Yount, Dan - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Yount, Dan

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Monday, 1 Sept. 1890

Dan Yount, the veteran woolen manufacturer, died at his home in Yountsville at 3 o’clock Sunday morning, aged 83 years. The funeral services will be held tomorrow at 10 o’clock at the Methodist Church in Yountsville. Dan Yount was the son of Andrew and Eve Yount and was born in Warren County, Ohio, November 3, 1807, his ancestry coming from Germany about the year 1740 and settling in North Carolina. At the age of eleven years he began work in a woolen mill, then owned by his father near Dayton, Ohio. In 1857 he came to Tippecanoe County, settling about five miles south of Lafayette on the Wea. In 1835 he removed to Attica, where in company with an elder brother, he established a woolen factory remaining there until 1839, when he purchased a farm on which he lived about one year. Early in 1840 he removed to what is now Yountsville, erecting in company with his brother, Allen, a small carding mill, which has since grown to its present proportions. April 30, 1830 Mr. Yount was married to Sarah Price, who was born in Maryland in 1811. She died greatly respected June 19, 1878. They had five children, Rhoda, now Mrs. Townsley, Mary, now Mrs. Troutman, Andrew, John M., deceased, and Annie, now Mrs. Whitehead. “Uncle Dan” as he was familiarly known was brought up in the faith of the society and Friends but in 1842 there being no such organization at Yountsville, he united with the Methodist Episcopal Church, a pillar of which he has since been. He led a busy and useful life, having been a class leader and trustee of his church since his connection with it. It was always his custom at the close of the conference year to ascertain the collections made from the congregation and give his check for whatever deficiency existed.

His charity was unostentatious and only bounded by the opportunities for giving presented to him. He never in a single instance refused a request for assistance. While as a business man he was very successful, leaving quite a large estate, yet his generosity has disposed of an amount equal perhaps to all he has left. For may years as winter approached it has been his custom to say to one of his clerks, “James, if you know of any poor families in the neighborhood needing clothing or blankets send to them enough to supply their wants.” During his last illness which was long and painful, he directed one of his employees to collect the remnants of cloth and flannel in the store and send them to the Orphans’ Home, and when informed that his son, Andrew, had already done this he answered “very well” as though satisfied that a duty had been performed. These incidents simply illustrate a life long custom. A column has fallen not easily replaced, his employees will mourn in him a lost friend. The neighborhood will no longer have the benfit of his wise and devoted counsel. His fireside is deprived of his care and protection. They can rest alone in the remembrance of his deeds.

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Tuesday 2 Sept 1890

The funeral of Dan Yount, which occurred today at Yountsville, was attended by a large concourse of people, many being present from a distance. The Methodist Church where the services were held was filled to its utmost capacity and large numbers were unable to gain admittance. The remains were brought into the church by pall bearers selected from the young men in his employ. Beautiful floral tributes rested upon the casket. The services were opened by an appropriate hymn sung by the Methodist Church choir from this city. The first Psalm was read by Rev. G. W. Switzer and prayer was offered by Rev. H. M. Middleton. The pastor of the church, Rev. J. W. Loder, read a sketch of the life of the deceased from The Journal of yesterday. Rev. L. C. Buckles, of Michigan City, then pronounced an eloquent and touching eulogy on the life and character of the deceased, dwelling at length on his many virtues, particularly his unostentatious benevolence and beautiful Christian character. Rev. J. W. Greene, Rev. E. R. Johnson and Gen. M. D. Manson followed with brief but tender tributes to the good man’s memory. The body was taken to Oak Hill Cemetery for interment.

WOW - 5 ministers - amazing

Source: Indianapolis Journal 3 Sept 1890 p 3

Crawfordsville, Sept 2 – The funeral of Daniel Yount, the veteran wool man of Yountsville, was held this morning at the Methodist Church where the deceased had been a worshiper for over 50 years. The pallbearers were young men who worked in his factory and the floral tributes were numerous. There were several persons in attendance from other places, among these being Rev. LC Buckles of Michigan City and DS Yount of Lafayette. Those who took part in the funeral services and made remarks were Rev. GW Switzer, presiding elder, Middleton; Gen MD Manson; Rev. GW Greene; Rev ER Johnson; Rev JW Loder and Rev. LC Buckles.  

Source: Crawfordsville Review 6 Sept 1890 p 1

Uncle Dan Yount died at his home in Yountsville, last Sunday morning at 3 o'clock, at the extreme old age of 88 years. Mr. Yount was probably the best known man in Montgomery county, having' been engaged In the manufacture of woolen goods in the village of Yountsville for more than fifty years. He was born in Warren county, O., 1807. In 1827 he come to Tippecanoe county, settling about five miles south of Lafayette on the Wea. In 1835 he removed to Attica, where in company with an elder brother established a woolen factory, remaining there until 1889, when he purchased a farm on which he lived about one year. Early in 1840 he removed to what is now Yountsville, erecting in company with his brother, Allen, a small carding mill, which has since grown to its present proportions. April 30, 1830, Mr. Yount was married to Sarah Price. She died June, 19, 1878. Five children was the fruit of this union, four of whom still survive, Mrs. Jerre Townsley, Mrs. Jacob Troutman, Mrs. Whitehead, Andrew, and John M., deceased. Whole hours could be spent dwelling on the many virtues of Mr. Yount. As a man of charity his peer could not be found, and his loss will be sorely felt by the poor in his neighborhood, but his memory will always be dear to them. He led a busy, useful and Christian life, and in his death the family Ioses a kind and Indulgent father, and the county one of her best citizens. The funeral services occurred at the M. E. church in this city on Tuesday and was largely attended. The services were conducted by Revs. Switzer, Middleton, Loder, Buckler, Greene, ana Johnson. Gen. M. D. Manson also paid a tribute to his old friend and companion. The remains were interred in Oak Hill cemetery. – thanks to “s” for all the great typing work on the obits!

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