Wills - Eli

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review Nov 13, 1963 p 4
Eli Wills, 73, Rt. 3 was fatally stricken apparently from a heart ailment shortly after noon Wednesday while visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bill Patton near Yountsville. The fire department resuscitator squad was called and an ambulance brought him to Culver Hospital but he was pronounced dead on arrival at 12:45 p.m. Mr. Wills was a son of Joel P. and Frances Catherine Ramsey Wills and was born near Kirkpatrick in Tippecanoe Co Jan 22, 1890. He was never married. He attended Bowers School and farmed for some time north of Waynetown. He had lived the last 18 years about 8 miles southwest of here, near New Market. He was a WWI veteran serving in the infantry overseas. Surviving are two brothers, Roy and James WIlls of Crawfordsville and three sisters, Mrs. Thursa Gentry of New Market, Mrs. Arminta Hutchison of Veedersburg and Mrs. Thomas Slavens of Smartsburg. Preceding him in death were two brothers and a sister. Funeral services are set for 2 p.m .Saturday at the Bright Funeral Home with Rev. John Servies officiating and burial in Waynetown Masonic Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home after noon Friday.