Yount - John - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Yount - John

Source: Crawfordsville Star Nov 30, 1876 p 3

The freight train from the north on the LNA & CRR on last evening when near the small trestle work just south of the red bridge and about one mile north of this city, ran over and cut to pieces John Yount of Yountsville. Two young boys of this city passing, along the track a few minutes afterwards discovered the body, and a number of our citizens brought it to this city. The unfortunate man's head was horribly crushed, his legs cut off at the hips, and his whole body reduced to an unrecognisable (sic) condition. It is supposed whilst crazed with strong drink he took to the railroad and met death scarcely knowing it. He leaves a wife and two children -- kbz
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