ZACHARY, Milton Hezekiah

Milton Hezekiah ZACHARY
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana 11-23-1932 p 1
Milton H. Zachary age 88, Brown township's last civil war veteran and a resident of Montgomery County his entire life, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jesse McMains here Wednesday morning at 1 o'clock. Mr. Zachary had been ill since April. Infirmities of old age and complications caused his death. Mr. Zachary was born in Crawfordsville on March 13, 1844 a son of Elijah and Eliz. Zachary. He was united in marriage to Miss Eliz. McMurray May 3, 1866. Mrs. Zachary died 1916 and since that time Mr. Zachary resided with his daughter at her home in Waveland. The deceased enlisted in the Union army at the start of the civil war and served with Co K 116th In regit and also with Co K 58th Ill reg of vol. infantry. Mr. Z took part in the battles of Cumberland gap and Chickamauga. At the close of the war Mr. Z returned to this community and lived the great part of his life in Waveland. For several years he was engaged in farming. He was a member of the Waveland Methodist Church and Grand Army of the republic. Mr. Z was the thirteenth Mont Co civil war veteran to die within the past year. Last December, 27 veterans were living in the County. With Mr. Zachary's death the list has been reduced to 14 during the last twelve months. Survivors are the daughter, Mrs. McMains, one son Herman of Waveland and one brother, Sam of Crawfordsville. One dau Mary preceded her parents in death in 1905. Funeral services will be conducated at the Methodist Church here Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock and will be in charge of Rev. Victor Keiser, past of the Church and members of the Amer Leg. Interm will take place in Mt. Moriah cemetery southwest of Waveland. The body will lay in state at the Church from 12 o'clock until the start of the service.
Source: Waveland Independent, 2 December 1932
The last Civil War Veteran living in Brown Township, died on Wednesday morning of last week at an early hour. He has been an invalid for years and has been critically ill for several weeks. Funeral services at the Methodist Church at one on Friday afternoon were conducted by Rev. Victor Keiser and were in charge of Raymond Todd Post American Legion. Mrs. Reiter, Mrs. Emmert, Mrs. Banta and Mrs. Kesterson sang Safe in the Arms of Jesus, In the Garden, and Abide with Me. The flowers were carried by Mrs. Hunsicker, mrs. Reiter, MRs. Rinehart and Mrs. Spencer. The pall bearers were George Slavens, Fred McNutt, Owen Dooley, Orville Hall, Lyle Coutney and Charles Bacon. The colors were carried by Parke Spencer and Fred Priebe with Lon Ferrel and AA Ferrier as color guards. The firing squad commanded by Harry Miles were Ivan Bain, Jesse potter, Will Shular and Earl McNutt. Taps at the Cemetery were sounded by Ben Canine and Miss Imogene. Burial in Mt. Moriah Cemetery. The following obituary was read: "Milton H. Zachary, life long resident of Montgomery County, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. C. McMains, Waveland, Indiana at 1:00 o'clock Wednesday morning, Nov 23 1932 age 88 years 8 months and 10 days. Thus, answering to the last roll call with that unerring faith of the true soldier, the only surviving veteran of the Civil war in Brown township passes on. Mr. Zachary was born in Crawfordsville, Indiana the son of Elijah and Elizabeth Zachary. He was united in marriage to Elizabeth McMurry, May 3, 1866 and to them were born 3 children: Harmon Zachary and Sarah E. McMains both of Waveland and Mary M. who preceded him in death June 22, 1905. His wife also passed away August 27, 1916. Mr. Zachary served in the Civil War through two enlistment periods. First as a member of Company k 116th Regiment, Indiana Volunteers and again with Company k, 58th regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry where his war record recounts such battles as those of Cumberland gap, Chickamauga and others. Early in life he united with the Methodist Church and was never failing in his belief of the Christian life - a kind father and loving husband. Besides the two surviving children, he leaves one brother, Samuel Zachary of Whitesville, 7 grandchildren, 7 great grandchildren and a host of friends. Mr. Zachary was the 13th Montgomery County Civil War veteran to die within the past year. Last December, 27 veterans were living in theCounty. With Mr. Zachary's death the list has been reduced to 14 during the last 12 months. Those from out of town attending were Mrs. Grant Zachary, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stamps, Mrs. SJ Warren, Harry Zachary, Mrs. Edgar Zachary, Aileen Zachary, Hugh Zachary, JM Zachary of Crawfordsville; Roy Zachary, Anko Dykhinzen of Lafayette; Sam Zachary, Herman Zachary, Charlie Baldwin of Whitesville; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Zachary of Monitor; Willis Baldwin of Marshall; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley George, Flossie George, Curtis George, Jimmie O'Neal of Clinton.
Source: Waveland Independent 11-25-1932
Hezekiah Zachary who has been lying at the point of death for several weeks died at his home in the Western part of town at one o'clock Wednesday morning. Funeral services will be at the Methodist Church Friday afternoon at one o'clock.