Sutton - John Edmund
Source: Weekly Argus News 13 Jan 1900 p 11
JE Sutton, editor and proprietor of the Logansport Reporter and very well known in Crawfordsville killed himself Saturday at a lodging house at St. Paul, Minn. Sutton was returning from a trip to the Pacific Slope and while at St. Paul engaged a room in a lodging house. He then went to the room, wrote words, “I tried to die game,” on a business card, took a seat in a chair and placed the car in his lap. He then took his pistol, placed the muzzle in his mouth and pulled the trigger. Death was instantaneous. Sutton was 36 years old and had a wife and children. He started the Logansport Reporter nine years ago. Business reverses are supposed to be the cause of his rash act.
Note: This is John Edmund Sutton born 21 oct 1863 Fulton County Indiana died Ramsey County, Minnesota 6 Jan 1900 age 36. Buried Mount Hope Logansport, Cass Co IN