Young - Brigham - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Young - Brigham

Source: Crawfordsville Star newspaper, August 17, 1875

Though not a citizen of this section is so well known by many of the people of the nE part of the county that an account of the affair as far as learned will not be uninteresting, though very little light has as yet been thrown upon the subject further than this much. Capt. Brigham Young, a prosperous, well to do farmer, living near Frankfort was found in his own cornfield one afternoon last week with his throat cut from ear to ear. A razor being found near by, it is supposed to have been the work of his own hands. Young was still alive when found but it is understood he has since died. There is some mystery shrouding the affair, for it appears very strange a man so well thought of, universally respected and apparently in easy financial circumstances should attempt the taking of his own life. Consequently there is some supicion of foul play. If there yet be anything behind the scenes, it is to e hoped it may be brought to light. - typed by kbz
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