Surface C. B. - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Surface C. B.

Source: Waveland Independent
Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana
May 9, 1919

CH Ault of Rockville and CB Surface of Crawfordsville were  both instantly killed on Thurs. afternoon of last week at the  Mathas crossing of the CI&W E. of Montezuma when their car  was struck by the W. bound passenger. Both were employees of  Schlosser Bros. Mr. Surface being the field manager for this  territory and being well and favorably known. His parents live at  New Market. He was 31 years old and leaves a wife and two little  sons, Clayton and Lawrence. The crossing, which is a bad one, was  protected by an automatic bell, but parties living near said it  was not working satisfactorily. - transcribed & contributed by kbz
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