Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 2 August 1901
James P. Stallard, living near New Richmond, died Sunday afternoon of nervous trouble, aged 63 years. The funeral occurred on Monday at the home, the interment being at Sugar Grove. The deceased was well known and was a member of the 20th Indiana Infantry in the civil war. -- kh
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 9 August 1901 New Richmond -
James Stallard, a veteran of the civil war, died at his home near Sugar Grove Sunday, and was buried Monday afternoon. - thanks to Kim H
Source: Crawfordsville Daily - News Review July 29, 1901
James Stallard, a respected citizen of Tippecanoe County died yesterday at his home in Sugar Grove. He was 63 years of age and has been an invalid several years. His demise was due to general nervous disorders. Mr. Stallard was a soldier in the civil war. He leaves a wife and two grown daughters. The funeral took place this afternoon and the remains were laid to rest at Sugar Grove cemetery. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 9 August 1901
James Stallard, an old soldier, whose home was in Tippecanoe County near Sugar Grove, died the latter part of last week. The funeral was conducted at Sugar Grove Monday afternoon by Rev. J. J. Claypool. Mr. Stallard was about 63 years old, and was the son of Rev. Jacob Stallard, the well known Methodist minister. He had been a sufferer 25 years or more, from the effects of army life and had been entirely helpless for a number of years. His brother-in-law, Wm Neely, died at his home in Kansas a few weeks ago at about the same age. He was a long resident of this community and well known here. Their wives were the daughters of the late Noah Isley. - thanks muches to S