Orange County
Family Files
Ned Benson has made available all the genealogical data from Bill &
Roxie Pinnick's "Big White Pinnick Book", in addition to much other
Pinnick data, in this searchable site. Neither the narratives or family
stories nor dates of the living are included. The "Big White Pinnick
Book" is now out of print, but Ned has created a new, expanded
edition in pdf format which will be made available in digital form
through the Family History Library.
The following is from Ned Benson, August , 2010
"I am a 4th great-grandson of James "Grandsire" Pinnick. Malinda Frances
Pinnick Dame Benson was my great-great-grandmother.
I have finished
crunching into a computer genealogy program all the data in Billy and Roxie
Pinnick's "big Pinnick book" titled "Genealogy and
Hiustory of James
'Grandsire' Pinnick 1747-1831 and Allied Families," plus a great deal more
information I have gathered on the 'Net over the
past 15 years.
September 2010 the revised and updated "big Pinnick book" will be available
on CDROM only in Adobe .pdf format. It will have 800+ pages
with 200+
pictures and graphics, and will include indices of names and
If you want your own copy of the CDROM, I will send them
out to Pinnick kin for $10.00 per disc including postage. Write me at with your name and
address. You can reimburse me after you receive the CDROM - cash, check or
PayPal to "theologian2".
I am also sending the CDROM to the Family History Library which will make it available online.
The Rev.
Dr. Ned H. Benson
27207 Saxon Meadow Lane
Cypress, TX
281.746.2123 Voice& Fax
281.813.7282 Cell
See Ned
Benson's Family Ancestry"

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