STALNAKER, Leonard Allen

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 27 Feb 1968 p 7, typed by Walt W
Army Spec. 4 Leonard A. Stalnaker, 21, has been killed in action in Vietnam, according to word received by his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil M. Hayes, Rt. 4, in whose home he was reared. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes, who reside in the Elmdale area, were notified Feb. 12 that their grandson was missing in action. Military officials Monday informed them that the young soldier had died in combat near Saigon on Feb. 8. Spec. 4 Stalnaker, a 1964 graduate of Waynetown High School, had been in Vietnam since February of 1967. Drafted by the Army, he received basic training at Fort Knox, Ky., and was stationed in Louisiana for a time before going to Vietnam. He was a graduate of Howard Sams Institute at Indianapolis and was employed by L & E Engineering at Indianapolis when drafted. While attending Waynetown High School he was a member of the track team. He was a member of the Waynetown Baptist Church. Leonard Allen Stalnaker was born July 30, 1946, at Indianapolis, the son of Mrs. Ethel Stalnaker and the late Walter Stalnaker. He had made his home with his grandparents since the age of 8. Survivors in addition to the grandparents are the mother, a brother, Walter Stalnaker Jr. of Indianapolis; and a sister, Mrs. John (Mary) Maryfield of Indianapolis. Military sources gave no indication when the body would be returned for funeral services and burial. Spec. 4 Stalnaker is the third Montgomery County serviceman to lose his life by enemy action in Vietnam.
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 2 Mar 1968 p 2 typed by Walt W
WAYNETOWN — Funeral services for Leonard Allen Stalnaker, who was killed in action in Vietnam, were held Thursday afternoon in the Servies-Thomas Funeral Home here. Rev. Myron Hinton, pastor of the Waynetown Baptist Church, officiated. Mrs. Nellie Snyder played familiar hymns on the organ. Pallbearers who also assisted with the floral tributes were servicemen from Ft. Benjamin Harrison at Indianapolis. Burial was in the Waynetown Masonic Cemetery, where graveside military rites were given by th representatives from the fort. Lt. S. J. Fisher, service assistance officer of the casualty branch was in charge. Stalnaker, a 1964 graduate of Waynetown High School, had been in Vietnam since February of 1967. He was a graduate of Howard Sams Institute in Indianapolis, and was employed by a capital engineering firm before entering the service. He was the third County serviceman to lose his life in hostile action in Vietnam.