Williamson - RF -CW
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 15 February 1901
Franklin Township has an old soldier of the 10th Ind. Reg. who enlisted when a mere boy, marched and fought with his regiment until the second day’s fight at Chickamauga, when he was captured, run the gauntlet of the various rebel prisons and finally, more dead than alive, landed in Andersonville, where for more than a year he starved, suffered and worse than died. Then he got away and for weary months struggled north with the North Star as his guide, the black man his only friend, until, a mere skeleton, he reached the Union lines after two years of suffering. Such as only those that have passed through can realize, now after thirty five years, without a murmur he works and toils for his family and sees thousands of dollars paid quarterly to his comrades for services rendered the government, but not one cent for him. Why? From the fact that to escape from worse than hell, he signed a rebel mustering roll and was on his way home next day. Time and again have congressmen and senators been petitioned in his behalf, while almost every day we see a number of private pension bills pass both houses. Eagerly we watch, but none for R. F. Williamson.