Warrick - Brian Kevin - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Warrick - Brian Kevin

Source Crawfordsville Journal-Review 25 May 1964 p 9

Veedersburg - Brian Kevin Warrick, infant son of Robert E. and Betty Tubbs Warrick died Sunday morning in their home. The baby had been ill from birth Feb 19 and had been in Riley Hospital at Indianapolis 28 days.

Surviving besides the parents are six brothers and three sisters: Larry, Gary, Bobby, Michael, Gregg and Timmie and Martha Darlene and Janet and the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Tubbs of Veedersburg. A brother is deceased.  A prayer service was held at 2 p.m. Monday at Fishero Funeral Home, followed by graveside rites in Waynetown Masonic Cemetery with Rev. Allen Lehmann officiating. - kbz
Source: "Obituaries  - Year - 1960  Volume B" from the Covington Public Library. Year 1964

VEEDERSBURG — Prayer services were at 2 p.m. Monday, May 25 at the Fishero Funeral Home for Brian Kevin Warrick, infant son of Robert D. and Betty Tubbs Warrick.
Graveside rites were conducted at the Waynetown Masonic Cemetery with Rev. Allen Lehmann officiating.
The infant passed away at its parents home Sunday morning.  The baby had been ill sine his birth February 19, 1964 at the St. Elizabeth Hospital, Danville, Ill. It had been in the Riley Hospital, Indianapolis for 28 days.
Surviving besides the parents, are six brothers and three sisters Larry, Gary, Bobby, Michael, Gregg and Timmie and Martha, Darlene and Janet, and the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Tubbs of Veedersburg.  A brother is deceased.e: Crawfordsville
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