1900 Census of Newton County, IN p.229B

Continued on Page 230A

NOTE: This transcription is meant to be a guide only. It is the transcribers interpretation and subject to human error. Always refer to the original document (or microfilm) for your own interpretation.

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Abstracted by Robert E. Williamson, ©2000 from the National Archives and Records Administration Federal Population Schedules for the 12th Census of the United States in 1900.

Submitted by Robert E. Williamson, Jan.2000. Both above notices must remain when copied or downloaded.

This is the 1900 federal census for Newton County, IN.

TOWN:             TOWNSHIP McClellen      COUNTY         Newton         STATE    IN                      Microfilm #   394          PAGE#    229B
ENUMERATOR: John H. Cox       CENSUS DATE                   June 23, 1900           SUPERVISOR DIST. #      10       ENUMERATOR DIST. #72
=======================================================================================================================    =======================================================================================================================================================================================================
PG#229B  # OF              LAST           FIRST          RELATIONSHIP                                             MARITAL  # YEARS  MOTHER OFCHILDREN THIS           FATHER         MOTHER         YEAR OF  YEARS    NATURALIZED             # MONTHS # MONTHS CAN      CAN      SPEAKS   OWNED OR FREE OF  HOUSE OR
51       272      272      Jackson        Ora            Head           W        M        Un             24       S                                   Illinois       Illinois       Illinois                                                                                                                H        51
52                         Wilhite        Semn           Hand           W        M        Apr 18876      24       S                                   Indiana        Maryland       Indiana                                                                                                                          52
53                         Wagner         Albert         Hand                             Un             22                                           Illinois       Maryland       Indiana                                                                                                                          53
54       273      273      Conklin        James          Head           W        M        Au 1847        52       M        28                         New York       N., York       N.. York                                  Farmer                           yes      yes      yes      R        F        F        54
55                         Conklin        Mary           Wife           W        F        Ap 1855        45       M        28       6        6        Ohio           Ohio           Virginia                                                                                                                         55
56                         Conklin        Alonzo B.      Son            W        M        Mar 183        27       S                                   Unknown        New York       Ohio                                                                                                                             56
557                        Conklin        James E.       Son            W        M        Dec 1875       24       S                                   Illinois       New York       Ohio                                                                                                                             57
58                         Conklin        Reuben         Son            W        M        Dec 1879       20       S                                   Unknown        New York       Ohio                                                                                                                             58
59                         Conklin        Mary N.        Daughter       W        F        Dec 1881       18       S                                   Unknown        New York       Ohio                                                                                                                             59
60                         Conklin        Jennie E.      Daughter       W        F        Dec 1884       15       S                                   Unknown        New York       Oho                                                                                                                              60
61                         Conklin        Gladice M.     Daughter       W        F        Oct 1896       3        S                                   Unknown        New York       Ohio                                                                                                                             61
62                         Conklin        Emeline        Mother         W        F        Mar 1820       80       W                 1        1        New York       N. York        N. York                                   Far                                                                                    62
63       274      274      Barrigen       Jacob          Head           W        M        Oct 1874       25       M                                   Switzerland    Switzerland    Switzerland    1894     6        Na       Farmer                           yes      yes      yes      R        F        F        63
64                         Barrigen       Mry            Wife           W        F        Jun 1879       21       M                                   Switzerland    Switzerland    Switzerland                                                                yes      yes      yes                                 64
65                         Hany           Annie          Mother in L    W        F        July 1845      54       W                                   Switzerland    Switzerland    Switz                                                                                        yes                                 65
66       275      275      Dill           John           Head           W        M        Apr 1836       65       M        43                         Ohio           Delaware       Ohio                                      Faramer                          yes      yes      yes      R        F        F        66
67                         Dill           Nancy          Wife           W        F        ap 1834        66       M        43       10       8        Ohio           Penn           Virginia                                  Farmer                           yes      yes      yes                                 67
68                         Dill           Delbert        Son            W        M        May 1879       21       S                                   Indiana        Ohio           Ohio                                      Farm Labor                       yes      yes      yes                                 68
69                         Mikell         Agistio        G. Son         W        M        Dec 1879       20       S                                   Indiana        Indiana        Indiana                                                                                                                          69
70       276      276      Higlez         John           Head           W        M        Jan 1860       40       M        12                         Switzerland    Switzerland    Switzerland                               Farmer                           yes      yes      yes      R        F        F        70
71                         Higlez         Erma           Wife           W        F        Aug 1865       34       M        12       6        6        Switzerland    Unknown        Unknown                                                                                                                          71
72                         Higlez         Erma           Daughter       W        F        Jan 1890       10       S                                   Illinois       Switzerland    Switzerland                                                                                                                      72
73                         Higlez         Fannie         Daughter       W        F        Oct 1892       7        S                                   Illinois       Switzerland    Switzerland                                                                                                                      73
