Steele - John

Source: Crawfordsville Review Tuesday Feb 1, 1916
John W. STEELE son of David and Eliza Milholland Steele was born Aug 29, 1853 near Alamo and departed this life Jan 15, 1916 at age 62 Years 4 months 17 days. On Sept 24, 1874 he was united in marriage to Mary H. Crane. To this union 4 children were born. 3 sons and one daughter besides the widow and four children, Frank Arley, Wlater, Mrs. Lida Lewllen, he is survived by two brothers, David Steele of Crawfordsville and Charles Steele, Joliet, Il. Name (sic - Many? or Nine?) grandchildren, besides a host of friends and relatives to mourn his death. For 26 years he gave a home to grandma Crane and Lizzie Crane and nephew Bert Crane, he united with the United Brethren Church many years ago of which he remained a member until death. The funeral occurred Monday Jan 17 at the ome. Rev. Elder of Idaville officiated. The pallbearers were Oliver McLeod, Jerry Bollman, John Valentine, Walter and Santford Nutt, friends and neighbors of the deceas. The body was laid to rest in the Masonic cemetery in this city.
Source: Crawfordsville Review Mon Jan 17, 1916
While seated at the supper table Saturday evening John STEELE of 4 miles south of here had a sudden attack of heart trouble and died before a physician could arrive. He had just recovered from a severe attack of grip and rheumatism. Friday his condition had improved to such an extent that he told his doctor there would be no further need for him calling. He had just finished a hearty meal when he suffered a smothering spell. The Dr. was hastily summoned but he was dead before any medical aid could be given. He was 62. It was said he showed no symptoms of heart trouble during his recent illness. His death was attributed to acute dialation of the heart. Mr. Steele was born in this county and resided on a farm all his life. He wasmarried to Mrs. Steele 41 years ago, she survives. The deceased was a member of United Brethren Church and Odd Fellows. Three sons, Frank Steeke, NE of here; Walter Steele west of city and Harley Steele of this city and one daughter, Mrs. Harve Lewellen of Crawfordsville survive. Two brothers Charles Steele of Joliett Ill and David Steele of Stump school neibhrhood also survive. The funeral will be at the late home Monday afternoon 2 o'clock, Rev. John Elder United Brethrern pastor at Idaville will officiate. Interment Masonic Cemetery, this city.
Source: The Indianapolis Star - Saturday 9 January 1915 p 5
Crawfordsville - John Steele, 70, a civil war veteran, is dead at his home in Waveland. He is survived by a widow and eight children.