WALLACE, William "Noble"

Source: Crawfordsville Review Monday (sic should be Saturday) Feb 26, 1917 -- sic- should be 1916)
A valuable addition has been made to the many valuable keepsakes and relics in the Wallace museum, Noble Wallace, grandson of Lew Wallace has sent his equipment used in the service in France during the past year to the custodian of the Wallace estate, Mr. Walter E. Elliott, who has placed the things in the museum. The equipment consists of the coate, bearing the Red Cross, a helmet of thick steel, a hand sword and the canteen, and other things necessary for living. There is an extra helmet, apparently a German helmet of iron, several kinds of hand grenades and a number of the larger size shells used, together with machine gun cartridges. Several large French posters were also brought home. One of these shows work being done in the hospital work, another a soldier throwing grenades and a third, the French soldiers filling up the ranks, which have been depleted by German fire. Mr. Wallace took several pictures of the fightling line, himself. One of these on exhibit, shows him in his American Red Cross ambulance, another bringing a wounded French soldier in and a third a pile of used shells, after a bombardment. The pile is higher than a man's head and runs in a long line for many hundred yards. There have been hundreds at the Wallace museum in the last year. The last 9 months show 5,000. At one time, 485 went through the museum and registered.. Sevearl governors, ex-governors and many senators congressmen and others have registered in the book at the museum. The place is kept in excellent condition and is shown and described graphically by Mr. Elliott, the custodian.
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 31 October 1918
A telegram was received this morning by relatives in this city stating that Lt. Noble Wallace, grandson of Gen. Lew Wallace, had been killed in action "over there." Lt. Wallace was the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wallace of Indianapolis. At the time of his death he was 23 years old, and had just recently received his commission as a first lieutenant in the army. He was graduated from Yale with the class of 1916, and had previous to his graduation, been in the French Army with the ambulance corps. After he was relieved from duty there he came back to America and completed his senior year in Yale. He had great literary ability and was desirous of following in the footsteps of his grandfather, but immediately after he received his degree he enlisted in the marine corps and was again sent to France. In May word came that he had been wounded, but he was soon back again with his company in the front lines. When he first went back into the trenches the men in his company gave a banquet and entertainment in his honor to show their appreciation of the way he had treated them. Lt. Wallace has an older brother Capt. Lewis Wallace, who was in the secret service of the government and sailed for France only a month ago. He was married last December and the deceased was able to be at home for the wedding. He returned to France, however, in February. Lt. Wallace is a nephew of Col. Elston of this city and a cousin of Miss Helen Elston Smith also of this city.