White - David Eugene - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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White - David Eugene

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 12 March 1956 p 8

Funeral services were held Monday afternoon for David Eugene White, infant son of William and Marjorie Gooding White of Lafayette Pike, Crawfordsville who was born at 7:30 a.m. and died at 3:45 p.m. Sunday at Culver Hospital.  

Services were at Servies Funeral Home in Waynetown. There was a graveside service at the Waynetown Masonic Cemetery, Rev. William Clark officiating.  

The child is survived by his parents; a sister, Precious Diana White; the paternal grandparents, Rev. Clyde and Florence Peffley, of Lafayette Pike, Crawfordsville and the maternal grandparents, Kenneth and Fern Gooding of near Hillsboro. - kbz
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