Thompson - Thomas - 1915 - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Thompson - Thomas - 1915

Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana July 23, 1915

Thomas THOMPSON of Bellmore, who has been building gravel roads in the vicinity of Terre Haute was fatally injured at Stop 10 on the Brazil traction line on Wednesday morning of last week. He was driving parallel to a traction car and it is supposed that his auto struck a rut and was thrown onto the track in front of it. His skull was crushed and his right leg broken in two places. The Tribune says; "According to the motorman of the car, Thompson, who has been doing some work on a bridge east of Stop 10- was driving beside the track just ahead of the car, when suddenly the auto appeared to strike a rut and was hurled directly in the path of the interurban. The auto was struck squarely and hurled to the side of the road. Thompson was picked up a dozen feet away, unconscious."  The accident took place at 11 o'clock and he died at 3 in the afternoon in a Terre Haute hospital. The body was interred at Rockville. It will be remembered that a brother, James Thompson, was killed at Rosedale, a few months ago by falling down the hotel stairs. The men were brother-in-law of the late Samuel Smith. - kbz
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