Stover - Mildred - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Stover - Mildred

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Sept 7, 1911 p 1

- Miss Mildred Ann Stover, aged 52 years died this morning at 7 at her home two miles north of this city, after an illness of two weeks duration with pneumonia.. She was the daughter of Isaac and Nancy Stover and was born near here March 4, 1889. She is survived by two brothers, Frank and John F of near here and two sisters, Mrs. Martha Townsley of Chalmers, Ind and Mrs. Rhoda Stover McAllister. The funeral services will be held at the Primitive Baptist Church of which the deceased was a faithful member on Saturday morning at 10 and will be in charge of Rev. JH Oliphant. Interment will be made in Oak Hill. -- kbz
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