Stockdale - Michael Ernest

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 24 Dec 1965 p 4 typed by Walt W
Wingate -- Ernest Stockdale, 57, for many years in the poultry business here, was fatally stricken in front of the Stockdale Poultry Co. building Thursday morning. His body was found at 11 a.m. by Claude McCauley, who had gone there on business, lying on the ground just outside the building. Born Nov. 19, 1908, near Wingate in Coal Creek Township, he was a son of William Henry and Mary Arilla Neal Stockdale. He was a Wingate High School graduate and attended business college at Danville, Ill. He lived in and near Wingate all his life. Mr. Stockdale was married Dec. 31, 1935 to Mary Ruger, who preceded him in death. On Oct. 13, 1946 he was wed to Beatrice Bland of Nashville, Tenn., who survives and with whom he operated the Wingate Restaurant. He began in the poultry business with the late Ben Utterback in 1945 after serving in 1942-45 as a tech sergeant with the U.S. Army in North Africa and France. Mr. Stockdale had owned the poultry firm since 1960. He was a member of the United Church of Christ and a charter member of American Legion Post 174. Surviving besides the wife are a son, John R. of Terre Haute; two granddaughters and a grandson; five sisters, Mrs. Edith Foley and Mrs. Alta Utterback of Wingate, Mrs. Hallie Palin of Rt. 1 Wingate; Mrs. Neta Walsh of Chicago and Mrs. Opela Yetter of Indianapolis; two brothers, Walter of Durand, Ill., and Gordon N., Wingate postmaster, and nieces and nephews. Funeral services are announced for 2:30 p.m. Sunday at Servies Funeral Home in Waynetown. Rev. Scott Comrie will officiate, and burial will be in Rose Hill Cemetery at Hillsboro. Friends may call at the funeral home after 6 p.m. Saturday.
Source: obituary in a scrapbook from a collection of Fauniel Hershberger's typed by Walt W
Wingate -- Funeral services for Michael Ernest Stockdale who died unexpectedly Thursday, were held at 2:30 Sunday afternoon at the Servies Funeral Home in Waynetown. The minister was the Rev. G. S. Comrie, pastor of Pleasant Hill Church. Mrs. James Grenard, organist, played a group favorite hymns. The pall bearers were nephews, Donald Palin, David Palin, Fred Stockdale, William Stockdale, Donald Stockdale and Richard Martin. Interment was in Rose Hill Cemetery Hillsboro. There, Wiley Robbins and Don Gross of the American Legion Post No. 174 who had attended services in a group, folded the Flag from the casket and presented it to Mrs. Stockdale. Michael Ernest Stockdale was born Nov. 19, 1908, in Coal Creek township, near Wingate, the son of William Henry and Mary Arilla Stockdale, and lived all his life in this county. On Dec. 31, 1935 he married Mary Ruger, who is now deceased. On Oct. 13, 1946, he married Beatrice Bland of Nashville, Tenn. Ernest was a member of the Wingate United Church of Christ, a charter member of American Legion Post No. 174 of Wingate. He was a graduate of Wingate school, attended Danville Business College as an accountant. He served in World War II 1942-1945 as Technical Sergeant, saw service in North Africa and South France. Mr. Stockdale began in the poultry business with the late Ben Utterback in 1945, and became owner of the business in 1960. It was in front of the poultry building that he was found lying lifeless on the ground, by Claud McCauley who had gone there on a business errand. He had suffered a heart attack. Mr, and Mrs. Stockdale operated the up-town restaurant, which Mrs. Stockdale will continue to operate. Mr. Stockdale is survived by his wife, one son John R. Stockdale, two granddaughters and one grandson of Terre Haute, five sisters Mrs. Edith Foley and Mrs. Alta Utterback of Wingate, Mrs. Hallie Palin of Route 1, Wingate, Mrs. Oneta Walsh of Chicago, Ill., and Mrs. Opal Yetter of Indianapolis; two brothers, Walter Stockdale of Durand, Ill. and Gordon N. Stockdale of Wingate and a number of nieces and nephews.