Born: Mar 28, 1756, Pennsylvania
Buried: Liberty Cemetery, Orange County, Indiana
Service: Virginia
Proof: Pennsylvania Service
(See Pension Below)
This Information and more can be viewed on the AGAN
Directions: Liberty Cemetery is in the
northeast portion of Orange County. It is about a mile east and 2.5 miles south
of Spring Mill State Park.
The State
of Indiana Orange County On this ninth day of November in the year of our Lord
1835, personally appeared in open court before the Honorable Burton Jonathan,
judge of the Probate Court of the county of Orange now sitting. Christopher
Flick, Sen., a resident of said county of Orange in the state aforesaid, age
seventy nine years (79) on the 28th day of March on his own oath make the
following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress
passed June 7th, 1832. That he was born in the state of Pennsylvania --------
thence when very young to the county of Shenandoah in the state of Virginia.
That he has no written record of his age not being able to write and does not
know that any was ever kept by his father but according to the best of his
Information he was born on the 28th day of March, 1756. Then when about nineteen
years of age he entered the service of the United States as a militia man under
James McCrury in the county of Shenandoah and served three months and was
stationed at Fort Pitt. Within a few week after the expiration of the term
aforesaid he again voluntarily entered into the service as a militia man in a
detachment commanded by Col. James Crawford at Busontown (sp.) in a company
commanded by Captain John Buson for three months during which time the
detachment was marched to Upper Sandusky where they fought the Indians three
days successfully but the latter receiving reinforcements the Americans were
compelled to retreat. Col. Crawford was taken prisoner and put to death by the
savages. Dr. Knight (supposed to be Dr. Knight of Shelby KY) was there and was
also taken prisoner and it was designed on the next day to burn him at the stake
but a storm of rain came and the thongs with which he had been bound becoming
wet and thereby relaxing afforded Dr. Knight an opportunity to unbind himself
and make his escape, which he did. After this he went to Virginia wither his
father had removed from Pennsylvania where he remained until about the ---- day
of March, 1780, when he enlisted in the service of the United States for
eighteen months in Shenandoah County VA under the command of Captain Hall and
served in a regiment commanded by Colonel Bird which was part of the forces
commanded by Gen. Muhlanburgh, from thence they proceeded to Charleston South
Carolina where they had an engagement with General Clinton in the vicinity of
From thence they followed Cornwallace (Cornwallis) to
Yorktown and was at the surrender. They were engaged eleven days in the ---- in
hard fighting and duty and after the surrender of Cornwallace accompanied
prisoners to the Potomic and was discharged on the banks of the river at some
ferry above tidewater in the state of Virginia. In all of this time applicant
served as a private and received from an officer whose name he cannot recollect
a written discharge which was unluckily burnt about three years ago. He has no
written evidence of his service and he knows of no living witness by whom he can
prove the same. His immediate associates in the army being either dead or in
parts unknown to him. Upon his discharge from the service at Yorktown he
returned again to the home of his father where he was married and in about a
year removed to Redstone Penn. where he lived about seven (7) years thence to
Nelson County Kentucky where he resided about thirty years thence to Shelby
County Kentucky where he remained about eleven (11) years and from thence to
Orange County Indiana where he has ever since continued to reside. He is known
to Jacob Wise and Thomas Cox two of his neighbors and to Chris Hostetler a
minister of the Gospel who is the nearest minister except the son of the
applicant who is acquainted with him, all of whom can testify to his honesty for
truth and veracity and their belief of his service as a soldier in the
Revolution. And he further states that some years ago he made an effort through
the ---- of James Collins, Esq. to procure the benefit of the Act of Congress
passed June 7th, 1832, for which purpose he --- --- and made oath to his
declaration drawn up by the Gent. before named which was subsequently forwarded
to the Department and returned there from with the objections which were taken
to it which were as well as he now recollects “ that he had not with sufficient
precision mentioned the extent of his service. That he had not procured the
evidence of a clergyman and another respectable citizen and that no reason was
-----for the non productions and that he had produced no witness to his
service.” Upon receipt of the declaration and the objections thinks he --- ---
that unless he could produce proof of his service he could not succeed in his
application under which impression he has ever since remained inactive on the
subject until recently being otherwise informed in relation to the matter he has
again resolved to repeat his efforts. The declaration before alluded to has been
mislaid or lost so that he has no knowledge of it now. He further states that he
is unable to labour owing to age and decrepitude. That his family consists of a
wife who is also aged and infirm and some grandchildren. That he has no land and
very little personal property.
He hereby relinquishes every claim whatsoever
to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on
the pension roll of the agency of any state.
We, Chris Hostetler, minister of
the Gospel and Thomas Cox and Jacob Wise, residing in the county of Orange
aforesaid hereby certify that we are well acquainted with Christopher Flick,
Sen. who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration that we believe him
to be seventy nine (79) years of age that he is reputed and he lives in the
neighborhood where he resides. To have been --------
From the research of Marvin
Christopher Flick was born in PA and about the year 1760 his family
moved to Shenandoah County,VA.
1775 - At the age of 19 he enlisted in the
service of the US in Shenandoah Co. and served 9 months.
1776 - He was
discharged and returned to his father's farm in Virginia.
1780 - He enlisted
again for 18 months at Millerstown, Shenandoah County, VA.
1781 - He was
present at the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown on October 19th.
1782 - He
married in Shenandoah County, Virginia, and lived there about one year.
- Moved to ( Redstone ? ) PA where he lived for about 7 years.
1790 - Moved
to Nelson County, Kemtucky, where he lived for about 30 years.
1820 - Moved
to Shelby County, Kemtucky, where he lived for about 10 years.
1830 - Moved
to Orange County, Indiana, where he lived until his death in 1839.
1835 -
Submits a pension application for service in the Revolutionary War at age 79.
The 1790 census for Shenandoah County, Virginia, show Christian Flick
with 5 white souls. He must have stopped off in Virginia for awhile before
moving on to Nelson County, Kentucky. It also indicates that he had two children
before Christopher, Jr. and most likely they were girls. Peter is included in
this census also.
A Peter Fleek was in the 1786 Wharton Twp. Fayette Co.
PA Tax List. Peter & Christian Flack were listed in 1787 & Peter &
Christopher Fleak were listed in 1788.
The 1790 census returns for
Shenandoah Co. VA show: # 63 Christian Fleek, 5 white souls: Peter Fleek, #63, 5
white souls & Pater Flick,#106, 6 white souls, 1 black.
A 1795
Nelson County Kentucky tax list includes both Christian and Peter Flick. Peter
was also listed in the Kentucky 1790 returns which gives some weight to the
possibility that he and Christopher were brothers. He could also have been
Christopher's father of course.
Christopher Flake is shown in the 1800
Nelson Co. returns & in 1810 he is listed as Christopher Fleak. In 1820 he
is listed as Christopher Flick in Shelby Co. KY.
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Indiana Patriot Graves
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