Young - Carroll - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Young - Carroll

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 12 August 1893 Pg. 3

Carroll Young, the aged citizen who suffered a stroke of apoplexy on Main street Tuesday morning, died that night about ten o'clock at his home, just east of the city. He never regained consciousness and his death was certain from the first. The funeral occurred Thursday morning at ten o'clock from his home. Interment at Oak Hill cemetery. - thanks Kim H

Source: Crawfordsville Review 12 August 1893 p 8

Tuesday morning Carroll Young, who lives in the old tollgate house on the Indianapolis Road, came to the city to deliver some eggs. When in front of the residence of Arch Austin he was striken (sic) with apoplexy (sic) and fell senseless on the sidewalk. Medical aid was summoned and he was carried to his home where he lingered until 10 o’clock Wednesday morning never regaining consciousness. Mr. Young was 75 years of age and was one of the county’s early settlers. He was a sterling democrat and an honorable conscientious Christian man. He was known far and wide and held the love and respect of all. The funeral occurred from his home Thursday morning at 10 o’clock. Interment at Oak Hill Cemetery. - kbz

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Tuesday, 8 August 1893

This morning Carrol Young, a well known citizen over 75 years of age, who resides in the old toll gate house on the Indianapolis Road, came to town to deliver some eggs. While in front of the residence of Arch Austin he was stricken with apoplexy and fell senseless. Medical aid was hastily summoned and he was taken home. He is very low this afternoon and will probably not recover. s

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Tuesday, 8 August 1893

Carroll Young, the aged citizen who suffered a stroke of apoplexy on Main Street yesterday morning, died last night about ten o’clock at his home, just east of the city. He never regained consciousness and his death was certain from the first. The funeral will occur tomorrow morning at ten o’clock from his home. Interment will be at Oak Hill Cemetery. -s
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