Tribbett -- Anna Cox - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Tribbett -- Anna Cox

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Friday, Jan 15, 1909

"Gravelly Run News dated Jan 12" Mrs. John Tribbett, well known to many people of this county, having been a resident of same until a few years ago, is seriously sick at her home in Thorntown.

Source: p 58 of James Tribbett Family of Indiana by Louis W. Tribbett (probably from the Darlington or Thorntown newspaper - dated Jan 15, 1909; however this is her death date)

After attaining the ripe age of more than 4 score, Aunt Anna Tribbett passed peacefully from earth lat Friday evening. She was conscious wihin a few hours of death and bade farewell to her family and loved ones. Having made her own arrangements for burial, she gave directions that her grandsons lower her in her grave and her granddaughters acct as flower bearers. She was a daughter of Elijah & Rachel Cox and was born in Darlington, Montgomery County, Dec 16, 1827, and grew to womanhood near this place. She was married to John Tribbett Dec 24, 1846. To this union were born 8 children: Clinton, Franklin, Albert and Charley, Mrs. Emily Souders, Mrs. Sarah Henderson, Mrs. Rachel Needham and Alice who lived at home and cared for her mother. On Sept 24, 1898 the father died and on Feb 24, 1905 the third son, Franklin passed to the spirit hand. She leaves two aged sisters, Mrs. Rachel Peacock, of Darlington and Mrs. Elizabeth Townsend, of Plainfield beside her children, 25 grandchildren and 25 great grandchildren to mourn the loss of a dear loving mother, grandmother and sister. She was a member of the Friends Church by birth but after marriage she and her husband became members of the ME Church and remained so until death. Having been in the Darlington vicinity through girlhood and womanhood for a period of 70 years, she was well and widely known, being particularly kind in sickness and to having a knack of giving home cheer. She was a loving Christian mother, her life an open book, left in memory of her loved ones. Her greatest pleasure was to study the Bible and hear the Songs of Zion. Although shut in from the world by ill health and afflictions for a number of years she praised and worshipped in the home and manifested every act a pure, clean, Christian soul could attain. Thus a noble mother has gone. The funeral which was conducted by Rev. Williams assisted by Rev. Cooper of Veedersburg, was held Sunday at Thorntown where she had lived since retiring form the farm 14 years ago. Interment at IOOF Cemetery at Darlington.
"The house seems so lone and deserted
And our hearts are breaking and sore
For mother has gone on a journey
And we know she will come back no more
The books she loved and her bible
Lay where she left them there,
The work box and thimble are idle
And idle her easy chair
Then there in the sometime we'll meet her
From earth's sorrow and trials set free,
Meet mother, father and loved ones
What a glorious time that will be!
---- A great grand daughter

Source: Indianapolis News Tue 19 Jan 1909 p 5

Darlington, Ind Jan 19 – The body of Mrs. Anna Tribbett who died at Thorntown was buried here. She was 84 years of age and well known over the country. She leaves three sons  and four daughters: (Clint, Albert, Charles and Mrs. Art Weedham -sic – Needham; Mrs. JB Henderson; Mrs. Cyrus Mullen and Miss Alice Tribbett).

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