Zeigler - Mattie Utterback k - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Zeigler - Mattie Utterback k

Source: Pratt Kansas Republican Thu 1 May 1924 p 3

The funeral  services of Mrs. DB Zeigler were held Thursday afternoon at the Methodist Church attended by a large gathering of close friends, Rev. Wilkinson conducted the services.  Mrs. Zeigler was a member of the AOUW Lodge of this city and carried insurance in that order. The following obituary has been handed us for publican.  Mattie Perlin Utterback was born Aug 20, 1883 at Elmdale, Indiana and died at her home in Pratt, Kansas April 22, 1924, aged 40 years 8 months and 2 days.  On November 20, 1901, at the age of 18 she was united in marriage to Daniel Burton Zeigler at Elmdale, Indiana by the Rev. Charles W. Postill.  To this union were born four children: Robert Ernest, Cecil Edwin, Erma Pauline and John Lawrence.  Since the marriage, excepting one year in Indiana, nearly two years in Michigan and over one year in Arkansas, they have lived their married life in the state of Kansas residing at Hutchinson, McPherson and Pratt with the exception of some 5 years spent at Hooker, Oklahoma, proving up a claim.  At the age of 12 she united with the Methodist Church at Elmdale, Indiana and for years took an active part in the church services as organist.  Mrs. Zeigler belonged to no club as they have always seen fit to be a home and a rare home they have made it, with character and love its cornerstone.  In talking to the children and her husband some two weeks before she died, realizing she was very sick, she said she was going to put up a strong fight for life, but if she did not win out, it would be the Lord’s will and His will not hers – be done.  Her parting message to her family was: “Live to say and do the tings that would make it easy for others to live right.  Loyal and true as a wife, kind, patient and understanding as a mother – always good, lovable and sweet spirited – she was devoted to her home, graciously and generously welcoming all who came to that home.  We shall miss her always.  Mrs. Zeigler leaves surviving her, besides her immediate family, her mother, Mrs. Amelia Utterback of New Richmond, Indiana aged 74 who is too frail to attend the funeral; four full brothers, Fern of Blanchard, Michigan; Walter of Manter, Kansas; Vint of Jeffersonville, Indiana and Chelsey of Sumner, Illinois and two full sisters, Clara Waye of Richmond, Indiana who is here for the funeral and who has been here taking care of her sister for the last two weeks and Bessie Merrill of New Richmond, Indiana besides one half-brother, Edwin and two half-sisters, Nettie Tiffany of Wingate, Indiana and Nannie McClamrock of Crawfordsville, Indiana. Her niece, Ruth Ziegler, Hutchinson, Kansas.

Card of Thanks – we wish to extend our deep and heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to the friends, neighbors and relatives for the sympathy expressed in connection with the fatal illness and funeral of our dear wife and mother to the kind neighbors and friends for their ever readiness and willingness to help in every way possible – for the sweet music and for the beautiful floral offerings. To those who rendered the music at the service, we wish to say that it made a deep and lasting impression on the hearts of all the family.  We further wish to extend our sincere appreciation and thanks to Dr. Berstorf and Dr. Gaston for their unceasing efforts and kind words of sympathy, also to the nurses who did all in their power to make comfortable our loved one in her last moments with us here on this earth.  We wish further to extend our thanks and appreciation to Rev. Wilkinson and Rev. Kemp for their words of sympathy and encouragement and to all who had a part in the last sad rites.  We think of mother as being free from all suffering, pain and sorrow, but as being with us in spirit.  May our Dear Lord bless each one of you and keep you faithful to our Master so that all may meet her in that world of unbroken fellowship where love and peace ever reign.  Our consolation is in Christs parting message – “In my Fathers house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you.  I go to prepare a place for you and if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you until myself, that where I am there ye may be also.”  DB Zeigler and family

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