74                         Higlez         Rosia          Daughter       W        F        Mar 1893       7        S                                   Unknown        Switzerland    Switzerland                                                                                                                      74
75                         Higlez         Fred A.        Son            W        M        Dec 1894       5        S                                   Unknown        Switzerland    Switzerland                                                                                                                      75
76                         Higlez         John           Son            W        M        Nov 1896       3        S                                   Unknown        Switzerland    Switzerland                                                                                                                      76
77                         Higlez         Ernest         Son            W        M        Feb 1899       1        S                                   Indiana        Switzerland    Switzerland                                                                                                                      77
78                         Bennet         Alonzo         Hand           W        M        Jan 1879       21       S                                   Illinois       Illinois       Illinois                                  Farm Labor     4                 yes      yes      yes                                 78
79       277      277      Miller         Emery          Head           W        M        Jan 1850       50       M        25                         Germany        Germany        Germany        1881     18       No       Farmer                           yes      yes      yes      R        F        F        79
80                         Miller         Elena          Wife           W        F        May 1855       45       M        25       4        2        Germany        Germany        Germany                                                                    yes      yes      yes                                 80
81                         Gill           Hannah         Daughter       W        F        Mar 1878       22       M        2        1        1        Germany        Germany        Germany                                                                                                                          81
82                         Gill           Emery          Son in L       W        M        Mar 1874       26       M        2                          Illinois       England        England                                   Farm Labor                       yes      yes      yes                                 82
83                         Miller         Mary           Daughter       W        F        Mar 1883       17       S                                   Ohio           Germany        Germany                                                                    yes      yes      yes                                 83
84                         Hence          Sophia         Mother         W        F        July 1821      79       W                 1        1        Germany        Germany        Germany                                                                                                                          84
85                         Gill           Ruth           G.Daughter     W        F        Nov 1899       06/12/200S                                   Illinois       Illinois       Germany                                                                                                                          85
86                         Miller         William        Son            W        M        Feb 1891       9        S                                   Denmark        Denmark        ?                                                                                                                                86
87       278      278      Buss           Hiram          Head           W        M        Feb 1867       33       M        9                          Germany        Germany        Germany        1886     114      Na       Farmer                           yes      yes      yes      R        F        F        87
88                         Buss           Mary           Wife           W        F        Oct 1872       27       M        9        4        4        Germany        Geermany       Germany                                                                                                                          88
89                         Buss           Katie          Daughter       W        F        Feb 1894       6        S                                   Illinois       Germany        Germany                                                                                                                          89
90                         Buss           Sarah          Daughter       W        F        June 1895      4        S                                   Illinois       Germany        Germany                                                                                                                          90
91                         Buss           Hannah         Daughter       W        F        May 1897       3        S                                   Illinois       Germany        Germany                                                                                                                          91
92                         Bus            Birthia        Daughter       W        F        Mar 1899       1        S                                   Indiana        Germany        Gemany                                                                                                                           92
93       279      279      Arstill        George         Head           W        M        Aug 1857       43       M        25                         Ohio           Ohio           Ohio                                                                                                                    H        93
94                         Arstill        Sigre          Wife           W        F        Nov 1861       39       M        25       3        3        Indiana        Indiana        Unknown                                                                                                                          94
95                         Arstill        Perl           Daughter       W        F        Sep 1883       15       S                                   Indiana        Ohio           Indiana                                                                                                                          95
96                         Arstill        Omer           Son            W        M        Oct 1893       6        S                                   Indiana        Ohio           Indiana                                                                                                                          96
97       280      280      Hansen         Walter         Head           W        M        May 1874       26       M        5                          Denmark        Denmark        Denmark        1881     19       Na       Farmer                           yes      yes      yes      R        F        F        97
98                         Hansen         Minnie         Wife           W        F        May 1873       27       M        5        3        3        Denmark        Unknown        Unknown                                                                                                                          98
99                         Hansen         Jinny          Daughter       W        F        Ap 1896        4        S                                   Indiana        Denmark        Denmark                                                                                                                          99
100                        Hansen         Semuel         Son            W        M        Sep 1897       2        S                                   Indiana        Denmark        Denmark                                                                                                                          100

Continued from Page 229A

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