Warren - James - 1982 - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Warren - James - 1982

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review June 15, 1982 p 2

Waynetown  -James Warren, 80 died at 9:50 p.m. Monday at Culver Hospital. He had owned and operated Wayne Auto Co. He was also president of American National Feed and Mineral Cor; (ANAFAM( and of the Hillsboro, Veedersburg and Attica grain elevators. He retired in 1977.  He was a member of the Waynetown Christian Church where he had served as elder and held other offices. He was graduated in 1920 from Hillsboro HS and attended Indiana State University.

He worked in England during WWII as a civilian for Bendix Avaiation Corp as an instructor for carbureeeeeetor technicians. He later traveled throughout the western states for the Army and Navy teaching direct in jection of carbureation for airplanes.

Born Dec 23, 1901 east of Newtown he was a son of James B. and Nina Davis.  He was married Oct 6, 1923 to Mabel Graves of Hillsboro. She survives.  He was preceded in death by an infant son, James Gerald, two brothers and a sister.  Services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday in Thomas Funeral Home with Rev. Dorman Winger officiating. Friends may call at the funeral home after 2 p.m Wednesday. Interment will be in Waynetown Masonic Cemetery. - kbz

Source: Fountain County Star Thursday, June 17, 1982

  James Warren of Waynetown, age 80, died Monday night, June 14, in Culver Hospital at Crawfordsville, He was born east of Newtown, December 23, 1901, the son of James B. and Nin Davis Warren. October 6, 1923, he married Mabel Graves, who survives. A member of Waynetown Christian Church, he was owner of Wayne Auto Company until 1977.

  He had served as president of the American National Feed and Mineral Corporation and as president of grain elevators at Veedersburg, Hillsboro and Attica, Warren was an employee of Bendix Aviation Corporation during World War II and served as a civilian instructor for carburetor technicians.

  Funeral services were held this afternoon (Thursday) at Thomas Funeral Home in Waynetown with Rev. Dorman Winger officiating. Burial was in Waynetown Masonic Cemetery.-s

Source: Indiana State Department of Health Burial Permit

Warren, James Davis
Died: June 14. 1982 (sic)
Male White age 80
Died: Crawfordsville Montgomery Indiana
Funeral Establishment: Thomas Funeral Home PO Box 331 Waynetown Indiana 47990
Dr. FN Daugherty. Crawfordsville, Indiana 47933
Issued: June 15, 1983 (sic) - believe this one is wrong and it is 1982

Date of Internment  June 17, 1982 (sic)

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