SPILLMAN, Theodore

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review, March 29, 1926
Theodore B. Spillman, for nineteen years a local postal employee died suddenly at his home, 104 Woodlawn avenue, Saturday night about nine o'clock. Death was caused by heart trouble, Mr Spillman dying a short time after suffering the attack. He was born September 10, 1875, in this city, the son of M.I. and Agnes R. Spillman. On April 19, 1924, he was married to Marie Gillem. Mrs. Spillman had lived in this city his entire life and during the past nineteen years had been a mail carrier. He was a veteran of the Spanish American war and was a member of the Baptist church. His grandfather Spillman settled in this city in 1840 as one of the earliest pioneers. He is survived by his wife, one son by a former marriage, Louis Spillman of New York City, and two brothers, Frank Spillman of Crawfordsville and Mark L. Spillman of Claredon, Va. The funeral services will be conducted from the home 104 Woodlawn Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock with the Rev. Fillmore in charge. Burial will be made at Oak Hill cemetery. A military service in charge of the Spanish-American War veteran will be held at the grave. - thanks to Kim H