Wann - Raymond - WWII
Source: Fountain County Star Thursday 2 June 1983
Dr. Raymond W. Wann of Wingate, age 70, died Friday morning, May 27, in the hospice center of St. Vincent Hospital at Indianapolis. He was born near Kingman, April 10, 1913, the son of Roland and Anna Samuels Wann. December 24, 1938, he married Ora Lea Riepe, who survives. Wann attended the old Lodi Baptist Church and was a graduate of Perrysville High School. He received his doctor of veterinary medical degree from Kansas State University in 1938.
He practiced at Wabash from 1938 to 1940 and in Wingate from 1940 to 1965. He then served as a federal meat inspector, retiring in 1976. He was an Army veteran of World War II and a member of Indiana Veterinarian Medical Association, American Veterinarian Medical Association, Wingate Masonic Lodge, Indianapolis Scottish Rite, and Wingate American Legion Post. – kbz