Ward - inf of Orville - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Ward - inf of Orville

Source: Crawfordsville Journal-Review Nov 21, 1963 p 14

Waynetown - Graveside rites were held at 2 p.m. today at Masonic Cemetery here for the infant son of Orville and Phyllis Gray Ward of Rt 1, Waynetown. The baby was dead at birth at 6:25 p.m. Tuesday at Culver Hospital at Crawfordsville.  Rev. Clyde Peck of Crawfordsville officiated.

Survivors include the parents: twin sisters, Bonnie Lou and Connie Sue, a brother, Dwane; the grandparents Madde ? and Wren Ward and Frank and Lorene Gray all of Rt 1, Hillsboro and great grandparents, Bill and Virgie Ward at Bargersville and Emma Gray and Ann Swain of Rt 1, Hillsboro. - kbz
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