STEELE, Robert R.

Source: Found in belongings of Carroll Dean Morgan a "In Memory card" Robert R. Steele born Jan 14, 1926 - died May 19, 1951 -- need to get OBITUARY FOR HIM
Funeral Card: Rites from Noble Reeves Funeral Home Feb 6, 1952
Officiating Clergy: Rev. Ernest Prevo
Itnered at Masonic Cemetery
Noble Reeves, director
Source: Letter from Clayton Morgan to his mother -- Clayt was killed in action in Korea -
Note - noon – Dear Folks, I got your letter yesterday eve. It was only six days coming. That s the quickest I ever got one you talk about rain. It started raining yesterday about noon, it drizzles on us all afternoon at that inspection & by 4 o’clock it was a regular down pour. It rained all night & this morning. It has stopped for a little while now, but it looks like it will cut loose any minute. It just comes right straight down & it has just about washed us away. It’s a funny thing all the time I have been over here I haven’t seen a bit of lightning or heard any thunder. It kind of looks like we’re in for that rainy season. By the way we’re still here in the same place. We may stay here awhile longer because I understand we have to string barbed wire in front of those positions. That is going to be a hell of a job on this mountain side & worse if it rains every day. I got a letter from Don Ewbank yesterday too. He’s in London seems to have a good deal there. I still can’t quite understand Bob Steel. If they know he’s dead I believe his folks would have heard by now.