Spencer - Walter W

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 9 Jan 1959 p 1 typed by Walt W
Walter W. Spencer, 64, prominent Crawfordsville attorney and World War I veteran, died Friday morning in Culver Hospital where he had been a medical patient since last Dec. 12. He had been in failing health several years and seriously ill since last October. Born Jan. 2, 1895 at Neoga, Ill., Mr. Spencer, who had been active in church, civic and fraternal affairs most of his life, was the son of John and Sena White Spencer. His childhood was spent in Veedersburg where he was gradated from high school. Mr. Spencer attended Wabash College and graduated from the Indiana University Law School. He began the practice of law in this city in 1920. During World War I Mr. Spencer served with the First AEF in France and later with the American Army of Occupation in Germany. Mr. Spencer was a 38-year member of Byron Cox Post of the American Legion and commander of the post in 1925. During his term as commander he represented the post at the Legion's national convention in New Orleans. He was a member of the Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church, Crawfordsville Elks Lodge, Indiana State Bar Assn., Montgomery County Bar Assn., Montgomery Lodge No. 50, F&AM, Crawfordsville Chapter Royal Arch Masons No. 40, Montgomery Council Royal and Select Masons No. 34, Crawfordsville Commandery No. 25, Knights Templar and Athens Chapter No. 97, Order of Eastern Star. He was master of the Montgomery Lodge in 1931. Mr. Spencer also was a former chairman of the Montgomery County Selective Service Board. In addition he was active in the Indiana Reserve Officers Assn. for a number of years. He also was a member of the Crawfordsville Rotary Club. Mr. Spencer married Miss Jean Springer of Crawfordsville in August, 1924. The family home is at 111 Wallace Ave. Survivors include the widow; a son, Thomas Spencer of Miami, Fla.; a daughter, Mrs. Richard Hyatt of Sebring, Fla.; a sister, Mrs. Hardy Dice of Converse, Ind., and two granddaughters, Susan and Julia Hyatt. He was preceded in death by a brother, Hershel Spencer, who died in Indianapolis last October. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Monday in the Bright Funeral Home, with burial at Rockfield Cemetery near Veedersburg. Rev. John DeKruyter, pastor of the Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church, will be the officiating minister. Friends may call at the funeral home, beginning at noon Sunday.