Wilson - Lane - CW
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Tuesday, 30 May 1893
Roll of the Dead
Oak Hill Cemetery
Alexander, Joseph, L 2d Ind. Cal.
Blaine, Allen T., K 22d Ind.
Brown, J. Harrison, 16th Ind. Bat.
Blair, John W., I 86th Ind.
Bailey, John, I 135th Ind.
Bratton, Robert A., 14th Ind. Inf. And 4th U Arty
Brown, Solon H., B 72d Ind.
Burkmeyer, Henry B., 150th Ind.
Crowder, Sterling H., C 63d Ind.
Collins, Frank, 14th Ind. Cal.
Campbell, Thos N., G 20th Ind.
Caven, John, G 11th Ind.
Deets, Emly, 9th Ind. Bat.
Dennis, Milton P., D 1st Wis.
Dunn, James, 63d N. Y.
Dunn, Nathaniel, War of 1812
Ewing, John S., A 16th Ind.
Engle, John B., C 86th Ind. Vol. and Capt U S A
Fry, Thomas W., Surgeon 11th Ind.
Fry, Thos W. Jr., A Q M of U S A
Farmer, Ison R., H 40th Ind. Inf.
Fullenwider, Robt. A., Co. C 40th Ind.
Gray, Andrew B., 10th Ind. Inf.
Hack, Charles, regiment unknown
Huff, Peter, War of 1812
Huff, A., regiment unknown
Hancock, Fountain F., regiment unknown
Hancock, David S., F 13th Ohio Inf.
Lane, Henry S., Col 5th Ind. Vol. Mexican War
Lynn, Wm H., K 86th Ind.
McClellan, James S., Col 25th Ill. Vol. & Surgeon
135th Ind. Vol.
McMakin, Benj M., 18th Ind. Bat.
Mills, Marshal, Lieut. 49th U S C T
Mitchell, Milton, 4th Ohio Cal.
Morgan, Wm H., Brig Gen Vol. U S A
McMurray, Hiram, E 150th Ind.
Nosler, Calloway, D 135th Ind.
Oliver, W. H., D 5th Ind.
Powers, Jonathan, War of 1812
Powers, John B., Mexican War
Ristine, Henry, War of the Revolution
Ragsdale, Thos., E 87th Ill.
Ristine, Albert, I 11th Ind.
Ramsey, John W., Adjt. 51st Ind.
Simpson, Joseph B., I 11th Ind.
Simpson, Wm W., 2d Ohio Cav.
Streight, T. L., C 6th Virginia
Taylor, Wm. D., 28th U S C T
Wilson, James, A Q M, U S A
Wilson, McKee, A Q M, U S A
Wilson, J. Ward, C 40th Ind.
Wilson, Lane, I 11th Ind.
White, C. B., Surgeon, U S A
White, Charles, War of 1812
Wallace, John A., K 154th Ind.
Whitlock, Ambrose, Major U S A
Weston, John, 16th Mass. Inf.
Yount, John M., K 86th Ind.