Born: 1743 Rockbridge Co, Virginia
Feb 22, 1828 aged 85 years
Buried: Stampers Creek Cemetery, Paoli
Township, Orange County, Indiana
Service: In 1774 Fincastle
Co,Virginia, delivered horses prior to the Battle of Point Pleasant
July 1780 Expedition Capt of Lincoln Co, Kentucky Militia; under George Rogers
Clark 1781-1782
Proof: Kentucky State Library, Frankfort,
Kentucky and the Virginia State Library in Richmond, Virginia
I.P.D. 127 and
Reg C 8358 Payroll of Lincoln Militia gives actual service
Married: Isabella Ann ALLEN / PATTON died Feb 14, ????
Michael: Born 1769/70 Wythe Co/Taswell Co, Virginia died 1830 Trimble Co, KY
- married Aug 18, 1790 Nelson Co, KY to Jane STEPHENSON
George D SR: Born 1773 Taswell Co, Virginia died Mar 14, 1842 in Orange Co,
Indiana aged 69 years and married Hannah BOYD - died July 11, 1846 aged 65
John: Born 1775.80 died Jan 2, 1856 Illinois, married Feb 11 1810 Harrison
County, Indiana married Mary HOLLOWELL
Henry: Born 1784 Kentucky died 1846 Orange County, Indiana - buried in the
Old Springer Cemetery. He married abt 1810 Indiana tp Catherine/Cynthia
___________ of North Carolina/South Carolina
Sarah: Born 1786 Kentucky died Aug 10, 1826 buried ina field 1 mile north
of Abbydell, Orange Co, Indiana. She married April 2, 1807 Jefferson County,
Kentucky to Michael MILLER
Mary: died 1816 Orange Co, Indiana - married Oct 19, 1811 Harrison Co, Ind
to William CHARLES - he died 1813 killed by the Indianss at French Lick,
William: Born 1775-1784 died 1852 Greene Co, IN married May 6, 1802
Jefferson Co, KY to Betsy TANNER
Ronert S: Born 1790 KY died 1849 buried Stampers Creek Cemetery, Orange Co,
IN, married Sarah TANNER
Samuel: Born 1775-1794 KY married Nov 5, 1819 Orange Co, Ind, married Mary
Ellender: married July 19, 1798 Jefferson Co, KY to Charles
Naomi: married Mar 12, 1795 Jefferson Co, KY - Thomas MOTLEY

From the Courthouse Square in Paoli, Indiana take State Rd 56 east about four
miles and Stampers Crrek Church and Cemetery is on the left or Northsides of SR
56 at the intersection with County Road CR 350E located in Section 34 of Paoli
This cemetery also is the resting grounds of Rev War Soldiers
George Duncan and Joshua Reed.
Information collected by Andrew
Wilson Paoli, IN and Mrs Margaret Waters of Indianapolis, IN
Directions and
Photos: Courtesy of Edward Hitchcock and Larry Hammersley members of the Daniel
Guthrie SAR Chapter of Bedford Indiana
To report new information,
corrections, or web errors, click here
Indiana Patriot Graves
- Indiana State SAR