"Bonds Items"
These are from newspaper clippings from Tom McCart's scrapbook, probably from the Progress Examiner.
October 16, 1924:
"There will be a pie supper at the Webb School next Friday night, Oct. 17, all come. Willie PRUETT who goes to school at Bloomington and Dennis PRUET who works at Mitchell were home Sunday. Miss Ruby TOLIVER who is in school at Oakland City will be home next Friday for a short vacation. Mrs. Horace CHAUSLER had seven visitors from Vincennes last Sunday, some relatives and friends. Several from Bonds attended the Quarterly meeting at Orangeville on last Sunday and heard the new District Superintendent, the Rev. J. Ed. MURR preach. He gave a very interesting sermon. Homer CHAILLAUX has gone back to the hospital again for some more treatment. We hope he may soon get all right. The sale at Mr. SHAFFERS last Thursday drew a large crowd. The things sold well. The family have gone to West Virginia to their old home where they were raised. Mrs. SHAFFER is in very poor health from a cancer. Rev. HAM the new minister from West Baden circuit will preach at Bonds in a week from next Sunday Oct. 26th. All come and hear him."
Week of July 13th, 1925:
"Next Saturday morning, July 18th, all the people interested in the Old Bruner cemetery are requested to meet there and help to clean it off. August 20th, 1925, Bonds Chapel church have their annual Home-Coming and picnic and invite everybody to come and enjoy the day in our grove and with home people. Bonds church has been bereft of three of her pioneer members in just a few days. On July 3, Mrs. Sarah PRUETT KIRK died; on July 4, Mrs. Shadrach TOLBERT died; on July 12, Mrs. Sarah TOLBERT, widow of Samuel TOLBERT died. All the funerals were held at Bonds and all buried there. The ages of these women were 84, 79 and 74 years. All had been members of Bonds church since they were very young. On July 5th, Perry BATCHELOR died at Mitchell and was brought to Bonds for burial on the 7th. He used to be a member of the church here, but had joined the Nazerine church since moving to Mitchell. He married Hiram and Mary PHIPHER's daughter Emma and leaves his wife and three small children. Mrs. Isis Route SHEPHERD, husband and two children of Indianapolis were here over the 4th of July visiting her mother and other relatives. John KIRK and wife and some of his chilren came up from Knox county and attended the funeral of Sarah KIRK. Claude McPHEETERS, wife and daughter of Bedford was calling on relatives here last Sunday afternoon. Irene DOUGHERTY who has been in Hamilton, Ohio, with her aunt for a while came home a few days ago. Mrs. Jane PRUETT and daughter Mrs. Harry CARNES, Mrs. Lizzie MORGAN and two sons and their wives, all of French Lick attended Sarah KIRK's funeral. Others who attended this funeral from other places were: Mrs. Clyde ARD and husband of Bedford; Albert DICKEY and son James and George GERKIN of West Baden; Mr. Tom SHA and wife, Artie PRUETT and wife, of Mitchell; and Doll PRUETT and wife of Cincinnati. Mrs. Milton SAYLOR was called to Kentucky on account of the death of a sister there. She is expected home the last of this week. Lucille TOLIVER and Olive GILES who are in school at Oakland City, were home over the 4th."
"(Left over from last week) Oscar TOLBERT fell of a load of hay while helping his father put it into the barn last week and broke his right arm at the wrist but is getting along as well as could be expected at this writing. Mrs. Frances ROBBINS visited her sister, Mrs. Wm. DAUGHERTY at Mooristown last Sunday. Sam MOFFATT and part of his family and his two sisters of Huron, visited his brother, Ike MOFFATT, of near Mitchell, who has been sick for some time, is no better. There was a large crowd at Bonds Home-coming last Thursday. All seemd to enjoy the day. Some of our young people attended church at Bethel last Sunday night. Mrs. E.J. PRUETT, who has been as her daughter's Mrs. Oscar JOHNSON's at Mitchell, having a growth on her nose treated, by Dr. SHERWOOD, is home now and is better. Grandma WHITTINGTON, who is 93 years old, was able to be at the picnic at Bonds, last THursday."
February 3, 1938:
"We were sorry to learn of the death of Mrs. John BROTHERS. She is the mother of James and Steve BROTHERS. They have our sympathy. Word was received of Dave TAYLOR's brother Roy, who lived near Willow Valley. Mrs. Marion BUFFINGTON, who has been in a sanitarium at Madison for several years, is at home with her brother, Alva BEDSTER. We hope she has completely recovered from her affliction. Measles have broken out in our neighborhood. Mrs. John MAGILL and son Don TOLBERT and Arthur PRUETT's daughter Verna, have them. Mrs. Frank TOLBERT, who has been sick for some time, now has malaria fever. Deema TOLBERT is staying with her grandmother, helping with the work. John HUGHES, Everett PRUETT and Paul McCART were transacting business in Orleans and Mitchell, Tuesday afternoon. Arthur PRUETT is unable to drive the school bus on account of measles in his home. Ed TOLBERT and family, of Saltillo, and Oscar TOLBERT of Orleans spent Sunday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank TOLBERT. Mr. and Mrs. Rex TOLIVER and baby spent Saturday night and Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John TOLIVER. Dave TOLBERT visited one day last week with his daughters in West Baden. Mrs. Basil McCART visited with her mother Monday. Mrs. Fred JONES called in the afternoon. The big sandstone quarry started again Feb. 1, after being shut down for several days on account of bad weather."