York - Alice Gray
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 7 Feb 1891 p 6
The wife of Will York, of Waynetown died at Indianapolis on Sunday. Her maiden name was Alice Gray and she had been married but two months. -s
Source: Crawfordsville Review 7 Feb 1891 p 1
The wife of Will York died at her home in Waynetown last Saturday of consumption and was buried in the cemetery at Brownsburg Monday afternoon. Mrs. York’s maiden name was Alice Gray. She married Mr. York scarcely two months ago. The death is an extremely sad one and much sympathy is felt for the young husband in his bereavement.
Note: Born 11 March 1866 – 31 Jan 1891 buried Greenlawn Cemetery, Brownsburg daughter of Isaac Ward and Mary Durman Gray - kbz