Swank - Asbury - 1863
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 23 April 1863 p 3
Notice is hereby given that letters of Administration have been granted to the undersigned on the Estate of Asbury Swank, late of Montgomery County, Indiana, deceased. Said estate is supposed to be solvent. William B. Hunt, Administrator
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 23 April 1863 p 3
Notice is hereby given that I will sell at Public Auction on Saturday the 2d day of May 1863 at the late residence of Asbury Swank, deceased, about 3 miles northwest of Crawfordsville, his personal property, consisting in part of the following articles: horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, 2-horse wagon; one buggy; farming implements, wheat in the ground, wheat in the bushel, corn & c. Terms – a credit of nine months will be given on all sums over three dollars, the purchaser giving notes with approved security without relief from valuation laws. William B. Hunt, Administrator