Yount - Edson Russell - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Yount - Edson Russell

Source: Crawfordsville Star, June 8, 1882 -- typed by : KZ

Edson Russell Yount, son of Andrew and Lydia Young and grandson of Dan Yount, died at their house May 30, 1882, aged 7 years 9 months and 23 days. Having been a sufferer most of his life, the friends were aware that he was in a serious condition. But the boy of maturity was waiting for a great change. While suffering he asked them to pray; after a session of prayer, while alone with his Pa, he called to him in a clear, calm and loving voice, "Come Pa, I want to tell you good-bye; I expect to be in the spirit world before morning. If I die I want to meet you in Heaven." Then he called for each of his friends in turn. To his Ma he siad, "Good-bye, you dear, good Mamma. I'm not afraid to die. I hope we'll meet again." Good by, Phebe, if I die, I'll go to Heaven and want to meet you there. Grandma is there. To his cousin, Mrs. Alice Drake, "Good-bye, Alice. Tell Tiffia I love him and if I don't get well I want to meet him and if I do get well, tell him I'll be a good boy. Dear little sister, Mary, Good-bye, I hope we'll meet again. Grandpa, good-bye. Your prayer was sweet. If I don't get well I hope we'll meet again. Aelisa, good-bye. I may live till morning and I may not. We can't tell. I hope we'll meet in Heaven." Then he wished for the Doctor and Uncle Byron, he wanted to see them. After this he again felt severe pains and said, "Well, Ma, I thought I had suffered enough, but I guess not, but I'll try and bear it patiently." A few moments before he died he exclaimed, "Pa, don't you see" -- as if visions of glory were rising before him. His life and character were beautiful and he appreciated things beyond his years; but our loss is his gain. P.
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