Stewart - Ralph Erskine - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Stewart - Ralph Erskine

Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Friday Oct 12, 1900

Rev. Ralph Erskine Stewart was born near Xenia, Ohio Aug 10, 1853 and died Oct 10, 1900 at his home on South Cross Street, Waveland Ind. He was educated at McCorkle College in Ohio. He was licensed to preach at New Brighton, PA in 1871, and was ordained at Pleasant Run, Ind in 1885 where he filled the position of pastor until 1897, then accepted the Portland Mills Church of which he was pastor at death. On May 23, 1882 he was married to Miss Maggie Atchison to this union 4 children were born all of whom survive. He also leaves a wife, an aged mother, one brother, Samuel who came from Witchita, Kansas to attend the funeral, arriving a few hours before death. Funeral services were conducted at the fmaily residence at half past 10 o'clock Thursday morning by Rev. WM McNeel of Sleethe; interment at Portland Mills. - kbz

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 12 October 1900

Rev. R. A. Stewart, of Waveland, died Tuesday after a short illness. He was about fifty years of age and leaves a family. He was a man well liked in the community. -s

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