. Submitted byTom Agan.

CHARLES, Elizabeth Toliver, (Spring Valley Herald, March 6, 1913)
Elizabeth Toliver Charles was born near Orangeville, Indiana, July 30th, 1869. She was the daughter of George and Cornelia Wilson Toliver and was the oldest daughter of that family. She died in the early morning of Feb. 27th, 1913, aged 43 years, 6 months and 28 days.

Lizzie grew up into a happy, wholesome, young woman. Her gentle disposition won for her the love of everybody with whom she came in contact.

On May 3rd, 1888, she was married to Will A. Charles, who survives her. Comparatively all of her married life was spent in the house where she died, familiarly know as the Aunt Sallie Campbell home, and there she particularly endeared herself to us all by her open heart and hospitality which was no-wise changed from former years. Few of her friends indeed, are those who could not recall Lizzie's hearty invitations to her home, and her kindly ministry in it.

For many years she has been a consecrated christian woman, and was a faithful member of Ames Chapel M.E. Church. Lizzie's christian life was the kind that counts for God. It's fruitage was that of the spirit. Galations 5:22 reads "The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. Against such there is no law, and they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh." And so it was with our loved one.

The husband and mother, the brothers and sisters are grief sticken. The companionship is broken, the comforting counsel is gone, but we know that in her own suffering (and for years she bore affliction) Lizzie found not only comfort but joy in her christian service and she would bid you turn to her Savior and make Him your comforter in these dark hours. She would bid you rejoice in her heavenly birthday, where she has gone like stepping forth into another room, to greet her Savior and the loved ones there and to make heaven nearer to us all for her going. There are left besides scores of friends, the husband, brothers, sisters and other relatives.

The funeral services were held at Ames Chapel on Saturday, March 1st, by her pastor Rev. O.E. Haley and Rev. Raaf, of Bloomfield, her former pastor, and the body laid to rest in the cemetery adjoining, beneath a blanket of beautiful flowers, each one a mute tribute of love for this life not lived long, but lived so well. Submitted byTom Agan.

McIVER, Daniel, (Spring Valley Herald, March 27, 1913)
Daniel McIver died Monday (March 24, 1913) of tuberculosis of the bones. the remains were buried at Mt. Lebanon, Tuesday. the family burial ground is at Moores ridge, but owing to the high waters it was impossible to reach that place. Submitted byTom Agan.

VORIES, Cora Frances, (Spring Valley Herald, April 3, 1913)
Cora Frances Vories, daughter of Newton and Ellen Vories, was born April 23, 1894 and reared on the farm, where her parents now resides and died March 25 (1913), age 18 years 11 months.

Francis was loved by everyone who knew her, always an obedient daughter, an affectionate sister and a faithful and devoted member of our Sunday School, having been secretary for the past 3 years and held an unequaled record of attending its sessions thru sun-shine and rain during this time with the exception of about three times.

About a year ago upon a particular occasion she solemnly promised God if he would spare her life until another revival season that she would yield herself unreservedly to his care and guidance, This she did upon the second day of our meeting in January past. She was gloriously converted and at once began to use her influence in bringing her relatives and friends to Jesus, Almost without warning the summons came and she went home. Judging from her life and especially that portion since her conversion as evidence by her prayers and testimonies and the smiles that played to and fro over the countenance, surely death was a glorious entrance into rest.

We that want to live with Frances and her redeemer throughout eternity have the blessed privilege of entering that portal of rest from which no traveler returns. She leaves to mourn her departure a father, mother, three brothers, three sisters and besides many relatives and friends. [Frances was interred at Mt. Lebanon Cemetery] Submitted byTom Agan.

WAGONER, Murl, (Spring Valley Herald, April 10, 1913)
Murl Wagoner was born Feb. 18, 1894, departed this life April 3, 1913, age 19 years, 1 month and 16 days. He leaves a father, mother, 0ne brother and five sisters to mourn their loss. He was the first to be taken from a family of seven. Submitted byTom Agan.

POLSON, Amelia Ryan, (Spring Valley Herald, April 10, 1913)
Grandma Polson, one of the oldest and most widely known citizens of French Lick passed away at her residence on College St. Wednesday evening (April 9, 1913) about 8:00 o'clock. She was about 82 years of age and had lived the greater part of her life here. She was the mother of Dr. W.E. Ryan of this city, her first husband being Dr. Samuel Ryan, at one time proprietor of the French Lick Springs Hotel. Her death was due to the natural decay of the body through old age. She had been a remarkably strong and active woman both physically and mentally during her younger days, but had been almost helpless for the past few years. Submitted by Tom Agan.

LASHBROOKS, Priscilla, (Spring Valley Herald, April 24, 1913)
In memory of Priscilla Lashbrooks, born February 1, 1836. She was the daughter of Richard and Nancy Jane Kirby and was the youngest daughter of that family. She died in early morning of April 17, 1913, aged 77 years 2 months 17 days.

Priscilla grew up to be a happy whole young woman. He gentle disposition won for her the love of everybody with whom she came in contact.

In 1851 she was married to Hiram Lashbrooks, who preceded her to the glory land 16 years and 6 months ago. Most of her life has been spent in the vicinity where she died. For many years she has been a consecrated christian woman and was a faithful member of the Methodist church at Moores Ridge forty years to which she remained until her death. She often testified to the fact that she was not tired of the way. She said at the day of her death that she was willing to let the Lord have his way with her for all was well. She was a affectionate wife, a kind and loving mother.

Her only sister, ten children, fifty grandchildren, fifty-six great-grandchildren and a large circle of relatives and friends will miss her for she was a great helper in all kinds of distress. But to us all would she "praise the Lord" and forget not His benefits and should remind us of His peace which passeth understanding such peace was such that pervaded her life. [Interred at Moores Ridge Cemetery] Submitted byTom Agan.

WININGER, Lewis, (Spring Valley Herald, May 1, 1913)
Lewis Wininger was born Oct. 29, 1831, died at his home April 16, 1913. He was united in marriage with Susan Philips, to them were born 12 children. The wife and seven children preceded him in death, there is left of the family to mourn their loss five children, ten grandchildren and one sister besides a large circle of friends. He joined the Methodist church in his youth and always attended it services when ever his health would permit. He has been a patient sufferer for a year or more, had during the time expressed himself as wanting to get well, as he hated to leave his family and friends. But the last month of his illness his suffering was so intense he prayed to his Heavenly Father, that he might come and take him home, "that all was well with him." He was honest in all his dealings, a kind neighbor and a good father. Just as the day began to dawn he calmly fell asleep to awaken at the resurrection morn. He had his imperfections, his sorrows, his joys, but his life's battles are now over and as he neared the closing days of his earthly pilgrimage. Well might he have said like the Apostle Paul, " I have fought the fight, I have kept the faith, I have finished my course. hence further is laid up for me a crown of righteousness and not for me only, but for all who love his appearing." Submitted byTom Agan.